Hello from Flagstaff, AZ

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Tibetan Terrors

New member
Dec 14, 2005
Hi everyone, we just took delivery of our 23 ft Gearbox toyhauler this week and immediatly went on a mini shakedown cruise to Kingman to deliver Christmas gifts to the the kids and grandbaby.

WE bought the trailer primarily for taking my wife's two Tibetan Terriors on the dog show circuit. The toyhauler configuration seemed the way to go with all the paraphinalia we have to carry and that huge fresh water tank since we will be doing a lot of dry camping in event center parking lots with dogs to wash.

We are also in the process of moving our home base to Moab, Utah over the next few months and I'll be sneaking out with the trailer for some camping trips around Utah and Colorado when the wife isn't  dragging me to the dog shows.

Welcome to the RV Forum and congratulations on the Toy Hauler.  We have a Forum Rally at Moab every year.  You would be welcome to join us.  Glad you found us.
Hi Dennis. I'll add my welcome to Ron's. Any photos of the toyhauler you can share with us?
I'll try to post some photos when we get back from the Palm Springs dog show sometime next week... in the meantime ours is a longer version of this one.


There's a good chance i'll be staying in Moab during the time of your rally. If so I'll try to hook up with you guys. I grew up there and went all the way through school in Moab.

Hi Dennis,

Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it.

Tibetan Terrors said:
I grew up there and went all the way through school in Moab.


Some people have all the luck!! :)
Let's see if i do this right...  Attached is a picture of the actual trailer.

We're heading out tomorrow mornig for palm springs with a stop at the dealer in Mesa on the way home to get a couple issues on the trailer fixed.


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Tibetan Terrors said:
Let's see if i do this right...? Attached is a picture of the actual trailer.

It looks shiny new and clean!  Thanks for sharing.

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