Firearms in your RV

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See why we avoid Northeast?  MA is really bad for this, and having lived in RI, I remember the first case of a kid bringing his Christmas present to show his friend. 

You should have gotten a list of compliant states that recognize the course that you took in NY.
If you didn't you should call your instructor and see what states abide by that course.
Carry the weapons and make sure that they are loaded. The RV has a bed and is considered a residence.
Better to be safe than dead. I carry mine on my person no matter where I am. The areas that prohibit self defense is where the bad guys hit. Try to avoid these states and cities. Canada and Mexico are off limits as long as they search and confiscate weapons.
Just my opinion!.
cpeters said:
Carry the weapons and make sure that they are loaded. The RV has a bed and is considered a residence.
Better to be safe than dead. I carry mine on my person no matter where I am. The areas that prohibit self defense is where the bad guys hit. Try to avoid these states and cities. Canada and Mexico are off limits as long as they search and confiscate weapons.
Just my opinion!.
And here's mine...I'm 68 yrs old and have traveled the world, even worked in Taiwan and in Mexico and so far, the only handgun I have ever owned was a .22 cal CO2 pistol - Oh wait, that's not true.  I "carried" a .38 special while I was a small town marshal for about a year as part of the job.  Regardless, I have never found a need for deadly protection.  Too bad so many people feel otherwise.
cpeters said:
Canada and Mexico are off limits as long as they search and confiscate weapons.
Note though that you don't need a handgun for self defense in Canada.    Sure in the big cities in the bad areas there are problems.  Same if you're a drug dealer.  And there are randomish shootings occasionally by gangs firing at each other or associates and missing.  But those are pretty much an urban, city problem and not much of a problem in campgrounds or the wilderiness   

That said I'd be a bit wary of the Vancouver Down Town East Side during the day.  But otherwise I'd be quite comfortable walking just about anywhere in Canada's cities during the day.  At night I'd want to avoid the downtown back alleys of course.

The same is essentially true in the US as well.  I have traveled around the US especially since 1968 or so and only have had concerns in places where reasonable people shouldn't be.  This includes major cities like Boston, New York, Houston, etc.  Sure there are areas you shouldn't go but the people in the various tourist places will tell you about them so they are easily avoided. 

We made a mistake in NJ years ago and got off one off ramp too soon.  The police picked us up with in a block or 2 and escorted up out of that bad area.  I may have a gun with us when we travel as I like to shoot with my borther in CA or do a little hunting along the way, with proper license of course, but I normally do not carry for protection although the things I may have with me would do the job if needed.  Hey for a marksman, a .22 will do nicely!!
lostagain said:
A Mobile RV

If you can drive your RV right now, it?s a vehicle. If you can start the engine and pull away it?s a vehicle and the laws are the same as a car. Keep you firearm unloaded, locked and stored in an outside compartment.

Uh....For many reasons, I don't think I'll be storing any weapons in an outside compartment any time soon.
Jim Godward said:
The same is essentially true in the US as well. 
Pretty much my thinking of the USA.  Now the northern parts of Mexico are a different matter.  I plan on filling up just before the border and driving until I have to stop for a washroom break.    :)

Jim Godward said:
We made a mistake in NJ years ago and got off one off ramp too soon.  The police picked us up with in a block or 2 and escorted up out of that bad area. 
A friend was with the Salvation Army and was helping out in New Orleans shortly after Katrina.  He was driving a Salvation Army canteen truck with lots of signs and was in a rough area.  Now he'd heard from senior New Orleans cops which he had been working with that you gotta be careful with the cops there.    He got some blue and red lights behind him wanting him to pull over. 

He quickly phoned his friend a sargeant and asked what he should do.  The sargeant, who was on duty, told him "Don't pull over.  Just drive real slow and keep making right hand turns around the block.  I'll be there in five minutes" So that's what he did.  Sirens, plural, now wailing behind him.

Sargeant gets there and Nathan pulls over.  The on scene cops were mighty upset and, at the end of the discussion, stated  "we just wanted to make sure he wasn't lost."
There are several sights that would be good to peruse. delves into all the garbage that has been fed the public over the years by the media. The others have been mentioned here by others. Let me comment on a couple things if I may. The philly story: He was arrested because he made a statement to his mother that could have been construed as a suicidal statement. She called the police and told them what he said and that he had guns in his car. Viola. I work psych and can tell you that is all it takes to have your rights taken from you. Next. Canada and Mexico: they will not only take your guns but you will find yourself sitting in a jail cell.  Last thing. Know your rights and use them. The police can not search your vehicle without cause. If there is nothing in sight that is illegal to have in your possession they must ask to search your vehicle. The answer should always be NO. Polite, but a firm "Officer I do not give permission for a search of my vehicle". There is a great site to view concerning your rights. . Your rights, Use them or lose them. As far as carrying in your vehicle there is a federal law that if you are traveling through a state it is legal to have a weapon in your vehicle. Also see which states New York has reciprocity with. In these you only have to worry about those police who don't know the law or don't care. If you are arrested in these states a good lawyer is going to get you awarded about 50,000 dollars and their fees.
George and Ruth stated: "changes that went into effect this year included changes that allow NTL Park carry regulations to mirror those of the state. "

This also applies to Forest Service campgrounds.  For example handguns and other firearms are allowed in U. S. Forest Service campgrounds in Colorado now.  However the rules remains that no propellant of any kind may be fired within 400 yards of a Forest Service campground anywhere.

