RV FORUM HOP, SKIP, AND JUMP RALLY II May 1, 2010 ? May 13, 2010

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
If anyone at Torrey wants to do some great trout fishing, or just want to take a nice drive, head over to the small town of Lea, approx 20 miles from Torrey. You can pick up a map at the ranger station on the main street in Lea, or head to The Quiet Flyfisher one block off the main street, and hire the services of a great guide.

Drive through town and head up the mountain. The road follows the Fremont River, and there are some nice meadows and large turnouts along the way. The Fremont is home to 5 different species of trout. At the top of the mountain (approx 8850 feet) you'll find Fish Lake.
Hey folks, are you aware of the Mars Desert Research Station just east of Torry?  It is worth the trip.  Hanksville is 49 miles east of Torry on US 24.  Just west of Hanksville a couple of miles take "Cow Dung Road"  (honest, that's the name) north.  Follow that maybe 3 or so miles and keep an eye out to the left (west).

There is also a spectacular petroglyph site in the area called Headless Elk.  South of Torry , take the Teasdale road west.  I can't remember just where to turn, but there are not that many opportunities.  The road to tun west or left on will have signs informing you that it is private property.  The property is private but the road is a county road.  The residents have erected the signs to keep people from driving back and desecrating the petroglyphs.   
Can someone please check on the eagle's nest at Teasdale?  May be too early for the chicks, but maybe not.  Hopefully mom and pop have returned for another hatching.

We drove by the "Russ' Eagle Tree" tonight after supper.  The nest is much bigger than I remember, but there was no sign of eagles.  Will check again.

Don't let Mary Ann stir up the Eagle Rangers. ;D ;D
We got back too late to make HH.  Sorry.  Were some decisions or plans made?

FWIW: I have wanted to do Burr Trail for a long time.  From here to Boulder is 40 miles, then it's 90 more miles back to the RV park making a loop thru the CRNP.  It is the only "road" over the top of the monocline/reef... I'm guessing half of this is paved.  Probably at least 4-5 hours?  Betty has probably already been there?

FWIW#2: Coleen wants to do the Narrows Canyon hike.  Probably 2 hours?  700 ft cliffs and a narrow canyon

thanks, G&C

Gary and Colleen,

There are a group of us who want to climb Chimney Rock tomorrow.  We will be leaving at 10 am. and bringing a lunch in a pack.

Pending weather forecast, Terry will lead a  Burr Trail ride on Wednesday. And yep I have done that ride a time or two.  Much of it is paved but more is wash board.  It will be another long day with a bit of a hike up the water pocket fold in the middle of it. 
I know Judy and Mary  were attempting the Narrows when they were summoned back by their husbands so they may want to complete it too.  I know I do.  So lets wander around in the morning and play our plans by ear pending weather forecasts.

I'm kinda wishing for rain as I need a day of rest.  Rallies wear you out!

Betty Brewer said:
Gary and Coleen,

There are a group of us who want to climb Chimney Rock tomorrow.  We will be leaving at 10 am. and bringing a lunch in a pack.

Pending weather forecast, Terry will lead a  Burr Trail ride on Wednesday. And yep I have done that ride a time or two.  Much of it is paved but more is wash board.  It will be another long day with a bit of a hike up the water pocket fold in the middle of it. 
I know Judy and Mary  were attempting the Narrows when they were summoned back by their husbands so they may want to complete it too.  I know I do.  So lets wander around in the morning and play our plans by ear pending weather forecasts.

I'm kinda wishing for rain as I need a day of rest.  Rallies wear you out!

THANKS for leading today!!! FWIW, if I were to do today again, I'd go in reverse and bail out at the I70 turn.

Tomorrow... we'll likely do the narrows and laundry w/o washboards; Wed, do Burr w/ washboards.

what a place...

thanks, G.
Oldedit said:
Route 12 was a beautiful ride today. Lots of stops for views and coffee.

Utah RV parks promise free wil-fi but only deliver if you park close to the router, and at Zion River Resort, we were closer to the router than anyone and couldn't get a connection my my 2-year-old MacBook pro. That's inexecuseable, and I think RVers should make a big issue of it on message boards and blogs until the parks upgrade their equipment. I'm on my Verizon card now, but that's expensive and runs up charges quickly on my $45 -per-month plan.

