Our new winter home

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 29, 2005
Well, Betty and I bit the bullet and signed the contract today to have a 24x44 manufactured home placed on our lot here in Yuma.? We will still have our RV spot with full hookups on the west side of the lot but the manufactured home will take the place of the other RV spot on the east side of the lot.? Yuma county requires that this type of home must be "Pit Set".? A hole is dug deep enough so that when the home is set up on the supporting members, the house is even with the surrounding ground.? The pit should be dug and wiring conduits, phone and cable conduits, sewer line, wate line, etc. in place through a poured concrete foundation wall that surrounds the pit by the middle of September.? We plan on being back here to watch and "oversee" the operation.? The house construction should start at the factory in Phoenix at about that same time.? It should be delivered to Pacesetter Homes around the first of October.? We then check it out, give a final approval, and it will then be delivered and set up on our lot.? We hope to be in by the middle of October.

Betty is having fun picking out all new appliances (we ordered the home without their standard appliances), new furniture, etc.? I go along as moral support? ;D ;D.

Once the home is in place I'll take some pictures and upload them.
Congratulations Don & Betty! Looking forward to seeing the photos when the project is underway.
Best wishes on your new house, Don and Betty.  We're looking forward to a housewarming when we get to Yuma in Oct.
Congratulations, you two, and welcome to the home base owner's fraternity. 

We love our manufactured home and get as big a kick out of arriving "home" after our summer travels as we do going out "on the road again" in the Spring.  For us, six months in each place works out just right. Hope you will be equally happy with your second home.
Congratulations on the new home, hope the schedule works out OK for you.
Thanks to all for the congratulations  :).    We will leave Yuma on 5/25 and expect to return around the time that the pit dig starts.  We are very excited and plan to have an open house after we get all of the furniture and appliances and decorations in place - hopefully sometime in November.
We'll still be there in Nov.  Hope that Yuma time doesn't delay your schedule ;)

Ned said:
We'll still be there in Nov. Hope that Yuma time doesn't delay your schedule ;)

We will probably be chomping at the bit to get back and get the project under way.  I just hope that there are no delays at the factory and that the home is delivered to Pacesetter here in Yuma on time.
Congrats on your new home, Don and Betty!! WOW.  Looking forward to seeing photos!!  :D

Jack and Liz
Hi Don & Betty,

Congratulations on your new home! Sorry we won't be there next winter to take part in the open house. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun. ;D

Congratulations Don,

I have heard nothing but good things about Pacesetter, we looked ourselves at them and liked the layouts but haven't "bit the bullet" yet. We should be back on our Yuma lot about the first of Nov. So If we can be of any help just give a yell.

Jerry & Arlyne,

jerryarlyne said:
I have heard nothing but good things about Pacesetter, we looked ourselves at them and liked the layouts but haven't "bit the bullet" yet. We should be back on our Yuma lot about the first of Nov. So If we can be of any help just give a yell.

We checked out a number of suppliers and decided on Pacesetter based partly on the recommendation of Joe & Audrey Darrigo.  They are also getting a Pacesetter home on their lot and took the time to drive over to the manufacturing facility in the Phoenix area.  They were highly impressed with the construction quality.

I'll "holler" if I need any help, but furniture and appliances are being delivered and installed by the stores.
DonJordan said:
Once the home is in place I'll take some pictures and upload them.

Congrats, Don and Betty. Now you have all the bases covered, regardless of where you are.

Several years ago I installed my software at an upscale manufactured home park in Mesa, AZ. The RV park was more or less a holding area for those with RVs to park while their home was being built. Was intrigued with the concept of digging a hole, driving the Home into the hole, then bringing the grade up to just below the Home floor level. What a difference that makes compared to the standard Mobile Home with skirts. Hard to tell their manufactured.

If I don't make your open house in November, will sure try to get down after the 1st of the year.

Good to hear from you and thanks for the congratulations.  We are very excited about it, of course.  We look forward to seeing you again.

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