interstate highway lane ending quickly or exit only !!

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garyb1st said:
Also, getting off at the wrong exit can be a great adventure.  ;)

Or a scary one...Before the days of GPS , I once took an exit in somewhere in Los Angeles driving a 30" class A.
From the looks of the cars on blocks, groups standing on street corners, and rundown buildings, I chose not to stop and consult my map, but found a busy street and followed it until I felt safe enough to stop. Maybe the fear was all in my mind, but I wasn't about to stop and figure it out.
garyb1st said:
Sometimes you just have to exit.  Don't risk causing an accident to avoid a 10 minute delay.  Also, getting off at the wrong exit can be a great adventure.  ;)

Yes, East St Louis was quite an adventure. My wife told me  to just stop and ask directions. Okay, that didn?t happen.
When we get close to the Salt Lake Metro Area I start looking for a ?local? delivery truck example: John?s Hometown Bakery, Provo, UT. then knowing that we are about 60 miles from Provo I figure that the driver makes this run up and down the I-state 2-3 times every week. He knows where the ?exit only? lanes are and the best lane to travel in. I then just tuck in behind him and follow in the same lane and speed that he is driving.

If he exits, I just continue in the second from the right lane and look for another to follow. Those Exit Only lanes in heavy traffic are as close to death that I want to come to!

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