Wiring problem in front of coach

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New member
Aug 17, 2015
I just had my 2004 GB Pursuit power washed and now the front plugs are not working.  Where do I begin to identify the problem?  The plugs not working are the kitchen, plug under upper cabinet just to the right of the door and the TV plug.  Any suggestions will be appreciated. 

I am currently parked in a campground and I am alone.
Thanks for considering my situation.
Have you checked all circuit breakers? Manually check the handles, don't just rely on visual.  Also, is there a GFI on the outside that's tripped? High pressure from the wash could have sneaked in. Although it's not a usual configuration the other outlets could be connected downstream from a GFI.

Most likely an outside outlet got wet and tripped the GFCI for that circuit. The GFCI will be either on the circuit breaker in the load center, or the first outlet in the series on that circuit. Usually in the bathroom, since GFCI protection is required there as well as outside.
I would second Gary. Check for GFCI's normally there is one in the bathroom, may be more.  And power washing often trips them.

how to find hard to find GFCI's.

GFCI's come in two flavors for this post.. MOST of them have a tiny red telltale that lights to indicate they are tripped... In the evening when it's dim turn off lights and look for the teletale.

Alas, the others also have the telltale but it lights when they are "Set" as opposed to tripped.. I have only seen these in one installation (A church that is now closed).  Most RVs have the first type.
Sharon, we don't know how much you know, so just in case you don't know this...  To find the GFCI, look for an outlet (plug) that has a couple of buttons on it.  Firmly push one of the buttons in and see if that fixes the problem.  If it doesn't, push the other one in and check again.  One of the buttons is for testing the GFCI, the other is to reset it.
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