Found my perfect spot

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Active member
May 20, 2012
Craig County VA
I started full timing Jan. 10.  I wanted to stay close to home for a few months to close out some personal business and be near my family until I was sure that I would like living in my MH.  I moved into the only campground near home that was open and the truck noise drove me crazy.  I stayed there 2 months until I talked the caretaker of another campground that wasn't open into letting me move in.
I had elec and sewer but no water.  I carried drinking water for 2 weeks, showered at family, and dipped water from the river for flushing and dog drinking water.  Sounds rough but I actually enjoyed it.  No noise except the sound of the river and the trains.
After 2 months here, the campground is still less than half full ( most people don't even know the campground is here) and the other residents are hardly ever here.  I have the camp to myself most of the time and my dog does not have to be on a leash.  The fishing is good, the river is nice, Wal-Mart is 2 miles away, family is closer, and I really like RV living.  My intention was to head for the coast in late spring but since I have such a good set-up, have decided to stay until fall.  The cost is $1500 a year or $300 a month, elec. included.  No cable but my winegard works fine and no laundry but the laundromat is only 2 miles away.  I like this place.

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