> It's here - Whoo-hoo - Google Nexus 4 ordered

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John Canfield

Site Team
Aug 8, 2006
Texas Hill Country
Instead of adding to my S3 or iPhone 5? thread, I thought I'd start a new one about the N4. A few weeks ago the N4 wasn't on my short list (it wasn't even on the radar!), so this is an interesting evolution.

Once I decided to pull the trigger on buying an N4, Google was sold out  ::) so I've been checking their website literally every day for the product and ta-da, today Google is accepting orders for shipment in one to two weeks.

So I have the 16Gb model and the case bumper on order.  Yea!

Here's a link if you want buy one - act quickly.  If you're on the fence, here's one of many reviews out there.
Lucky you!  I think you'll love the Nexus 4, I am quite happy with my Nexus 7 tablet and my next phone will probably be a Nexus.
Thanks Ned.  I think next device on the list to replace is my Acer Icona A500 tablet - Acer has some hardware issues (research indicated I had to turn off the auto-rotate feature to keep it from freezing up) and I'm been patently disappointed with it for months.

I might make it into an end table, I'll just need to add some legs  ;D.
Sounds wonderful... especially no bloatware and SIM compatible!

Haf to wait tho, no 4G... the tsunami of VOIP, app based SMS & the rate shakeout could rattle the cell communication world to the core... who knows tho?
That's one of the big advantages of the Nexus devices, pure Android.  No crapware from the carriers.  I have to wait for a Verizon LTE device before I'll buy one, however.  For now, my Bionic is working just fine.  It's how we're getting online today using FoxFi and our Surf Mini.
Not having 4G capability isn't a big deal for me.  Interestingly the phone has a 4G chip inside that works on Canada's 1700 Mhz 4G system. 

The two attributes (or lack thereof) that I don't like are a non-removable battery and no external storage, but obviously not a deal-breaker.  If the N4 battery is as good as what's in my iPhone 3gs, it should last as long as I want to keep the phone.
I am also excited about the Nexus 4, it will be my next phone. Although it doesn't have 4G it does have HSPA+ which is what T-mobile calls their version of 4G.
Congratulations John. I got excited about the Nexus when I read your recent message and reviews, but I kept reading reports that Google was unable to deliver. I decided not to wait, and went with the SIII. Maybe Nexus next time  ???
Looking forward to your first review of the Nexus John.
After I read Ned's remarks in another thread I was interested so I researched the Nexus 4 and decided that was the phone for me. I ordered mine the other day and I am waiting anxiously. Thanks Ned. ;D
Maybe I should ask for commissions from Google :)
John Canfield said:
That thought has crossed my mind as well...
It is a no brainer for me. I don't own a tablet yet and I have been waiting until I saw one that appealed to me. Jelly Bean is a huge attraction for me. The 32 gig model is $269 and I am a huge Google fan. I use almost every service Google offers. I love my Chromebook and I am looking forward to adding a Google phone and a Google tablet. Then the last thing will be a Google TV.
I have a 10" tablet (Acer Iconia A500) and that tablet cannot migrate past Ice Cream Sandwich due to hardware limitations so here we are stuck in the past, but other than that, I've come to hate the A500  8).
It's here!

Unboxed but I haven't turned it on as yet, got it on the charger.  The N4 is a nice size, not too large but I need to go holster shopping.  I'm pretty certain the SIM card from my iPhone 3gs will plug right into tie N4 but there are hoops to jump through to get on a higher speed plan than my 3gs based on web research.


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I think the mystery part is a SIM ejection tool. What carrier are you on? I am on T-mobile and for me it is just a matter of swapping the SIM card out.
Yup Tom - it's a SIM ejection tool!  To my surprise I discovered the SIM card in the iPhone 3gs is larger than what the N4 will accept  :p.  I know that some cut the cards to fit but I think I'll just drop by the ATT store tomorrow.  I need to get moved to a smartphone 4G plan so that should be an interesting experience.

I've spent maybe three hours playing with the N4 tonight and I like it - a lot!  The display is amazingly sharp and the phone feels good in the hand.  I've had to learn to hold a finger down a little longer than with the iPhone to activate a touch part of the screen so that will be a little bit of a learning curve.

The swipe keyboard (move your finger from letter to letter) will take some training on my part - I got some very weird results but I think that's me and not the keyboard.

The included email app is very basic and not one that you want to use - K9 email is 100% better.

The phone is maybe twice as fast as my Acer tablet, and I dare say right up there with my three year-old Toshiba laptop as least from a user interface perspective.

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