Workhorse Brake Recall...

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Richard 34A

Well-known member
Jan 9, 2009
Sonoma County, CA
Well, I've stayed away from both this forum and the Workhorse forum, since I always seem to get embroiled in the brake recall argument. Just wanted to say that this issue is now more than three years old, the ?recall? is now more than a year old and other than a couple of recall letters, I've got nothing more to show for all the effort of Workhorse and the NHTSA. My MH on a W20 chassis has never been repaired and up to this point, Workhorse has never even offered an inspection.

A member here pointed me to the current thread at the Workhorse forum 'Why We Have Brake Issues'... (there are currently a total of 7 brake' threads just on the first page, though that changes every few minutes due to which threads are being replied to.) since I was banned there quite some time ago due to my opposition of the lack of information from Workhorse, the lack of quality information posted in that forum by so-called insiders and the ridiculous length of time to even issue a recall, (worse yet is the lack of repairs actually being done) I find it laughable that this argument still rages over there. I can?t even be blamed for continuing the brake recall saga over there.

Guess it's true; some things never change.
Well. as you know they took a lot of time to be sure they have identified the issue. and it seems that it is indeed the BOSCH brakes in most cases (There are a very very few exceptions)

Bosch, I'm told has made the engineering changes, changing both the size of the piston and the caliper bore by a few thousands of an inch.. and changing the composition of the pistion to make it more water resistant.

However I do not yet know of Bosch has begin production.

I do agree. it's taking too long to resolve though.

That said however, contrast this with Toyota

Far as I know the total number of dead and injured due to the Bosch Brake issue on Workhorse chassis is zero.

Toyota's sudden acceleration has claimed what, somewhere between 19 and two dozen lives?

And where as Workhorse forwarded all complaints to the NHTSA for proper investigation, Toyota hired a couple of retired NHTSA types to head off any such investigation (Per published news reports)

So. I do hope they can get the job done before I head back south... but I'm not all that worried.. Yet.
Hi John;

I agree with your reply, though would have to say in fairness to the Toyota vs. Workhorse deaths comparison: Toyota sells millions of vehicles more compared to Workhorse chassis and those vehicles are driven tens of millions of miles more than those Workhorse chassis.

I would like to get this issue behind me and certainly hope there is a repair resolution by the end of the year. I went to the 'Workhorse Brake Recall Resource Center' and while informational and helpful, it is only letters, articles and suggestions on the problem. Affected chassis owners really need actual repairs to insure our safety, not informational files we can print out and put in the glove compartment, so to speak.
I agree with Richard34A 100%, I too have been embroiled in discussions on the "other site" and have decided to sit back and watch this debacle unfold. I  own two Toyotas and am not worried about them as I am my MH. The cheerleading that goes on regarding this problem by the "spokemen" for WH begins to get nauseating to say the least. 
From the Workhorse Chassis Rally being held in California:

Alan Stegich, Workhorse Custom Chassis, presented a great rundown on the brake problems. The main factors effecting brake performance are 1) length of time the unit is inactive, 2) humidity level of your geographic location. While maintenance is important it will not prevent the problem since the brake pistons are affected by atmospheric humidity. Changing brake fluid will not prevent the problem, however fresh fluid will have a higher boil point. Dot 3 or 4 is fine, just don?t use brake fluid containing silicone, it is not compatible with the brake system seals. When it comes to preventative measures, use is the answer since it heats the pistons and disburses moisture that has built-up. Unfortunately once the piston has swollen to the point where the piston will not properly retract, use will not reverse the situation.
Production of the new caliper/piston assemblies will start in July and should be ready for installation in Fall 2010.
WCC repairs prior to Fall 2010 will be accomplished with the ?old? parts and will have to be reaccomplished when the ?new? parts are available.

A.  Sounds like more pacifying by Alan Stegich (National Service Director)
B.  The production of the caliper start date has changed since the Ambassadors reported less than a month ago  :mad:
C.  Still not sure if this "recall" will actually happen
Good to see ya back richard.  Dont worry, your not missing anything over there. The same ol rah rah, wh cheerleading by their 2 paid amb.
The attempt at damage control goes on and on over there, he never gets tired. Does anyone at WH realise people are tired of the deception and a few straight answers would go a long way? I guess not.
spoonman said:
Does anyone at WH realise people are tired of the deception and a few straight answers would go a long way?
I agree 100%.  It would be great to get straight answers.

