Is this Bounder Mine, the Dealer's, or Fleetwood's????!@!

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Larry N.

Well-known member
May 26, 2010
Westminster, Colorado
Well, It's been about a month since I've seen my new 2010 Bounder. The dealer has it, to TRY to fix a thermostat problem, and Fleetwood isn't being much help.

In early August I took the Bounder in to get an oil change, to fix my thermostat, and to get the recall done on the oil filler hose. They scheduled a half day for the job, so I waited (it's more than 30 miles one way to the dealer). The oil change, of course, was no real problem, and I thought the rest would go quickly. But about half an hour before they should have finished, they suggested I might want to go home -- seems the oil filler tube was badly damaged already, (from the floor, I guess), and they'd need to replace the tube which, of course, they didn't have in stock. They had to send it to the Ford dealer for repair, who in turn had to order the part from Iowa -- took a week and a half to get the part (huh?) and oh, by the way, the thermostat started working when they opened it up to work on it.

So after the week and a half, they had it ready, so I went to pick it up. But when I checked out the coach, the thermostat still didn't work. Apparently it has now become intermittent.

OK, so you're wondering what the Tstat problem is. Quite simply, Zone 1 doesn't work. It doesn't even show up on the Tstat. The original problem showed up when I wanted to check zone 2 temperature, so hit the Zone button. It went to Zone 2 just fine, but then I couldn't get it back to zone 1. The result is that I can't see the Zone 1 display at all, and neither the front A/C nor the front furnace is operable because of that.

Back to the dealer: They've replaced the thermostat, replaced the control unit, and bypassed the wiring harness. The replacements were actually a swap with another Bounder on the showroom floor, and my units worked fine in the other Bounder. They say they've been working with Fleetwood and Coleman, but they haven't yet solved the problem. I talked to the service manager again yesterday, and he said Fleetwood was to have an engineer on the phone with them this morning at 0800, rather than just a tech.

I just found out that the dealer is STILL waiting for contact with Fleetwood: "We are waiting on the engineer from Fleetwood to call and speak with your tech. The warranty manager and the technician have been trying to contact him."

So this post is partly to vent, and partly to ask if anyone here has come across a thermostat problem like this. The thermostat looks just like the 8330C335 on page 8 of this document.

Any ideas???
I'm afraid that I too would need to vent.

Are you anywhere near, or do you have travel plans that could take you near the factory.  It sounds to me like the dealer lacks the technical expertise to properly analyze the problem.
Nice thought, George, but Denver is quite a ways from Indiana, and we have no plans to go appreciably east of here this year -- thanks, though. As to dealer expertise, they were supposed to hear from Fleetwood -- didn't happen. And where do you go if the two components that I know about (controller and thermostat) and the wiring have been eliminated? Is this the PHANTOM Bounder?!???  ::) :eek: Hmmm...

To me, the excuses, sound made up. I suspect, they are buying time, because their techs messed something else and don't want you to find out, or they are just giving you the round around because they can't find the problem, or have other clients that they consider more important than you. I bet if you rant and make a fuzz, you will get their attention and magically all of the needed parts are going appear and one of the techs would have a brain boost and solve the problem in no time! ::)
I went through the same sort of deal with Lazy Day's and Fleetwood. LD blamed Fleetwood for some time. I finally called Fleetwood and things started to happen.

But, and there is always a but, I became so fed up with the BS I ended up doing the trip to Ind to the factory. After 3 day's with a bunch of highly skilled techs they had it straightened out.

Sadly I'm of the opinion that going to the factory is the only way to get warranty work performed properly. Or bite the bullet and take it to a local repair business and pay for it out of pocket.
I suggest calling Fleetwood direct.  Their customer service number is on their website.  Sometimes things get lost in in translation.  It helped when I couldn't get any satisfaction in getting a Power Gear leveling leg replaced under warranty.
I hadn't gotten back on this thread yet, because I don't yet have a resolution. Fleetwood IS involved; they recommended replacing the control box (dealer is still, after almost two weeks, waiting for the part), though I was sure the dealer told me they'd done that some time back. Meantime I've picked up the coach, gone to one rally and have another short one scheduled this weekend. Maybe they'll have received the part by the time I get back. In any case, I'll get back here with the results whenever they get that box replaced.
I got a call the middle of last week that the control box they'd ordered had arrived, and set up an appointment for yesterday. They tried to install the control box, but it turned out to be the wrong part, even though they'd made sure to get the serial number and model number of the A/C unit. So it's now been reordered. Arrrgghhh!!!

I'd not mentioned before, but when I picked up the coach the last time, they'd broken the latch that holds the screen door to the main door, so the screen door swings free. I was told they'd ordered the part. When I got there yesterday, they said the part had never been ordered.

To make matters worse, when I picked up the coach yesterday (after essentially nothing had been done) I couldn't open the screen door. It was latched tight and wouldn't release. The tech replaced a portion of the latch, but with a silver one, saying they would have to order the black one. I guess I never mentioned that when I initially got the Bounder that the screen door had been installed wrong, with the latch missing the door jamb by at least an inch, though the latch that held it to the main door worked smoothly. The dealer adjusted the door, but...

Well, enough for now. Just thought I'd update this posting. Pretty sad for a new coach...
Sounds like you need another dealer. They break more than they fix. I agree 100% calling directly to Fleetwood would make things happen quicker. Or at the very least, you know they are aware of your situation.
lnuss said:
they'd broken the latch that holds the screen door to the main door, so the screen door swings free. I was told they'd ordered the part.
Boy do I have a story for you!  If you have pets, do not put a inside lock on the screen door,  cause if the main door gets blown shut, it locks to the locked screen door and you better have a drivers door if you want to get inside.  Just ask me how I know.  Had to get in thru the emergency window exit.  Cats though I was crazy!  I am going to modify that stupid latch so it will pull open without much pressure.
Has the voltage to the thermostat been checked for 12 Volts, AT THE THERMOSTAT? THIS IS IMPORTANT.

We had a similar problem when we had a new air conditioner and new thermostat installed in our Wanderlodge. Turns out the thermostat needed a better ground.

Just a thought,
Jack Pearce

At this time a letter to the Fleetwood CEO is in order.  The CEO is capable of seeing to it that your problems are resolved.  If handled properly, it works 99.9% of the time.  First, it must go to the CEO.  Second, state your problem and the history without flaming.  Third, tell him what it is that you expect, and don't be unreasonable. 

If it were me I would explain how long you have not had full use of your motorhome and request an immediate repair, a replacement motorhome, or your money back.   
An update on this. The first controller box that was sent was the wrong part. So they reordered from Fleetwood. It finally came in, so I went up there yesterday and they installed the new controller box- A/C and furnace and thermostat now work properly. So the reported swap out of the controller box back in August either didn't happen, or they had the wrong part.

Anyway, it's now fixed. Now if they could just get the screen door to work right (either a factory design flaw or a factory install error) then I'd have everything finally right on this coach. But that one's another story, of course, and the dealer is already going back to Fleetwood on this for a proper fix (wish we'd identified the main problem sooner).

Thanks for the attempted help from folks -- appreciate it.

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