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  • Thread starter PatrioticStabilist
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Congratulations that is wonderful news.

I may have missed it but where are you now I think in Texas but not sure.  Are you heading to Florida at some point.  How is your mother in law and the dog?
We were in Texas for about 5 weeks or so.  Had a good time for the most part until
DD started having emotional issues again.  I waited for Tom to fly in from Africa he
comes through Houston and we picked him up.  He drove us home, enjoyed being with
him.  I was going to Florida in March, not sure, cancelled our reservations till I see what
happens with Sue Anne.  We are going to a guardianship hearing before a judge the
19th, that has to be taken care of.  They tried a new med zyprexa, only been on it a
couple of days has helped some.

Tom is home till the 24th and its getting COLD here.  Tonight its to be 3 degrees.  We
weren't going to winterize the motorhome but not being sure I'm going in March we decided
to do so.  He changed my hitch up and fixed the one lever that wasn't working right on it, so
now its back easy to use again, we also got a new rockguard and its way better then the first
one we had.  It's wider, easier to hookup and stores much neater.  The first one drooped and
got close to the tail pipe and it cooked the end of it, looked awful.

He needs to look at 3 lights on the inside for me, 1 in the bedroom closet, 1 of the overhead
in the bedroom, and the one over the kitchen sink.  Also changed some things on the TV.  I
think all that needed done was the box reset to make it work.  He brought it in the house
and tried troubleshooting it and we called Dish.  Basically you can't move the box, had to test
it in the motorhome.  We thought the box was bad and we asked where we could exchange it.

Get this, the guy would not exchange the box unless we signed a new contract and upgraded.
I said are you kidding me?  Forget that, I will just cancel the whole thing and go to another
service.  I had called them 3 different times, the system worked perfectly in the spring when
I was in Arizona.  I was convinced it only needed reset as they do when they are off for several
months.  Well apparently I got through to him.  Tom hooked it up back in the motorhome and
wouldn't you know it worked perfectly.  Apparently he ended up resetting it like I asked and that
was all it was, man, stuff like that is just so aggravating.  We are already paying way way to much
for TV service now and I'm not paying more.  The programming is getting worse and worse.

So we may or may not be going to Florida in March.  Right now I'm working on taxes, have to have
them in to E & Y the first of March.  Tom's company requires it, then they prepare the returns for
us.  He is giving me a hard time now saying its 83 and 70's at night in Lobito, Angola.  He should
feel guilty.  But I am laughing at him, he is always saying how the cold doesn't bother him.  Well
all I have heard this time is how cold it is here and I'm laughing.  I may not have such a hard time
getting him to Florida in retirement in the winter afterall!  I would not be back here if he were not
home right now, its brutal, 14 right now with winds and falling.  Brrrrr
MIL is about the same, she is doing ok right now.  I think she and BJ did well.  She was over the other day
and he was out there wiggling all over so I know he likes her.  She didn't pay to much attention to him, but
she takes good care of him.  She just doesn't want a dog of her own.  I know he is lots of company for her
though.  He is a sweet old dog.
Oh I am sorry you and Sue Anne are having troubles I do hope the new meds help too.  Maybe Florida will be just what the doctor ordered for both of you.  In any case I wish good things for you.

I hear you about the cold, I am in Ontario and I am so sick of this blasted cold winter it just never seems to want to end and it is so cold I hate it.  For example tonight with the wind chill it will be -33, too cold for sure.  I can't wait to get back out in the motorhome in nice warm weather.  If we didn't have to work we would be heading to Florida right about now but we still have a few more years of work to hit freedom 55, not sure it will be freedom at 55 but we will try.

I am glad to hear BJ and MIL did well while you were away.

Tom fixed the things for me I wanted looked at.  Changing the rock guard and checking out the tellie.  Also he needs to check a couple of lights inside.  This time not anything else to fix.  He checked the fluids and stuff and like I said we winterized just in case. So the old motorhome did good.  Well I did have to have the new blower motor put on the heater in front, that sure makes it warm up there now.  It blows way way better then before.

I sure hope she does improve. Not sure what is going on with her, no answers so far.
The weather sounds bone chilling miserable!  Hang in there Carolyn...spring is coming...hopefully.  We're having our warmest February on record here in Idaho...weird! 
Boo, hiss, we have seen temps to 9 below zero, that is just disgusting in my book.