I've had a concealed carry license for many years.  When taveling out my home state I will got to the official state websites for the states I'm traveling in and print a copy of their reciprocity list and toss it in my glove compartment.  While I've never needed to show a cop the list I've always thought it unreasonable to expect the officer to have which state's ccw's their state honors memorized.
Canada takes a very dim view to bringing in firearms,with that being said i have a question,,considering that one stays where a person with a $100.000 + rv should is it really neccassary to be packin'? i've seen a few of these topics and never really asked this. i understand the American institution and tradition that is the right to bear arms but is it really needed in this lifestyle? As a Canadian i've never in my life felt threatened enough that i needed a gun to protect myself and frankly the thought of a someone next to me shooting a gun with me and mine behind 2" of fiberglass,foam and plywood is very un-nerving to say the least.

    Happy New Year To All!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Red Green:
"Vegetarian" is an old Indian word
meaning "I don't hunt so good."
rv should is it really neccassary to be packin'?

No. It is rarely necessary to be packin', for anybody. At one time, years ago, even cops didn't really need a gun. Many have gone through a carreer without ever drawing a gun for a gun-battle. Don't know the current stats. They are wisely trained to get their hands on a gun, sooner, these days.

,,considering that one stays where a person with a $100.000 + rv.....?

Has little or nothing to do with the issue. The value of the vehicle is not an issue. Where you are and what is going on, there and what you are doing - can be an issue. Common sense will do for the bulk of threats. In my case, the drug war came to my neighborhood and my home. I had little choice. Couldn't move for reasons too complex for this post. Had to fight or die.

Stay out of the "darker' streets and alleys and you solve most of your probems. (Darker streets and alleys came to me.)

Pistol Packin' Ray D  8)
(considering that one stays where a person with a $100.000 + rv)

Who is most likely to be robbed? A $100,000 rv or a tent trailer?

The perception should be that every RV is a home and is packing. Go rob and kill someone else!!
MPI_Mallard said:
Canada takes a very dim view to bringing in firearms,with that being said i have a question,,considering that one stays where a person with a $100.000 + rv should is it really neccassary to be packin'? i've seen a few of these topics and never really asked this. i understand the American institution and tradition that is the right to bear arms but is it really needed in this lifestyle? As a Canadian i've never in my life felt threatened enough that i needed a gun to protect myself and frankly the thought of a someone next to me shooting a gun with me and mine behind 2" of fiberglass,foam and plywood is very un-nerving to say the least.

    Happy New Year To All!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Red Green:
"Vegetarian" is an old Indian word
meaning "I don't hunt so good."

I go back to my original comment. Concealed Permit or simply in your RV???
Concealed I agree with you.
As already said
cpeters said:
Who is most likely to be robbed? A $100,000 rv or a tent trailer?
and protection from wildlife is a concern in many areas....
For those of us who do carry concealed and keep a gun in our RV/Vehicle when traveling it is the same thing as having a fire extinguisher or Seat belt. They are tools. You don't have them because you are expecting to use them. In truth you hope you never do but if the time should come they are needed you have them at hand. Nobody expects to find themselves in a situation where they must defend themselves with lethal force. Most never will, Thank God. But more and more, violence is cropping up in places it has never happened before.  With the training that I and others have received it is drummed into our heads that you always know what is behind your target so as not to endanger others. We practice regularly so as to be able to place our shots where they are intended to go. Our defensive ammo is designed to stay in the target not go through and endanger anyone or thing that might be behind the target. We do not take the responsibility lightly. No one will ever know that I have a gun with or on me. Those of us who take this seriously, do not brag, swagger, or try to intimidate others. We quietly go about our day just like everyone else. If push comes to shove, we will take the push and the shove. Indeed even being knocked down and spit on and get up and walk away if possible. Because we realize that to reach for that weapon for anything other then defense of our lives, or the lives of others is unacceptable. We hold ourselves to a higher degree of responsibility. No offense, but that $100,000+ RV could one day be a neon sign beckoning that criminal who wants what you have and isn't concerned about your safety.
I don't doubt that you would be dilligent in using your handgun however living across the river from De-troit we Canadians have seen the direct opposite on far too many occasions. i can't see a problem occurring in any RV campground that would require being armed but thats only my opinion and as far as wildlife is concerned i chased off a bear in Temagami Ontario using only bad language,i felt bad that i had to call his mom a $$$$$$$ $$$$$ but i had to do what i had to do!!!

Red Green:
If life gives you lemons, throw 'em into
a quart of vodka.

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