Sewer Smell From My Closet!

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Jan 31, 2010
Greenbrae, CA
Hello there...

This is my first post in RV Forum.  I searched the posts but could not find an answer to my question.  I am a new RV owner (1984 26' Class C "Country Camper").  I have noticed a sewer smell coming from my closet (which is in the back of the RV in the bathroom area).  Also, I have a tail lens broken in the same basic area and I noticed the smell is coming from there also.  I went on the roof to see if there was any smell coming from my vents, but there appears to be none (is there supposed to be?).

I am wondering if my vent is clogged somewhere.  I tried putting a plumbers snake down the vent to see if I could "unblock" anything but no luck.

Any ideas would be most welcome - thanks!



OK, well I just went to start my generator and the battery exploded (no one hurt!) - talking to an RV guy on the phone, he thinks what has happened is that my battery had been overcharged (it was a maint free newer battery) and the smell I was smelling was form that.  He is coming tomorrow to take a look...
Interesting update on the battery...!  :eek:  Do you know if there is anything IN the tank that would be smelling?  Your vent pipe could have dropped down too far into the tank, blocking the air from escaping.  Then the odor escapes wherever it can, usually out the toilet itself or any tiny gaps in the sewer system.
When my sinks smell I put white vinegar in overnight.

We put a ventura cap on our sewer vent.  You can get them at rallies/shows and I have seen them at Walmart.  The cap sits over the vent pipe and usually has fines so the wind directs it.  The cap is open on both ends and the wind blows through taking the smell with it.

If you think the vent is blocked try coloring some water and pouring down the vent then drain the tank and look for the color water.

We have used 'odorcon' successfully in the black and grey tanks.

I am glad you were not hurt with the battery.  I had a problem with my battery charger putting out a constant 15V and boiling all the water out.  I finally replaced it with an IOTA 55amp inverter.

Good luck with your maintenance.

Russ - WB3FQI
The sulpher smell from a charging battery is very similar to the smell of sewer gas.  The battery container should be sealed, so if you can smell it from the inside, look for cracks or gaps - probably where the wires go through, and seal them up.
Eric, welcome to the forum, sorry about the battery problem but like others glad no one was injured. 

One more thing to check on the sewer gas smell from the closet, do you have provisions  (pipes and plug) for a washer/dryer in the closet area? 

Part of the the piping is a P-trap for the drain from the washer and if the water in the trap has evaporated it will allow the gases from the gray water to migrate up into the area.  That may be why you couldn't smell any thing from the vent on top.  Easy to check and pour some water down the line if that's the case.

  I put the Cyclone Sewer Vent on my RV and haven't  smelled a thing since
Your problem was the battery. it has a terrible smell when overcharged. It smells just like sewer. my question is if it exploded it had to get a ignition from something. what causes them to explode is the gas build up. So it has to have a ignition source from something.
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