Nook vs KindleA

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Jan 13, 2005
Anyone seen or heard of the Nook, Barnes & Noble's eBook reader? I'm not big on eBooks, but heard about the Nook for the first time on the car radio today.
I will be watching the reviews when the Nook actually is available and considering it to replace my Kindle.  The only negative I see for now is it uses the AT&T data network for wireless delivery and they don't have the coverage that the Kindle has with Sprint.  But the built in WiFi may make that a non-problem if it can download via the internet.  I would like support for MOBI and PRC (Palm) formats as most of my library is in that format, but they can be converted to one of the supported formats.
Compares to Kindle2. Does look interesting --  however  -- since I already have 2 Kindle(orig) better not look at it too hard.  Barnes&Noble lost a lot of my $$$ when I got my Kindle ;D ;D ;D
So now there are 3 e-readers? Maybe if they keep it up, prices will go down.

Lots more than just 3.  There are 3 models of just the Kindle, plus a couple of Sony and some you never heard of.  And just about any smartphone or PDA, especially the Palms, are also ebook readers.  Prices have already dropped, compare the new price for the Kindle 2 and the Nook to the original Kindle.

Look here for a list.
Holy Moly. Good thing I don't have any money in my e-reader fund cuz I don't think I could decide on one !!

I suspect we'll see even more before the holidays.  I wouldn't be surprised to see a Kindle 3 :)
Do any of the Kindle type units have the ability to read the books?  I heard just recently that some do, but no further info.  Kelly is legally blind with little vision so she listens to a lot of books on tape ... from library when home and Cracker Barrel on the road.  Another source would be very helpful.


Howard & Kelly
currently in Lakeville, MN
Howard and Kelly, I see Denver, Colorado, in you sig block. Are you Colorado residents? If so, Kelly can get free recorded books from the Colorado Talking Book Library. They also provide a player (we call it the "tank"). You can also get free unabridged digital books from them. I'm also legally blind and I've been using them for about a year. The tapes are sent to our mailing address and when we're traveling, our mail service forwards them to us. Works pretty good even if the player is a tank.

Cortez Colorado
Howard Rawley said:
.....Kelly is legally blind with little vision so she listens to a lot of books on tape ... from library when home and Cracker Barrel on the road.  Another source would be very helpful.

If you join Flying J's RV RealValue Club you can get books on tape at no charge I believe.

Here is their club page. Scroll down to item #5.
Howard Rawley said:
Do any of the Kindle type units have the ability to read the books?  I heard just recently that some do, but no further info.

If you check that list page I posted earlier, the last column indicates if the ereader has text to speech capabilities.  It shows that of the units on the list, only the Kindle 2 and Kindle DX have the text to speech feature.  I would expect to see that feature appear in more ereaders in the future, however.
But not all authors allow speech to text so need to check before ordering the book. 

Lots of good info - thanks!

Wendy - Yes I should have mentioned the Colorado Talking Library too.  In fact a new "tank" just arrived here yesterday as the old one was having trouble driving the tapes.  As we are here in MN for a while we put in a temporary address change with them and they send the books directly here.  A phone call to them will make the change.

I'll have to check into the free unabridged digital books ... those are in addition to the tapes correct?

Don - I'll have to check into the Flying J books on tape, we usually use them for fuel stops and have the RV card.  Next time we are on the road I'll check, no J's nearby right now.

Ned - Thanks for the pointers - looked at some and good info.

Barb - How does the "read" version compare to a normal book on tape?  Do you loose anything/much from the computer generated speech compared to someone reading the book?

Thanks all for the feedback ... have to do some more research ... looks promising!   :)


In Lakeville, MN for a while longer
We just recently bought 2 Sony Readers (PRS600) for myself and one for my husband.  I considered the Kindle, but rejected it because there's no way to check it out ahead of time unless you know someone who has one and can try it out, which we don't.  With the Sony, you can hold it in your hand and try it out.  The Nook would have the same advantage over the Kindle, IMO; i.e., you'll be able to see it in person and try it out before purchase.

You cannot download books over the Internet directly to the Sony like you can the Kindle, but having had a Sprint air card in the past, that wasn't a big selling point for me since Sprint had poor service in the areas we travel.  It doesn't take all that long to download a book to my computer, hook up the Sony, and transfer the book to it.  Now, if the Kindle used the Verizon network, I may have been more inclined to buy it instead of the Sony, even though I wouldn't have been able to see it in person beforehand.
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