Guitars and WD-40

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Here is the technical answer to strings on a guitar;

  Tune your guitar one octave, maybe 2, lower. That will take the stress off and you may be the first to develop a new sound.  Who knows, you may become a new sensation.  If it works, do I get a cut?  ;) ;D 8) ??? ::) :-\ :)

Carson FL  Such fun!!!! We need it now-a-days.

carson said:
Here is the technical answer to strings on a guitar;

  Tune your guitar one octave, maybe 2, lower. That will take the stress off and you may be the first to develop a new sound.  Who knows, you may become a new sensation.  If it works, do I get a cut?  ;) ;D 8) ??? ::) :-\ :)

That's already been done. Listen to Tool, Korn, Mudvayne and similar metal bands.
Tom, I have no knowledge of any of these bands. I guess it helps not using drugs.  ;D

  You know me, just trying to help...  ;D

Carson FL 94.5?

carson said:
Here is the technical answer to strings on a guitar;

  Tune your guitar one octave, maybe 2, lower. That will take the stress off and you may be the first to develop a new sound.  Who knows, you may become a new sensation.  If it works, do I get a cut?  ;) ;D 8) ??? ::) :-\ :)

Carson FL  Such fun!!!! We need it now-a-days.

Too late. 

Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath tuned his guitar an octave low because of him losing the tips of two fingers in an industrial accident back in Birmingham the mid 60s.  Without that accident we would have never heard two of the greatest guitar licks of all time, "Iron Man" and "Paranoid." ;D

utahclaimjumper said:
So far,, Ive seen all the reasons the guy is still single!!>>>Dan ::)

Oh BS. There are dozens more reasons why I am single.
seilerbird said:
You're not using the right drugs.

In my youth I'm sure I used every drug imaginable and it simply does not work, I can't even stand that song when it's not backwards.
Luca1369 said:
In my youth I'm sure I used every drug imaginable and it simply does not work, I can't even stand that song when it's not backwards.

Neither can I. But if you listen to Tool, Korn and Mudvayne they sound much better backwards.
geodrake said:
I guessing that bathing in WD-40 might be one such reason.

George, I can't take a bath in WD-40, don't be silly. My motorhome doesn't have a bath tub. I have to shower with WD-40.
geodrake said:
So when you shower do you use that little red straw or just let it rip from the nozzle?

Boy you really are behind on the times. The modern packaging for WD-40 has a permanently attached little red straw. I just tape it to the shower head and tape the button down.
Be careful, Tom. I think WD-40 has an explosive factor. You may get hurt when you smoke on of those things when you are showering.. Ain't this fun?

Mc2guy said:
Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath tuned his guitar an octave low because of him losing the tips of two fingers in an industrial accident back in Birmingham the mid 60s.  Without that accident we would have never heard two of the greatest guitar licks of all time, "Iron Man" and "Paranoid." ;D

Uh guys, I hate to ruin a party here, but tuning a six string guitar an "octave lower" would make for a terribly sounding and playing guitar.  An octave is the interval of eight diatonic degrees between two tones of the same name (like a low E and a high E), the higher of which has twice as many vibrations per second as the lower.  Six string guitars are not made for reproducing such low tones correctly although you can play around a lot with a seven or eight string guitar and achieve some success tuning down an octave. 

A four string bass guitar for all practical purposes is tuned one octave lower than a normal guitar, top string being an E, but it is set up with a longer neck and bigger strings to accomodate that tuning.  Were you to do that with a six string guitar your lower strings would practically be laying on the frets. 

Don't you mean tuning down a "step" or two?  That's what Tommy Iommi did.  He tuned down three half steps from an E to a C# when he was with Black Sabbath (starting with 1971's Master of Reality, well after he recorded Paranoid and Iron Man...sorry ).  Tuning from an E to D is called "drop D tuning."  The lowest I've ever heard of guitar tuned down and recorded was tuning down from an E to a A by the band Korn and several others. 

Seilerbird could tune lower than an A but he would have to change strings to a larger set, adjust his Floyd Rose, and hope for the best.  And we know how much Tom loves changing strings...
Oh Boy, the things one can learn on this forum. My wisdom level just jumped 1%.  Thank you Steve...

  carson FL  96?
carson said:
Oh Boy, the things one can learn on this forum. My wisdom level just jumped 1%.  Thank you Steve...

Just 1%?

BTW Carson, it's 93 here.
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