Yellowstone Mini-Rally Plans

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Moderator Emeritus
Mar 9, 2005
Home base-Kernville, CA
Jim and Kathy (Tin Man)  and Tim and I arrived in Grizzly RV park in West Yellowstone on Aug 1st.  Everyone has been going everywhere.  We're trying to get together with Bill and Jolene and Jim and Pat at some point during our stay.

Today, Jim is out on the Madison with a fishing guide trying to catch the "big" one.  Tim and I are going to scout out places where we can get our fly rods wet.  On Wednesday both Jim and Kathy, Tim and I are doing a chuck wagon cook out ride.  Tim and I are riding the horses, Jim and Kathy are on the wagon.  Photo opportunities will be abundant..... :D

More later!

Anyone else in the West Yellowstone area?

Marsha/CA said:
Anyone else in the West Yellowstone area?

We can drive up as it is less than 2 hours. Let us know a little in advance so we can juggle anything that might be in the way.    BTDT 2 years ago.  :)
The Nesbitts are indeed at Grizzly.  Site 251.  Currently working a Sunday - Wednesday split shift, 10 to 2 and 4 to 8.  Will change in a couple of weeks to Friday - Monday, 6:45 to 3:45.

Mary Ann can be found at the main desk at any time during our working hours, while I am likely to turn up anywhere on the grounds where cleaning or maintenance is required.

Would love to participate in any mini-rally that can be put together.

We, Dave and Sharon, live about a mile west of the Godwards (a couple hours north of YNP). We would enjoy joining in some time. Right now we are in Glacier NP through the weekend. We would be glad to me meet up with folks anywhere around YNP or the Bozeman area if the park people want to journey north.
We are leaving west Yellowstone tomorrow, heading for St. Mary tomorrow evening, if the MH make sit.

Fingers crossed.....

Hi Everyone,

I'm in site 73 at Grizzly till Sunday morning.  Let me know when and where and I'll try to be there.

Where are you being towed?

If Belgrade/Bozeman, call us.  four 0 six three eight, eight six five eight  eight.  At least we can commiserate with you along with a cup or????.

Going to Freightliner in Belgrade..called them this morning, said they could not look at it till Tuesday.  Guessbwevare going to tour Bozeman after all. Will call you when we get in.


Jim. & Kathy Wecht
We (Tim and I and Jim and Kathy aka Tin Man) were able to meet up with Jim and Pat Dick, along with Bill  (pancake bill) up at Old Faithful on Tuesday night.  With everyone's schedules and Bill and Jolene leaving on Thursday for a blue grass festival it worked out pretty well.  Bill told great stories about being at Old Faithful during the winter months; how they got their food, how they handled transportation and the skeleton list of those who stay for the winter.  It was fun to see Jim and Pat again and they talked about how they are ready to get back to Florida to visit good friends.  They don't stay in Yellowstone as long as Bill and Jolene do.

We nibbled on appetizers, drank beer and talked about a lot of stuff; but NOT black water tank issues.  ;)  Tim and I had not eaten so we scarfed down a hamburger/fries while I had trout cakes...(yum)  I've attached a photo taken with Tim's smartphone that was running out of battery.  We nearly closed the place down and began our drive home.  I missed the turn off and ended up going several miles toward Norris before I realized what I had done.  Tim was no help as he was asleep after some very good beers.

On Wednesday Tim and I along with Jim and Kathy drove to Roosevelt Tower for the Wagon Train Camp cookout.  Jim and Kathy graciously drove and left early so that we could all travel together.  Because Tim and I were taking the 2 hour horseback ride we needed to be there early.  Got there with time to spare, checked in then Jim and Kathy headed to the lodge to wait to load up on the wagon ride.  Tim and I got our horse riding instructions along with a pretty good safety pitch..."no cameras/cell phones, no jackets tied around your waist, no back packs".

Because Tim is tall, close to 6' 2" he was assigned "Big Ben".  I was assigned "sunny" a short little thing, who could easily reach every blade of grass along the ride.  The horse ride was a lot of fun, up, over and around the mountain; past a pristine lake and then down into the valley for the cookout.  Because Tim and I were at the back we "ate" a lot of dust.  The horses were great and I was quite a bit sore the next day.

The cookout was well planned and even tasty: rib eye steaks, barbequed beans, corn, coleslaw, cornbread muffins and some kind of great cowboy coffee.

Jim and Kathy claim their horses on their wagon were the slowest of all....2 fresian horses that plotted along. 

The weather was perfect....the food good...the horses easy to ride and good friends we haven gotten to know.

I tried to catch up with Don and Mary Ann; left a note on their motorhome door; then walked over to meet Bill aka photog.  We talked for a while and I learned that he has a ton of knowledge about Yellowstone.  I look forward to picking his brain at some later date.  There just isn't enough time to get it all done.  Hopefully we'll meet everyone "down the road a piece" as we say in the South.

Tomorrow Tim and I are off headed to Ririe outside of Idaho Falls on Highway 26 along the Snake River.  We are in need of a big grocery store and some Fall/Winter clothing.  Because we decided to stay in the Wyoming area until the middle of September instead of going to southern Oregon, we find we didn't bring enough cool weather clothes.

If you are following Jim aka Tin man, his rig is on it's way to Belgrade....keeping our fingers crossed that it's an easy fix.




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More photos from the wagon train cookout


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DW and I were looking at a DVD of our 2011 trip today. Two years ago today we were in Yellowstone. Wish we were there now.
Hi Frank, this is the first time in a long while that we were there during the "school's out" summer.  Everything was packed.  Our most favorite time of the year for Yellowstone is mid-late September.  Seems there are a lot more animals....lots less people.

BTW, I forgot to add to this log that I met Bill, aka Photog; along with Don and Mary Ann Nesbit.  So fun to put faces to names. Hopefully we get to spend more time with everyone down the road. 

Don and Mary Ann seem to like their "workcamping" gig at Grizzly RV.  However I did hear Don mentioned he didn't think he would be doing toilet duty during retirement.... ;)

We are now in Swan Valley, Id and just got off of the Snake river for a flyfishing float trip....great fun....good fishing.


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