You could post your WIFI observations on http://www.rvparkreviews.com/ and lots of people will see them, FWIW.
Today nine  cars took the Cathedral Valley Trail.  We left at 9 am and returned to campground at 5 pm so  it was a long day of  sights and some hiking. We drove into Capitol Reef National Park and out again several times.  Terry marked way points and  the first photo here is the route we took on Google earth.

The next group shot is taken as we entered the Bentonite Hills.  At the Lower Cathedral Lookout, Terry contemplates the awesome view.  The next shot shows one adventourous hiker in our group who went waaaaay out there.  Can you guess who?
The fifth shot gives an idea of some of the scenery at Temples of the Sun , Moon and Stars.

The final photo is our glass mountain finally group shot.


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Hey folks; If you haven't done the Calf Creek Lower Falls hike you need to consider it.  Calf Creek is about ten miles south of Boulder. 
When Jerry got up the morning it was snowing and he couldn't even see down to the road.  Then it cleared and we got ready to go on the Chimney Rock hike.  At 10:00 it was cold and windy.  When we looked up at the southern mountains they were socked in so anyone going on route 12 today isn't going to see much.  We postponed the hike again.

Betty wanted to know who that was way up on the edge.  We know it wasn't Jerry 'cause he wasn't there.  Neither were Chet nor Ron so I'm guessing it's your ever-lovin' Terry.

Nope, it was not Terry who hiked up and  out to that  point.

Well at 11 am it is still windy, cloudy and 42.  The only place we are going today is out to get  Terry a hamburger.  Good day to rest and read.

Sorry to see our little Preston leave this morning.  His folks, Bob and Susan were headed off toward Yellowstone.  He certainly lowered the average age of Forumites on this rally. 

To Tom:

Thanks for the fly fishing recommendations!

Not to be a smart***, but below is a picture of Fish Lake taken at 2:07 this afternoon.  Temperature was 37F, wind at 30 mph.  Yes that is ice covering the lake and yes, that is snow blowing in from the left.  Other than that, just about perfect for the intrepid flyfisherman! ;D ;D

For those not familiar with Fish Lake, when the ice is gone, it has a reputation as the premier lake trout fishery in the region! -- just not today ;D



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I think today was the shortest RV Forum Rally Happy Hour ever.
40 degrees with a stiff breeze ( OK wind). The hearty soles made it to 27 minutes before heading inside.
We hope the weather allows us to follow Terry on the Burr Trail ride tomorrow.

Brrr ... sounds cold there.

Doesn't sound like ideal weather for fishing Fish Lake, but some of the protected areas on the Fremont River might be OK.

Don, did you check out some of those huge/hidden turnouts I mentioned? They're large enough for a couple or more RVs, and have signs saying "OK to overnight".
George and I took Hwy 24 thru the Park to Hanksville this morning. On the way, we stopped at the Mesa Bakery and saw where the bread sold here at the RV Park is baked in an outdoor oven. Also his goat herd and green house and sustainable pastures.

Just past there is the ghost town of Giles. http://www.onlineutah.com/gileshistoryb.shtml

We drove about a mile of dirt track of the 2 to the ghost town before deciding if we broke down out there no one would ever find us. I'll post some pics of the restoration site where they have a neat old graveyard replica, a "Blue Cowboy" and signs listing pioneers and outlaws of the area. Will wait to post until I get home since the RV park wi-fi is slow.

It was 34 when we got up this morn but the day hasn't been too bad. A few flurries of rain, snow and hail but the sun is shining now and it's about 55.
Tom said:
Brrr ... sounds cold there.

Doesn't sound like ideal weather for fishing Fish Lake, but some of the protected areas on the Fremont River might be OK.


Sure it is. Ice fishing! ;D
The Parks, Maribitos, and FitzGeralds drove down to the Headquarters Canyon at the south end of the park.  Had a great hike into a rather nice slot canyon where we munched lunch while sitting on some rocks and enjoying the wonderful canyon walls.  We had really good timing to see lots of wildflowers, including some we didn't recognize.  We had a couple of sprinkles while in the canyon but nothing serious, then needed windshield wipers on the way back.  To the east were sunshine and blue skies, but the western mountains where the Brewer-led trail ride was taking place looked really nasty with big black clouds and places where fresh snow probably was falling.

This was the last day of the 2010 Hop, Skip & Jump.  It's been a good rally with a good group of old and new friends.  Thanks to all who helped make it successful, especially Jeff and Sheila who made the campground arrangements.


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