Safety - visual check before driving away

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Well-known member
May 9, 2010

There have been a few comments recently about isolated vandalism while stopped such as ********s pulling pins in hitches and such.  One poster indicated he always does a quick visual inspection before getting in.  Obviously lockable devices here would help.

What other kinds of visual inspections do you do before driving away?
I check the tire pressures on the PressurePro monitor panel.
I check the stars and the alignment of the planets. :)  But seriously, I do a walk-around checking antennas, jacks, towbar, lock basement doors, chocks, hoses, power cable, awning, etc.
If we're stopped for groceries, food, or fuel, I check:
- Tires
- Windows, entrance door, and compartment doors
- Roof vent
- Hitch, including chains, electrical connection, breakaway, WD arms, overcenter latches and lockpins, and the pin and lockpin holding the hitch in the receiver.

When stopped at a campsite I also check the security of the awning locks and look underneath to be sure all the stabilizers are fully retracted and no shore connections are left.
Molaker said:
But seriously, I do a walk-around checking antennas, jacks, towbar, lock basement doors, chocks, hoses, power cable, awning, etc.
For that I'd use a checklist.  Always.  I think there are such in this forums resources pages as starters.

But I was more thinking of just a fuel, bathroom or sight seeing break.  The kind of check you would do as part of a quick walk around three or five times a day while traveling.
I have my checklist clips that I put on the steering wheel and remove as I 'undo' them.  These are hair clips that I put labels on.  I put whatever applies on the steering wheel i.e. jacks down, awnings out, etc.  After the last one is removed I then do a 'walk about' on the rig, look underneath to ensure the jacks have retracted, walk down the road for a bit to ensure the TV antenna has settled on the roof.  Check all the hookups on the toad.  Check 1X, 2X, 3X, 4X, that the car is in neutral and the hand brake released.  We do a spot check on the signals on the toad, then Ken drives a little down the road to doubly ensure that hookups on the toad are AOK. 
I don't think you can ever overdo checking on everything. 
Inevitably after doing all the checking I can remember I drive for about 30meters then stop and do the one or two things I forgot. Thinks like putting my milkcrate step back on board, or putting the cast iron fry pan back in its cupboard. Always seems to be something. Only once did I forget to put the electrical cable away. I unplugged it from my garage but then closed the garage door and forgot about it. Luckily I also forgot to latch the fridge door and when I stopped to do that I noticed the cable on the road.
ruthandken CDN said:
I don't think you can ever overdo checking on everything.
If you're OCD.  :) Which you folks aren't.    :) :)    Then there's Howie Mandel
"What other kinds of visual inspections do you do before driving away?"
Do whatever makes you feel safe going down the road.  Pre-trips are an interesting subject and very interesting to watch other people.  We had some 60+ drivers, some would spend 30 min inspecting others would do nothing; just get in and pull away.  One guy used a hammer and could find stuff others missed such as loose bolts, low tires etc.  What worked best for me was to start clock wise looking at everything each morning, after stopping where I could not see the equipment, (like lunch) I did my walk around looking at tires and lugs and any fresh damage. 
I find on my RV I still start clock wise, and if I get distracted I put a place holder to come back to the same spot I left (like hat or glove or whatever)
Then when I'm finished and satisfied with the pre-trip the wife and I change.  She walks around the outside and I walk around the inside. 
It takes us about 20 min.  But never lost an antenna, awning or anything.  And never forgot to pack dog or wife.
Of course these days younger folks don't know what clockwise means.

A friend, who is a heavy duty mechanic instructor, was explaining the concept of clockwise and pointed to the clock on the wall.  Did a double take and realized that the college had replaced the circular clocks with digital over the summer break.
Any time I leave the rig, shopping , pay diesel, etc i allways do a walkaround the 5 er and check the bikes are secure and  CHECK the electrical plug in on the truck and make sure the safty pin is in the hitch handle, also check I get into the right truck with or the DW.
Foxysdad said:
also check I get into the right truck with the DW.
Hehehe.  Easier to do than with a motor home.  There was an amusing anecdote a short while ago somewhere about hubby who drove off thinking DW was sleeping in the back.  He realized after 20 minutes that DW wasn't on board.  So he quickly called her cell phone.  And heard it ring on the passenger seat beside him.  Etc, etc.
Recently saw a sign at the exit to a campgrounds:

Awning up?
antenna Down?
Swewe cap on?
Step in?

Have A Nice Day!!
Definitely make sure spouse, kids, and pets are onboard!  Two different people here on the RV Forum have left their wives behind.  This is not a good thing to do....  ;)


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