judway's health

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2005
West Melbourne, FL
I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer on Dec 7. A CT scan indicated that the tumor was probably not in the lymph glands. If the tumor is too low into the rectal muscles, I may have to have a colostomy bag. The surgeon feels that while it is close there is a 95% probably that  it will not be a problem. I will be under going surgery tomorrow morning Jan4 at 07:30. I expect to be in the hospital for about a week.

Any and all prayers are greatly appreciated.

Hey Wayne,

Thanks for letting us know so we can send good vibes your way. 
Wayne, we're praying for a positive outcome.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you tomorrow and in the future for a very good outcome.
We're all there with you Wayne, and are sending good vibes your way.  Good Luck.

Daisy & Fred
Let me add our prayers also. I am still trying to recover from a lung cancer surgery so I know just how you feel. We wish you the best outcome possible.

Jerry & Arlyne Ray
Thanks to ALL for your good wishes and prayers. In a few minutes I will be off to see the wizard.

I might not be able to get back on the forum before next weekend.

Love to ALL


You will be in our thoughts and prayers!!! Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you and Judy. We are not that far away.
Almighty God our heavenly Father, graciously comfort your servant Wayne in his suffering, and bless the means made use of for his cure. Fill his heart with confidence that, though at times he may be afraid, he yet may put his trust in you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. [BCP, 1979]
Hang in there.  DW got the same news last June.Stage IV with two small tumors in the liver.  Had surgery and now 10 of 12 chemo treatments.  It has been a long haul, but after the last ct the oncologist said there is a strong chance of complete cure. Will probably require one more surgery, but he is hopefull. We will be praying for you.

I got home for the second time last Monday. I went in for the operation on January 4 to get rid of my colon cancer. Everything went well. Although the tumor was large it was stage one with no spreading and had not penetrated the intestine wall. The location was far enough above the rectum muscles that there should be no problem when the iliostomy is reversed. The iliostomy was used to bypass the location of the surgery and allow the wound to heal. I expect the reversal to occur in early March. I should be getting back into good shape by early April.

After I was home for about 10 days I started having problems with my kidneys and appetite. The problem snowballed downhill and I went in the ER on Sunday January 31. There they found that my kidneys had essentially shut down, my blood pressure was extremely low and my blood potassium was at a deadly high value. On that day they rushed me into the dialysis center within 3 hours and I had a 3 hour treatment. The value came down but I had another 2 hour session on Monday. From that time they kept me in for 8 days. The blood parameters are now within acceptable limits but not in specs. The problem was that I did not drink enough water and had severe dehydration. The iliostomy procedure requires about double the water as normal because the entire large intestine is bypassed. The surgeon said I needed to drink a gallon of water every day. I get close.

I want to thank everyone for your cards, good thoughts and prayers. They really helped to pull me through. I want to thank Pat and Jim Dick for passing my status on to the Framily.

Hi Wayne. You know that we're all thinking of you and praying for an early fix.

My sister, living in the UK, has vey similar symptoms to the ones you describe. Unfortunately, she's 6,000 miles away.
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