A special message of thanks for our President

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Signed up on the weekend, hand carried evidence on Monday, phone call Tuesday, and my first check arrived today (Thursday). Now I'm really impressed! Mr. President, you should give Penelope an efficiency bonus.

Honey, get the coach out of storage, we're hitting the road!
You mean you didn't opt for the direct deposit and trust the US Snail to bring your money?
Now I am gonna make this political...  I'm gonna rush right down and change my voter registration.

That "Bush" fella made me wait a month for my first check ;) :D ;D
Two days!!!  Holy cow that's fast.

It only took my private insurance carrier 5-months, 12 letters of confirmation, 16 phone calls, and 6 discussions with the pediatrician to reiburse me for physical therapy for my infant son. :mad:  They tried to claim his torticallus was a pre-existing condition.  Pre-existing what? He was just born!!  :eek: They were his insurer the instant he was born.  I guess they wanted God to cover his therapy since He laid claim to his soul before birth!!!!

Hmmm, given your experience, maybe the government should run my insurance company!  * tongue in cheek ~ sort of ~ maybe ~ ok, not really*  ;D 

Mc2guy said:
Two days!!!  Holy cow that's fast.

It only took my private insurance carrier 5-months, 12 letters of confirmation, 16 phone calls, and 6 discussions with the pediatrician to reiburse me for physical therapy for my infant son. :mad:  They tried to claim his torticallus was a pre-existing condition.  Pre-existing what? He was just born!!  :eek: They were his insurer the instant he was born.  I guess they wanted God to cover his therapy since He laid claim to his soul before birth!!!!

Hmmm, given your experience, maybe the government should run my insurance company!   * tongue in cheek ~ sort of ~ maybe ~ ok, not really*   ;D 

It might be worth trying... Congress can always cancel it if they get enough $$$ from their contributors...
Tom - I get to sign up in a few months. What documents did they require?
mayfair said:
I hope SSI isn't gone any time soon.

I'm counting on it in about 20 years since my 401K won't be there either   :-[

I'm with you on that count. My wife and I have lost more than we could have ever imagined with the market situation.

Tom: Don't worry, I just got a new job and I'm contributing to your support. I can't blame you for getting what you can. I wish I could!

Hey, so long as we are thanking our president with tongue in cheek, Thank you sir for going to Copenhagen to beg for the Olympics in Chicago in 2016.  I understand you sent Michelle and Oprah on a different plane, while we don't always agree on things, that was a smart call.  I bet the crime rate goes way down in Chi Town before 2016, I am sure all will be on their best behaviour.  Beides, while Chicagos crime rate might be high, it is not as bad as Rio.  That ought to be our campaign, call, crime not as bad as Rio!"  Nice ring to it, don't you think?

OK, Tongue out of cheek.

Have a nice Day y'all.  SS 22 months and counting. 
[quote author=Ned]You mean you didn't opt for the direct deposit...[/quote]

Of course I did; That's how it arrived today. I logged on to check various accounts this morning, and saw this unexpected deposit.
[quote author=seilerbird]What documents did they require?[/quote]

Is this a political question  ??? If so, I refuse to answer  ;D

I doubt you'll need the same set of documents as me; I wasn't born here, and I'm a naturalized citizen. Go online to the SSA web site, and they'll explain what they'll need.
[quote author=carson]People born in Wales have privileges..don't you know[/quote]

LOL Carson. As the saying goes ...

"To be born Welsh is to be born, not with a silver spoon in your mouth,
but with music in your heart and poetry in your soul."

But a few extra $ a month will help to put fuel in the coach and the boat though  ;D
[quote author=1joester2]Don't worry, I just got a new job and I'm contributing to your support.[/quote]

That's very much appreciated Joe. Please try not to lose it.
To be born Welsh is to be born, not with a silver spoon in your mouth,
but with music in your heart and poetry in your soul."

  I know what you mean, Tom. I had 25 cents in my pocket when I arrived in 1951. Amazing what one can do when one puts their nose to the grindstone.  :)

  Music and poetry was not my forte...love both..but hard work brought me to this point..am happy. Not easy to do now-a-days.

carson FL

So, I didn't wait until I'm 70; In fact, I didn't wait until I'm 65.

Tom, if you had waited until your full retirement age, you would have received a SSA check that is 25% higher than if you received benefits at age 62.  Also, if you should happen to die before your spouse, your spouse will not be eligible for a full benefit based on your work record because you started receiving benefits before your full retirement age.  Just so you know.   ;D
While others are telling you what you did wrong by collecting your SS before you are eligible for full retirement, let me pursue something you mentioned in an earlier message in this thread.  You said you wished you had contributed to the British system after you left the U.K.  You can contribute to it until you reach retirement age in the U.K.  They will gladly take a lump sum for several years, I believe up to 8.  It just has to be in the pot before you are eligible to draw it, which I believe is 60 for women and 65 for men.    The pension office can tell you how much you need to pay for each year you want to claim. 

If you want more details, drop me an email.

[quote author=rsalhus]... if you had waited until your full retirement age, you would have received a SSA check that is 25% higher than if you received benefits at age 62.[/quote]

Rolf, but that 25% higher number would be for fewer years, unless I can find a way to live forever. Plus the system might be broke before I reach 65 or 70.
[quote author=BritChris]They will gladly take a lump sum for several years, I believe up to 8.[/quote]

Thanks Christine. I haven't paid into the UK scheme for 25+ years, so I suspect I'd get sticker shock if I asked them how much of a lump sum.

We both started taking SS when we reached age 62.  I spent to much time trying to figure out the options on when to start.  In any case by age 85 either option figure the total dollar pay out is within $2k of each other.  I figure the cross over point is age 85.  If I die before age 85 then age 62 puts more money in my pocket.  Specially if you die by age 66.  ;D  If I die after age 85 then waiting until age 66 would put more total money in my pocket.  There is of course other factors each of us must also factor in that make each individual choice more complex and no single answer.  Such as, what are the risks of drawing down personal savings for an additional 3,4,5 years until full retirement age is reached?  How much savings reserve do each of us need to feel comfortable?  etc.

So I am sure I made the correct choice for me and I imagine that you made the best choice (compromise, dart throw, future guess) for you.  Enjoy
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