Fixing this problem isn't rocket science, it's only a production run on an existing assembly line.  I can't imagine why it is taking longer than a few weeks to get it going.

I readily admit that I have not followed the brake recall issue in either forum for quite some time; in reading a couple of the threads over there, it seems to be the same rehashing by the same two or three people. Watching reruns of ?Seinfeld? is more enjoyable and just as informative then reading those brake threads there.

Therefore, I would like to ask the question: in the last year, who here has actually had Workhorse Chassis inspect and/or make repairs under the ?Voluntary Workhorse Recall?? I understand that there have been delays, but my understanding is that some have had repairs. Or has not a single repair been done under the recall? (Not referring to customer-pay, warranty or good-will repairs by Workhorse.)

I?d also like to know if you were contacted per the recall and asked to bring your MH for a no-charge inspection and what brake-related parts were replaced, if any. Additionally, did you have to pay for any portion of the labor or parts replaced under the recall?

Lastly, if you had the repairs done, do you now feel that Workhorse has done the best they could do in resolving this issue in a timely manner? We frequently can be upset at a company for not listening or taking care us, but once we get satisfaction from them, we are quick to then say ?oh, it?s okay?? even though that?s not really how we felt (and said) all along.

If RECALL repairs have yet to be made at this time by Workhorse, then please consider my questions moot at this time...
If one reads the posts on the other site, the ambassadors, suggest that after the "fix" we all will be happy as pigs in slop with Workhorse. I personally would never consider a Workhorse product again after this mess. The latest talk on the other site is that we should be driving our MHs like a UPS truck, or drive it like we stole it... I think not. I take it as an insult that the problem is with my driving style and frequency and not the fault of a poor design...
Too funny, I just have to share some information that was just emailed to me, regarding a recent post from the other forum titled 'Brake Problems on New Units'. I guess a forum member was inquiring if the '09 and '10 WH chassis models might have brake issues in the future.

A response from a well-known member there stated that if the motorhome is built on a W20 chassis you could have a problem with the calipers 4 to 5 years from now. But I guess the good news is that he also states that by that time a campaign will have been fielded and all the problem calipers will have been replaced at no charge to you, then states that the choice of a new WH chassis motorhome is a good one.

Guess we both went to different schools at different times; how could having a brake problem in 4-5 years and taking that long to get it sorted out be a good thing? How does one rationalize that buying a chassis with upcoming brake issues, that who knows if the manufacturer will stand behind, be a good motorhome? (Knocking on forehead)  Hello, McFly...
When I read this on the other forum ,I couldn't believe the answer put forth by the Ambassador. That is just what I would want to do, buy something that I know is defective and hope for a resolution in a mythical recall. NOT
It's apparently become a joke and just HAS to be embarrasing for Workhorse.  ::) 

Sponsor Brazels jumps in the brake discussions after not providing anything for months, then promply plugs their aftermarket "grade brake" as the cure for the brake problems (glad I received a refund for my ultrapower from that company!), and then starts ARGUING with other owners about their brake problems.  The Chief Ambassador continually tells owners it's "our fault because we don't drive our units enough" to "drive it like you stole it....or "drive it like UPS drives their trucks".  Sponsor Brazels tells owners that Workhorse will inspect for "Free" their brake systems (not true at all. see, and one owner actually taking some initutive to have some stainless steel pistons made to replace the faulty phenolic pistons because he is tired of the Workhorse inaction.  It's a 3-ring circus but very entertaining and frustrating at the same time.

Workhorse' communication to us owners have been pathetic. and the since the timeline has been pushed back AGAIN, I still wonder if us owners will ever see this "recall" to fruition.  :mad:

Just another frustrated owner here, who has been on top of this since day one........

captain bud said:
The cheerleading that goes on regarding this problem by the "spokemen" for WH begins to get nauseating to say the least.

One of the problems with the continual cheerleading by the Chief Workhorse Ambassador, is that the other Ambassadors (two are here at, are put at a disadvantage since they are not proponents of the Pom Pom waving tactics.
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