Should I be mad?

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You guys are right, I'm not taking anyone to court because they exercised their right to sell their own motor home to who ever they wanted to.  I was just mad because I had put out some (not a lot but some) cash, and we had agreed on a price.  (See below: I got the money back!)

I didn't mention the guys age except to indicate that he wasn't some kid, but someone who was probably raised to respect a deal between two people.

I have since learned a bit more about the situation.  I was in the area last weekend so I stopped in at the RV sales and Service center that I had hired to go out and inspect this motor home. I wanted to see if maybe they had something I might like. There was the Adventurer.  Turns out the mobile RV Service tech bought the rig after inspecting it for me.  He asked the guy how much I was buying it for and counter offered for 500 more with cash in an hour.  I demanded my money back from the company that did the inspection since they actually didn't provide me with a service, they provided their technician with a service.  The owner managed to get the guy to splutter out a confession after I ranted for a bit in his office.

The owner was mad about giving me my money back but he saw it my way.  The technician I think ended up paying for the inspection, as is only right.

I've sort of got my eye on a Georgie Boy Landau on a Workhorse right now.  I'll let you guys know how that works out.  It is at a dealer and also several hours from my house so it might be next weekend before I get to look at it.  I'm not interested in giving the dealer 2500 to hold it for me, if it goes there are lots of fish in the sea!

Thanks for all of your input. I thought I would share the what I think is probably the end of the Adventurer story.
You might consider reporting that incident to the BBB.  If it's not illegal what the tech did, it certainly isn't a good business practice.
No it wasn't a good practice and unethical but owner didn't seem to know what had happened so I don't feel right dragging his company through he mud over it.  Besides at this point I'm just kind of done with the whole ordeal.

Slimy technician offered to sell it to me for 500 more than he paid for it, because he felt bad (for being caught...).  We passed, it was a great deal for what I offered and a good deal for what he paid but my wife and were just so done with the whole thing.

jeffbrown said:
I have since learned a bit more about the situation.  I was in the area last weekend so I stopped in at the RV sales and Service center that I had hired to go out and inspect this motor home. I wanted to see if maybe they had something I might like. There was the Adventurer.  Turns out the mobile RV Service tech bought the rig after inspecting it for me.  He asked the guy how much I was buying it for and counter offered for 500 more with cash in an hour. 

Now I would really be mad - glad you held your ground for a refund!  Sure things will work out for you in the end.

I might not have been mad before but I sure as heck would be now !! What that inspector did was totally unethical (and possibly illegal) and he should have been fired.


Thanks for sharing the resolution with us.  Goes to show,  ya just never know all the details of a story.  Sure sounds like a huge  conflict of interest for the Tech.  Sounds good that you  vented with us, gotten lots of our opinions and have now moved on.... Good luck on your next rig!
If in fact someone came along and offered more money he should have had the decency to let you know that he had a better offer and give you the oportunity to match it.  I stand behind my word and would never do that to anyone, but just look at it as a sign that it was not the right unit for you.  Something better will probabaly show up.  That is usually the way it happens to us.
Jaxon said:
Yup.  Sure does.  Interesting the conclusions being speculated upon...
Well, the OP just wanted to know if he should be mad.  When people are mad, they usually do something about it.  If they don't do anything, there isn't much sense in being mad, because they are only hurting themselves and their loved ones.  Just trying to shed some light on where the OP might be considering going with it.
We are done with the whole Adventurer thing, we have decided it isn't a great floor plan for us.  We really need dinette seat-belts and it is not an easy mod for that model.  We would really like them to be factory.  Looked at an 02 Southwind but cant seem to come to terms with the dealer on it.  He says he's in it too much to let it go for mid book, I say that isn't my fault or problem...  Nobody seems to be buying it for his price so maybe by spring he'll want to get rid of it.  Our first trip of the year is back to the Grand Canyon in late March early April.  Would really like to have the new Rig by then, but other than that I'm in no rush.

I was mad, I called it what I did because of my perspective being on the getting screwed side of the deal, I wanted to know if my feelings were valid.  By the time I found out what happened to the rig in question I was over it.  Kind of a posting to vent and see if anyone else had similar experiences.

Thanks everyone!

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