CCW questions

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2016
Has anyone had an issue with their firearm at state parks or private campgrounds?
Not if no one ever sees it.

And it should only be brought out in an emergency.

Keep your mouth shut and don't say a word about having one to ANYONE and you will not have a problem.
The legality of having it on Government property is my main concern.
Most state parks have a no firearm rule/ law
Never really ran into a problem in private parks... Mainly because I never asked.  What they don't know will not brother anyone.
This also totally depends on what state your in.  You shoure dont want to get caught with a firearm in new jearsy

I recomemt the flowing forum for gun questions

I would highly recommend this book:
You have to do your homework.
It varies from state to state.

This site is a reliable source of information

I have found that most states that are gun friendly allow state park and state forest carry.
National Forests typically allow the state(s) to regulate it accordingly.
National Parks are GTG, but the buildings are off limits because they are considered a federal building.

Private campgrounds are private property and their rules.

I carry everywhere allowed by law.

Be wary of states like Nj, NY, CT, MD, CA, etc.
Federal law allows transport through such states, but not if those states are your destination.  No over night stays, or unneeded stops.  I typically make it a point not to stop in any of those states and spend my money elsewhere.  YMMV

ETA: To be clear my post assumes you can legally carry your firearm.  is a great source of information about CCW in all the states.  Remember you must follow the rules of the state you are in and they all have different rules.  Jim.
Note that Corp of Engineer parks do not follow national park rules. Weapons are verboten.
RedandSilver rules apply.
When my Jeep was stolen in the Natchez Trace National park, the ranger commented, "too bad you didn't have a gun".  I replied(without thinking about it),"no, too bad the dogs didn't wake me up."  Nothing more was said.
Ordinarily, no one knows if I've got guns aboard or not.
Technically the Natchez Trace Parkway is not a "National Park", even though it is administered by the NPS.  Subtle difference, perhaps, but the general National Park rules probably don't apply, especially since it is also a public highway.  There is also a Natchez Trace State Park along the north end of the Parkway, and that follows Tennessee law.
bobsharon: pardon my ignorance, but what are RedandSilver rules? Even Google doesn't know.
garmp said:
bobsharon: pardon my ignorance, but what are RedandSilver rules? Even Google doesn't know.

This :p

RedandSilver said:
Not if no one ever sees it.

And it should only be brought out in an emergency.

Keep your mouth shut and don't say a word about having one to ANYONE and you will not have a problem.
General rule of thumb is the states with large cities have poor firearm laws. NY,CA, IL, MA, MD, DC are the main ones. Most others have relaxed laws as long as you have a CCW permit, many states recognize it. Handguns should not be brought into NY, if you dont want to be harassed.
Gary RVer Emeritus said:
Technically the Natchez Trace Parkway is not a "National Park", even though it is administered by the NPS.  Subtle difference, perhaps, but the general National Park rules probably don't apply, especially since it is also a public highway.  There is also a Natchez Trace State Park along the north end of the Parkway, and that follows Tennessee law.

Actually Gary, I was reading the bulletin board by the rest rooms later in the day(since we couldn't go sight seeing in the jeep), and there was an NPS notice that said no firearms allowed on the Trace. 
Oh, well, I normally follow the "redandsilver rules" anyway. 
In the end I was glad I hadn't woke up, after I found out the people who stole it had already killed and dismembered someone before they got to us.  Figured he'd have been a lot more eager to shoot than I was.
The correct answer will depend on the state ... as well as the individual campground rules (for the private campground component of your question).  In practical terms - I suspect a lot will depend on how you carry your weapons.  If you plan to carry concealed on your person while wandering a campground with prohibitions on firearms - the chances of your being arming being noticed and becoming an issue are far greater than if you simply keep a weapon tucked away in the bedroom of your RV. 
Old_Crow said:
When my Jeep was stolen in the Natchez Trace National park, the ranger commented, "too bad you didn't have a gun".  I replied(without thinking about it),"no, too bad the dogs didn't wake me up."  Nothing more was said.  Ordinarily, no one knows if I've got guns aboard or not.

Awake or not - you lucked out in this situation.  Regardless of what the internet bad asses have to say on the subject - shooting at somebody who is in the process of stealing your car isn't a legally justified use of force.  Confronting a thief in the process of stealing your car is a bad plan as well.  You willingly put yourself into a potentially life threatening situation by doing so.  Even if you loose a round in the situation - arguably in justified self defense - the expense and risk of prosecution simply isn't worth it - especially since you had the chance of simply standing on the sidelines and filing an insurance claim without putting yourself into harm's way. 

Keeping that weapon tucked away for a real self defense situation is the wise thing to do.
What I see that I haven't mentioned is that they tried the door to the motor home before they took off in the Jeep.  Lucky for us it was locked and dead bolted.
You're right about the situation, though.  The Jeep was parked in front of the motor home, so I'd have had to open the door, step down the stairs and look around the door to see what was going on.  Surely by then, I'd have been dead. 
If it was me stealing the Jeep, the minute the m/h door opened, I'd have been blasting away.

Full coverage is a wonderful thing.  Almost as wonderful as the look on the insurance agents face when he found out how much KBB says a '95 Jeep Wrangler is worth.  He thought he was going get to total it.  As it was they paid for everything but the stolen tools. 
Sounds like it all worked out for you.  My take is that the weapon is for the moment the door to the motor home is forced open and somebody comes up the steps while me and my DW are inside.  Insurance will cover everything else.
CA does not recognize CCW from any other state.  CCW in CA are issued by the county sheriff or city Chief of Police.  So issuance varies widely across the state.  San Francisco does not issue.  Period.  Any reason.  The rural counties issue more frequently.  Modoc County, for example, in the northeastermost corner of the state basically issues upon request.  Other counties are inbetween.

National Forests and Parks follow state law.  RVs are a vehicle when moving down the road.  Once parked and camp is set up then it is a residence and residential firearm and search laws apply.  In CA firearms in a vehicle must be unloaded and in a locked container, with the ammunition stored separately.  The glove compartment, even if locked, does not meet the locked test.  A CCW individual is exempt only if the firearm is on his person, not accessible to anyone else.  So even if you are a CCW holder, the weapon cannot be in the glove compartment.  Yes, a real PITA.  A group of anti-gun zealots in the state legislature know they cannot declare an outright ban on firearms, so they keep passing new laws, each an incremental restriction.  A lot like the series of Nuremburg laws in 1930s Germany.

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