But a former classmate lives in Sarasota and said it got 40 there.  So this cold has
went further south.

Sue Anne is doing so so, have to see how it goes.  She wants to go to Florida for
the 9th her birthday, we shall see.
I'm going to try and head out to Florida next Friday.  Today the high was 18, I can't see getting out there in the snow and ice
in my drive way and try to fill the water tank, get the car hooked up and get things in the motorhome again.  It's COLD out there.
Tom offered to hook it up before he left but if he had I could not have put the motorhome in the garage.

We have had an electric heater on inside, he worried that we did not get water out of the lines to the icemaker or possibly somewhere
in the washer and they would freeze. Now that will be some $$$$$$ on our electric bill. He is also worrying about the valves on the grey and black water freezing.  I will stick a heater down there for a couple of days before we leave or crank up the furnaces so they will heat the bays.

We have the trickle charger on but not the block heater.  I will turn it on a few days before leaving.  It's still supposed to be very cold.
I worry about ice between here and areas of the south, don't want to get in that.  Would hate to get that big old thing sliding, I doubt I could stop it.
I got our taxes done and I've been cleaning out files and getting everything caught up.  I didn't realize I was so far
behind, life should be more simple for just plain folks!
I just keep a clamp on light in my wet bays with a 60 watt bulb. Easy to plug in when weather forecast warrants. Don't use a lot of electricity but keeps things from freezing.
I'm telling you I can't believe all the roadblocks I've had.  BUT Sue Anne and I are on our way to Florida finally. I didn't want to drive through Atlanta, been a long time since I drove there from up north, usually I 10 to Florida. So I went down 65 to Birmingham and we are staying near Troy, Alabama tonight in a very nice park.  \

Sue Anne is doing very well, finally.  I don't know if her issues are behind her or not, but she has been doing well for several weeks.  I am however pursuing with the state respite care and whatever else is available.  I just got all those papers in the other day, I'm sure I will have to send pounds more of documentation before we start getting on waiting lists.  But you have to start somewhere.

Tom was home and the weather was awful we had 14 to 18 below zero.  So cold he worked on some wiring at the rent house, did a few things on the motorhome and just had to quit.  He caught a cold, he never does and had to go to the doc.  Only reason he went is he was afraid he would have a fever and they would turn him away over there, they are terrified of ebola so he stayed in and rested for a few days before he left.

So he leaves and I was planning on going, we got snowed in twice!  I couldn't get out of my driveway for 7 days.  A neighbor hauled my truck out near the road and then the tracks were solid ice. Tom said don't get the motorhome out on the ice, I sure wasn't going to anyway.  I finally put out ice melt and got it thawed and shoveled enough to get to the road 15 ft away.  The highway was clear I just couldn't get to it.  I said never again.  So we are now the proud owners of an old plow truck with snow blade the local dealership had for sale.  We used to have a lot of farmers that would help you there but the power plant bought up lots of the land, plus most of them are dead and now a few huge farmers own it all.  Even in the country times have changed big time. So hopefully that will help.  You know how pretty those long circle driveways look IN THE SUMMER, LOL, well in the winter they get longer.

Then issues with MIL and her sister.  I did not agree to take on the sister who has serious mental issues.  I think dementia worse them MIL by a long range.  She has a mobile behind MIL but had supposedly been helping care for this old guy in his home.  I think she got in to bad of a mental condition to do it and he also should have been in a nursing home years ago.  So she comes back home to the mobile.  OH MY GOD, she has been calling the police on a young neighbor man, telling his mother he is stealing things. The guy is 25 and has some issues but stealing is not one of them.  She has targeted other people in the neighborhood anytime she comes and stays there and did the same when she was at the other guys house.  The cops have her name on a list. She loses keys and her purse and all kinds of stuff and accuses him then MIL feeds on this. When Tom was home she was showing him alien bugs, he said it was pieces of toilet paper.  I had a nightmare.  Of course the sisters son is vacationing in Florida all winter!!  You just couldn't believe what all happened, the cops are aware she is out of it but I told them call the son and the neighbors too I'm not taking care of anyone else, I have more then I can handle now. They finally came home a month early, to bad folks. He did get her Friday but I fear he will bring her back.  I've got news for him, his responsibility. I will advise anyone and yourselves, do a POA so you can do what needs to be done when the time comes.  Tom and I both have them for each other.  We also have it so our son can put us in assisted living or a nursing home when the time comes.  We got everything done but that and she wouldn't go to sign it. Your alternative is get them to a doctor for an assessment, good luck with that and then go for a guardianship hearing or have them declared incompetent and I understand that is very involved.  But do this while people are mentally healthy, we have sure learned some lessons.  This is the last elderly relative we will have to deal with at least.

