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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2010
Washington State
Has anyone come up with a step-by-step Winterizing/De-Winterizing process for the Winnebago Tour/Itasca 42xx?  Specifically interested in the aqua-hot, dishwasher, clothes washer, valve positions etc.  Some of the manuals have procedures for specific items but not the whole coach ie: sequence etc. 

Winne tech support stated they do not have a step-by-step process published.  It seems tha the older I get I need things written down so I don't forget anything.  ;D

Hope you take good notes and post them.  Pictures and or video?
We didn't take our filter out under the sink.  Tom blew the lines out and showed me how so I can when I get home.  But we forgot about the filter under the kitchen sink and it had water in it and busted, was only a problem when I started to fill the tanks.  It has a bypass as its just for the icemaker and the kitchen little filler but it was a mess with charcoal water going all over.

I'm not sure how you deal with inline filters, but I will turn this one off and remove it and take it in the house this time.
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