Winnebago factory tour DVD

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
St Cloud Florida USA
I just got done watching a tour of the Forest City Winnebago plant (and about 3 ancillary plants) build a Vectra from the the chassis to completion. Extremely interesting. I have done the Forest City tour in person and it was really cool, but I learned more about RV construction with this video. If you own a Vectra this is something you must own.

It is a National Geographic collection called Ultimate Factories. It is a box set and contains 11 different factory tours. BMW, Corvette, Peterbuilt, Caterpiller, Fire Truck, Winnebago, M-1 Tank, John Deere, UPS Budweiser and Harley-Davidson.  The discs were produced in 2009. It is not a Blu-ray but it almost looks as good as a Blu-ray. Very high quality production as you would expect from NG.

There is a few eye rolling moments since it is full of Winnebago PR spins, like "Winnebago makes almost all of their own parts". But it is extremely educational and entertaining.

If this is the type of thing you enjoy watching there is also 5 DVD set of Ultimate Car Factories tours. These two sets are some of the best DVDs I have ever watched.
We took the Corvette factory tour a couple years ago when we were in Bowling Green. Very informative tour, very well done.
These episodes are also available to watch for free on the internet.  Just google the "Ultimate Factory Videos" and you should be able to find the different episodes.
They said in the Corvette program that they have a program in place where if you special order a Vet you can come to factory and be the one who drives it off the line. Some people who order a Vet basically camp out at the factory so they can watch the car being built.
SeilerBird said:
They said in the Corvette program that they have a program in place where if you special order a Vet you can come to factory and be the one who drives it off the line. Some people who order a Vet basically camp out at the factory so they can watch the car being built.

Yes, they mentioned that on the tour, but I didn't quite have enough pocket change for the down payment.  :)  We were in BG for my daughters softball Nationals. At the game the afternoon after we took the tour, she was on deck waiting to bat. One of the other parents on the team who was on the tour with us shouts to her, "Hannah, your dad says if you hit a homer, he'll buy you a Vette!"  Sure enough, first pitch over the centerfield fence.  She's still waiting to collect.

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