I can't believe the crap I get involved in.  Tom is going to try and talk to his mom about going to assisted living, but we fear we will have to get guardianship for her too and force her to go.  That is so sad.  But I can't do all this so if her sister isn't out of there, this fall Tom said go to Florida for the winter.  I have to disassociate myself from this.  Sometimes you can't help people that won't let you.  So that's an update on what has been happening.

Well we are out of there for now, have to head back about the 11th, other things need done. 

Anyway I'm already calming down so life is good again, hope it stays this way.

I am going to look around for a lot or a small house someplace further south then Orlando, but that's where we are staying at Sherwood Forest RV Park, every place I looked at was booked so not exactly the site we wanted but it will be fine. Sue Anne is all primed to go to Disney and Universal plus flea markets so she will enjoy herself.  Tom said see what I can find. He is wanting something outside of a park where he can putter, I would prefer a lot or place with a pool and amenities but gosh the lot expenses are very high.

May not find anything this trip.  We have even debated on just renting a house for a few months or something, we don't know what we want to do as usual.  It will work out.

So hi to everyone and that's what we have been up to. More fun then a barrel of monkeys, not!!



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I would encourage you to stop by "The Cloisters" My parents have lived there for almost 5 years now.  It's a wonderful place, the only thing is they don't take Alzheimer patients.  They have a dining room where everyone  eats.  And I think it's like a park atmosphere with lots of walking trails, good security, and many benches from which one can watch the squirrels at play. Deland, FL is right off of I-4, take 44, go west about 4 or 5 miles, you'll see a Walgreens at the corner of Amilia av, turn left, the first street  will be Howry Av, turn left, you will see the guard shack on the right.  Make sure you check out the downtown are while you are in Deland, it's a great little town for walking.

I went through this same thing with my parents.  My sister and their doctors were very instrumental in making it all work.  I had received many phone calls from their church, as well as others.  My parents were calling 911 about 3 times a week, for everything from falling in the shower, to a needed visit to the ER.  It was very tough, and I felt like they hated me for the first six months after the move.  They had been in that house since 1976. 

Now, they are happy, pleased that they moved, and very active.  In fact, this week they went with the group to Ballroom dancing lessons, which, back in the day, they did a couple of times a week.  My dad was joking with me and said, "I think your mother believes it's going to be like dancing with the stars, I've got news for her, no ones getting thrown in the air."  ;D
They also have a Wii bowling team, they travel around playing other assisted living centers.  Most of the units have a stove and an oven for those that like to cook, which, was the only way to get my mom to move.  She was insistent that she get an oven, and most places we checked, did not have one.  One of my moms friends there is from Texas, she said the Cloisters is the nicest place she had seen in the country.  She and her husband, lived at a place in Texas for a very short time, she said she had to get out of there. 

There are others that live there that are younger, 50's & 60's.  Most of these people say they just wanted to find a place they were happy, that would be their choice.  Many of the residents still do travel, they go to Vegas, a Cruise, or a beach, etc., and then back home to the Cloisters.  Many live there for the security, the fellowship of others there own age, or just the convenience.  My mom asks my dad to hang pictures, he calls maintenance, they come right up and get those pictures hung.  Once a week housekeeping comes in to clean, they have transportation where they will take you to the Doctor, or just about where ever you need to go.  But my folks, and many others, still have their cars.

Hopefully this will help you around one of those Road blocks. 
My mom was in a very nice assisted living place but she just didn't like it.

