Dr Russell Mahoney's Memorial Service

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It is with the deepest sorrow that I must cancel our trip down to Glendale for my friend Dr. Russ Mahoney's Memorial service.  :(

I had an extended visit with the dentist here in Holbrook following my visit with a specialist in the White Mts a week ago. They discovered that I have discovered that an infection has invaded the pocket and destroyed part of my cheekbone cleaned out and restored by a periodontist in Abq in '06. This has been debilitating. :eek:

The Wed before thanksgiving will be a 500m day seeing my NM dentist that supervised the earlier treatment. The Memorial and Celebration would be 500+/- miles 4 days later; and, on the 4th I see three physicians in Abq, another 500 miles round trip in one day for all of them. The 3 long days are undoable in my current physical state in that short a time span. Two of them I cannot cancel. . . I canceled out an overnight with Karen and family outside Espa?ola before that last appointment to begin saving the $$$ that is my down payment of 50% the dentist requires here.

This has broken my heart. . . :'(  :'(  :'(

At Church that Sunday I will be praying for all who mourn this wonderful member of our family.

Stop by when you can here in Happy Holbrook by the Petrified Forrest, or are nearby.  :)
It is  almost done.  Friends and family  paid respects today on Russ' 74th birthday and laid part of his cremated remains to rest in Arizona beside his  his closest relatives .  It was his final  wish to be cremated and that his remains be spread through out the world.  This past summer Russell Mahoney's  remains were part of a fireworks display in Iowa.  Today in Surprise AZ  his remains were  buried and  later this year his  remaining remains will  be buried at sea in Bonnaire.. Talk about air and land and sea!
Russ was my friend, I met Russ on the RV forum and  that RVForum  brought us together. I am ever so grateful for  the long time experience  of knowing and loving Russ.
We are sad that we couldn't attend the service but Russ will always be in our thoughts, and our memories of the many good times with him will stay with us forever.
To all of our forum friends who could only be with us in spirit I just want you to know that Betty did a magnificent service for our dear friiend.  We were all so proud of her and I know was Russ was smiling and saying excellent!!!

Thank you Sheila for your kind words.  The RVForum Framily was present in all ways during the  service.  I was able to  share the Russ stories you posted here  during  the service.

We did a group reading  of this favorite poem.
Those We Love Remain With Us.
[size=10pt]by Mary Alice Ramish [/size]

Those we love remain with us for love itself lives on, and cherished memories never fade because a loved one's gone.

Those we love can never be more than a thought apart, for as long as there is memory, they'll live on in the heart.

Ken & Sheila said:
To all of our forum friends who could only be with us in spirit I just want you to know that Betty did a magnificent service for our dear friiend.  We were all so proud of her and I know was Russ was smiling and saying excellent!!!


I knew Betty would do an excellent job as usual.  I'll bet she looked like a million dollars, also.  I can picture Russell beaming his approval.  I'm sure Russell's sister, Pam, appreciated Betty's efforts, too.
What a lovely poem and so very appropriate for we'll remember our loved ones as long as we live.  We were thinking of you all yesterday.  And we'll certainly never forget Russ!

We were thing of Russ and the gathering and wishing we could have been there.  Many fond memories of Russ to take with us into the future.
Thank you Betty. I thoought of all y'all and Russ all day Sunday.

Father of all, we pray to you for those we love, but see no longer: Grant them your peace; let light perpetual shine upon them; and, in your loving wisdom and almighty power, work in them the good purpose of your perfect will; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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