Windows 7 upgraded - very neat and clean upgrade

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BernieD said:
Not trying to argue, just hardware and software environments can provide different results.

You are exactly correct Bernie - the hardware platform can make a substantial difference in how well the operating system or applications perform.  Some environments don't play well with Vista.
I'm loving the Windows 7 (its amazingly fast), but the IE 8 that came with it has some compatibility issues.
John Canfield said:
Mark - IE8 has a 'compatibility mode' that might solve your problems.  Try Firefox with AdBlock Plus (free add-on) that blocks about 99% of advertising.

WOW!  I just found the "Compatiblilty" button, pushed it, and NOW I am able to log into some of the websites I was unable to before!  Thanks John!  What I did was click on the button, close down IE8, open it again, and wala.....log in successful!
To expand a little bit on what John said about Firefox, it's a MUCH more user-friendly browser.  I have mine set up with all of the websites I frequent lined up across a taskbar.

John mentioned AdBlock Plus.  Firefox does a pretty good job of keeping unwanted ads at bay, but ABP builds on that and makes it darn near perfect.

Also, if there's something you want to keep up on (weather, news, etc.), there is probably a free add-on application for it.

I tried IE8, but after Firefox, I'll never go back.
FrontrangeRVer said:
WOW!  I just found the "Compatiblilty" button, pushed it, and NOW I am able to log into some of the websites I was unable to before!  Thanks John!  What I did was click on the button, close down IE8, open it again, and wala.....log in successful!

Whoo-hoo - a lucky guess  :D

JNewkirk77 said:
I tried IE8, but after Firefox, I'll never go back.

Amen, amen, brother!!
Hate to throw a wet towel on all the euphoria, but today I checked store prices on Win 7. I couldn't help asking myself aloud in the store "why should I pay to fix the shortcomings in Vista?" This is deja vu all over again (many times); Microsoft charges people to fix things they didn't do right in the first place. I didn't purchase the upgrade.
No one forces you to upgrade to Windows 7 but the improvements are far beyond just bug fixes.  Bugs are handled with the monthly (or more frequent) Windows Updates.  If you're happy with Vista or XP, there is no compelling reason to upgrade to Windows 7.  Those of us that want the new features and improved old features will upgrade.

Or, like John, run Linux.  It has updates almost daily :)

I'm confused; I know you run Linux on some machines, but didn't you also just upgrade to Win 7  ???
[quote author=Ned]No one forces you to upgrade to Windows 7...[/quote]

Never suggested they did.

When I was in corporate America, if we designed/built/delivered a complex product that didn't perform as expected &/or had problems, we didn't/wouldn't/couldn't charge the customer to redesign/rebuild.

With the resources that MS has, and the numerous volunteer beta  testers, there's really no excuse for them to deliver the buggy stuff they deliver, and absolutely no reason they should charge for fixing the limitations of the product. Calling them "new or enhanced features" is, at best, fooling the consumer.

By all means continue to line the pockets of MS and its over-paid people and, in so doing, encourage them to continually produce buggy &/or underperforming, over-bloated software.

There's a reason that Bill is the, or one of the, richest people on the planet  ;)  BTW MS has the largest number of $millionaire employees of any company. They respectfully ask that y'all continue to send them your hard earned $$.
Tom said:
I'm confused; I know you run Linux on some machines, but didn't you also just upgrade to Win 7  ???

Tom - nope.. not doing W7 yet but I will at some point since I'm a geek  ;)  Your critique of Microsoft I believe is accurate and well said.  Bill G. happens to have quite a bit of technical and business prowess so here we are with W7.  I think Apple's OSX is by far the absolutely best operating system - it has the efficiency and robustness of Unix with the corporate commitment to make certain all of the apps play well together.
I got that three pack of Windows 7.

From the first install, I learned what to do for the second, so I could have it completely install when I am not even at home.

Here's some advice to those who are going to install it.

1. Uninstall  I-tunes if you have it installed, or it will stop the installation after it checks for compatibility. And then you have to start over.

2. Turn all passwords off BEFORE  upgrading. That way you can leave the computer for  hours while installing and not have to enter any passwords. Or else you have to enter the password at every reboot and there are several reboots.

I was able to completely upgrade this computer to Win7 from the start to end without even being home. 

-Don- SSF, CA​

[quote author=John Canfield]... with the corporate commitment to make certain all of the apps play well together.[/quote]

Aye John, that's a commitment they've stuck to from the beginning.
Since Windows runs on the vast majority of desktops, both business and consumer, in the world, and I make a lot of money writing software for those Windows systems, I benefit a lot more from MS than they do from me.

But I run Linux on my netbook :)
I found it interesting that Best Buy was selling Toshiba notebooks with Win 7 for approx $350. Didn't stop to check the specs on the Toshiba, or which version of Win 7. I've been thinking of getting a "cheap" computer for my grandson to play on, and was tempted to take a closer look. But I was on a mission yesterday, and figured I'd take another look next time I'm in town.

I realize that OEMs pay only a fraction of the retail cost of a full OS package, but it stuck me as ironic that I could buy a laptop with Win 7 installed for that price. Retail prices I've seen for Win 7 Home Premium range from approx $123 to $216.
Tom said:
Hate to throw a wet towel on all the euphoria, but today I checked store prices on Win 7. I couldn't help asking myself aloud in the store "why should I pay to fix the shortcomings in Vista?" This is deja vu all over again (many times); Microsoft charges people to fix things they didn't do right in the first place. I didn't purchase the upgrade.


MS has a "Family 3 Pack Upgrade" which has licenses for up to 3 computers. Costco sells it for about $131. Not that bad.
Thanks Bernie. I didn't see the family pack when I was in Costco yesterday, although I wasn't specifically looking for it. For some reason, they'd moved and compressed (shrunk) the software area of this particular store since I was there last, and it appeared they didn't have as many software choices as I was used to seeing there.

Meanwhile, since it's not broke, I'm not going to fix it, unless/until I need to. I have 2 laptops running XP, one running Vista, and Chris' desktop is running Vista. I'll let y'all find the bugs while I sit back and watch the same old scene play over again.
Ned said:
Bugs are handled with the monthly (or more frequent) Windows Updates.

More frequent, I'd say so!  I get those things popping up every few DAYS.  

Ned said:
If you're happy with Vista or XP, there is no compelling reason to upgrade to Windows 7.

That pretty much says it for me.  And I could probably even qualify for the $30 W7 upgrade for students.  But I just don't see the need, and while I'm not thrilled to have Vista for "status" reasons (since it seems to be the "Windows ME" of this decade) I really have had no problems with it.  Microsoft is my opinion has some major R&D problems if they can't come up with an OS that will last more than a few years.  :p ::)

I can't afford a Mac but this commercial rings awfully true...
In case it's interesting, and slightly off topic, but I work in the Energy Trading industry and have traded in the very biggest trade floors in Houston with over 1,000 traders/people on each floor.  In over 25 years of trading, I have never seen a Mac anywhere....they just flat aren't the workhorse of the industry.  I ran 8 screens on my workstation when I was trading in Houston....on a PC.  ;)

Now, at my church (mega-church), all the musicians have Macs....  ;)

Sorry, not trying to change this thread to a Mac vs PC back to the Windows 7 upgraded chat!

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