How do I pull wire through the foam insulation in ceiling

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Well-known member
May 8, 2011
I would like to take my plain roof vent out and replace it with a vortex II 5 speed fan.I have a light about a foot away and would like to run power to the vent from the light.My problem is how do you get through the insulation to run your wires.Any guys here done this before and have any tips.
When one of my surround speakers blew out, I ran the wires thru the duct work from the A/C unit. I did have to drill or widdle a hole a short distance to where the speaker went, but seems to have no I'll effect.
I usually use a piece of coat hanger wire to poke through the foam, and then use it as a pull wire to pull the new wires in. I bend  small loop on one end to tape the wires to, and the loop also serves to enlarge the hole a bit for the wires.
Before you go through all that trouble, pull down your vent and see if there are already wires that were installed by the factory just for a fan.
My last RV was purchased used and the previous owner had installed a ceiling fan and wired it to a light which was controlled by a wall switch. I thought that was kind a dumb. We had to put the light on in order for the fan to work. There was a light on the opposite side of the fan which was powered all the time so I just fished a coat hanger wire through the voids above the ceiling. No problem at all.
Checked for the wiring today and there is none and the coathanger idea is what I had thought about too, will give it a try and see how it works.
I agree with the check and see if the wires are there already, Usually roof vents in an RV contain some kind of fan, may be a joke of a fan but its there. so the wires are usually there.. IF not,, There are many options. a stiff wire (Coat hanger) may work, or a segmented rod (like a gun cleaning rod) you are lmited to around 12 inches length, the advantage of a gun cleaning rod is the end piece is a metal loop, so you can hook the wires in and pull it back, but you will need several long pistol rods screwed end to end (They usually work that way) start one in, screw on the next and continue till you get to target. You can track it with a stud finder.
There may be wire channels cut into the roof Styrofoam already, mine seems to be that way.
Yeah took the light and the vent apart and was able to bore a hoole through the foam with the coat hanger and now have wires in the vent.I got the off of ebay tonight and should get it early next week can't wait to get this puppy in and she what it does.It will have to be better than what I had which was nothing so any improvement will be great.Thanks for the help will let you guys know how this fan works out.
Edit: Fixed typo (missing word).
Got the fan in for my last trip and was pretty pleased with it, doesn't move the air like the fantastic fan but it isn't  300.00 either.If you don't have a fan this a great improvement.
I'm glad it worked well for you. I installed a Vortex II in our front vent last year using the same coat hanger wire pull method, and we're quite pleased with it as well.
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