Active Advantage Membership - Scam???

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Bill N

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2014
Ozark, Missouri
Back  in September I made reservations with a Louisiana State Park campground through (I believe) something called Reserve America. It was the only way reservations could be made with their state parks.  Evidently, somewhere on that reservation form was a prechecked box stating I wanted a trial membership in this Active Advantage (or Advantage Active) which supposedly saves you money on when multiple campground reservations are made.

I do recall receiving a email notice of my trial membership but ignored it figuring it would expire and that would be it.  Here is the rub.  The company took my credit card info from the reservation and, this morning, I was notified that my trial membership had expired and they had now charged my credit card $64.95 for a one year renewal and would automatically be renewing it every year automatically.

Of course, I got very hot under the collar and fired off an email to them telling them to cancel and refund and will today call my bank to protest the charges.  Just  a heads up to others who may find themselves in the same fix.

Those pre-checked option boxes are getting to be a real PITA, especially since they like to hide them outside of your focus area.

You might send a protest to the FTC and the LA state park people too. Maybe enough complaints will make them at least be upfront about the "optional membership".
Gary RV Roamer said:
Those pre-checked option boxes are getting to be a real PITA, especially since they like to hide them outside of your focus area.

You might send a protest to the FTC and the LA state park people too. Maybe enough complaints will make them at least be upfront about the "optional membership".

I totally agree. Even though I am careful to check for add ons, I still got nailed once and it was also through Reserve America.  Not a good business practice. A call to the credit card Co. took care of it.
I will call the credit card company in the morning.  I have called Advantage Active three times and always the hold time is excessive (and they warn you it will be). What I really object to is that while I did miss the prechecked box, I accept that and will go through the trial membership (30 days) but the credit card I gave to Reserve America was for the campground fee and not for any outfit like Advantage Active to use.  That, to me, could be cause for legal action.  I did notify Louisiana parks department of the problem and I also notice that the company (Reserve America) handles reservations for several other states so you can probably expect the same with them.
It always bothered me that I have to pay a fee to make a reservation in a state park, and the vendor is trying to rip me off. Whenever I log into Reserve America there are messages to update my profile and register my camping equipment.
I use Reserve America to make my reservations here in Oklahoma for the state parks. I have never seen anything like that on my reservations. I wonder if it is a state specific thing? But yeah I would definitely be getting my money back for that and filing complaints with everybody I could think of.
This morning I received an email from Advantage Active telling me that my membership has been cancelled and my dues are being refunded in full.  Then they went on to describe how they go about offering their free trial during campground reservations.  I am still convinced that the box was prechecked and that they had no right to use my credit card info to automatically enroll me in a membership after the trial was over.  Their web site is very large and you really have to hunt to find out details on anything but there is a listing of states that Reserve America serves. Not sure if Oklahoma is one of them.  Whenever possible I try to deal with the state directly. South Dakota is terrific to deal with Louisiana not so much.
Thanks for the heads up.  I am also booking some reservations for this winter's trips and appreciate the heads up.  You have to be careful even when updating software on your computers.  By default, some updates have toolbar and other options already selected which in-turn causes other issues after the fact.  Do not mind the offerings, but by law they should be activated or you signed up if selected.  Fortunately they refunded your money.
Reservation systems cost real money to operate, whether manual or online, so many state & federal parks avoid this budget drain by contracting with a vendor to handle it. ReserveAmerica is the biggest one, and they make their money with extra fees and selling additional stuff.

I don't think I've ever paid a fee to make a state or federal park reservation through ReserveAmerica. Cancellation and change fees if that becomes necessary, but not a reservation fee. I haven't made an rez through them in over a year, though. Has there been a change?
Just recently made a reservation at an Ohio State Park and they also use Reserve America and there was an $8 fee for making that reservation.  They called it a convenience fee. 
Gregg said:
Just recently make a reservation at an Ohio State Park and they also use Reserve America and there was an $8 fee for making that reservation.  They called it a convenience fee.

You got a bargin. Connecticut and Rhode Island are $9 to make or modify reservations. Yes, those boxes are pre-checked for your convenience.
Gary RV Roamer said:
I don't think I've ever paid a fee to make a state or federal park reservation through ReserveAmerica. Cancellation and change fees if that becomes necessary, but not a reservation fee. I haven't made an rez through them in over a year, though. Has there been a change?

Yes, I paid a $6 fee for the La State Parks reservation through Reserve America.
The fee in Oklahoma is $8 non refundable also but that is for the state parks here. Reserving online for the Corp of Engineer parks here doesn't have any extra fees.
HappyWanderer said:
Yes, those boxes are pre-checked for your convenience.

I forgot.  They are just helping us out.  I understand that there are costs for taking reservations, credit card processing, and etc.  I honestly do not mind the fact that they state there will be a handling charge.  I do have a problem with deceptive scamming which is being done by some of these companies by fleecing more from unsuspecting customers like this poster.  Be aware some of the free updates that you get from software companies on your computer have similar tactics.  Most of which add free toolbars onto your browsers which can slow it down or change your homepage.  Java updates from Oracle is a good example.  Just got one this morning.  During their update, by default, download Yahoo Search offerings, change your search engine, and homepage.  Make sure you read that fine print and also look out for what is already selected for you.  Be skeptical what is being "Recommended"

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