My MIL likely has alzheimers, I have an appointment with a doctor she likes on the 13th of April, she has agreed to go we shall see if she will, I couldn't get in before that.  I have explained her problems to her, but well we know how that goes. I have been cussed out and told to never come back to her house, etc, as Tom says you have to overlook that,  but its hard. I have gotten her to take B12 and from what it says may help her. It seems she is a little better with memory, but still to many deficits.  I want to get a diagnosis and see if something like Aricept or something like that can help so she can function in assisted living.  Honestly, we have a nice local one and there are all kinds of people there she knows, I think once she got used to it she would love it. I know she has to be lonesome. Her diet is awful, how she stays physically healthy is beyond me, she is 87.  Her mother and 2 brothers and now her sister, Tom is worried and well he should be, but if something happens I will see my old sweetie is taken care of.  If MIL did not have about 5 wonderful neighbors who live in that small rural neighborhood where she does I would not be able to get away.  They all told me go.

It is so sad to see people descend into that, that is a horrible illness, just shot me please if I get like that!

Today it rained quite a bit so I did not make the mileage I had intended.  We ended up in Lakeland on I-75 for the night.  Will make Orlando tomorrow, just didn't want to drive after dark and try to get in the park and all after dark so stopped.

It is warm, tomorrow, shorts,  that thrills me, tonight AC sure beats snow up the wazoo!  The folks next to me are from the UP in Michigan, like me they had trouble getting going.  I can only imagine the snow they had.

Hope everyone had a great day, Tom said he did.  He went on a drive there today and did some sightseeing. 
PatrioticStabilist said:
My mom was in a very nice assisted living place but she just didn't like it.

My MIL likely has alzheimers, I have an appointment with a doctor she likes on the 13th of April, she has agreed to go we shall see if she will, I couldn't get in before that.  I have explained her problems to her, but well we know how that goes. I have been cussed out and told to never come back to her house, etc, as Tom says you have to overlook that,  but its hard. I have gotten her to take B12 and from what it says may help her. It seems she is a little better with memory, but still to many deficits.  I want to get a diagnosis and see if something like Aricept or something like that can help so she can function in assisted living.  Honestly, we have a nice local one and there are all kinds of people there she knows, I think once she got used to it she would love it. I know she has to be lonesome. Her diet is awful, how she stays physically healthy is beyond me, she is 87.  Her mother and 2 brothers and now her sister, Tom is worried and well he should be, but if something happens I will see my old sweetie is taken care of.  If MIL did not have about 5 wonderful neighbors who live in that small rural neighborhood where she does I would not be able to get away.  They all told me go.

It is so sad to see people descend into that, that is a horrible illness, just shot me please if I get like that!

I'm praying for ya'll.  I've been through that, and now though, it is much better.  But it really rips your heart out, and stomps it.  You're trying to do the best you can for them, and they seem to hate you for doing it.  For my parents, I think they were just going stir crazy from lack of socialization.  They seldom got  out, and didn't have anyone their own age to talk to, then with the constant falls and Medical emergencies, it was a mess.  Even though the Dr's even told them they needed assisted living, the hate I felt from them would have been unbearable without my relationship with Jesus Christ.  It was Him I cried out to after just about every visit.  Then once we got them relocated, it was months before they realized what we did was good for them, then a few more months before they would admit it to me.  I really believe the friends they made that could identify with their situation was what brought them out of it.

It is a heart wrenching ordeal you're going though, unless ones gone through it, it's very difficult to even fathom the depth of rejection, despair and sadness one feels.  I'm praying for you. 
The son took his mom back down there, I can't believe it.  Her 87 year old sister cannot make it without my help, I pay her bills and everything.  Go find her purse at least once a week, her car keys, and try and keep the TV working.  She is trying to take care of this 85 year old sister, what is wrong with that man?  I am livid. With her gone, Tom was going to try to talk his mom into voluntarily going to assisted living this trip home.  Neither of them have any business driving a car.  I told the son all his mom talks about is the boy breaking in and stealing.  Last time she showed the cops some wadded up Kleenex or toilet paper on the bar saying that boy is doing that.  She has accused he and other neighbor kids of stealing, I think to the point 2 years ago 2 moved and its still going on.  The neighbors there are very nice people, but they have had about enough.

I told the neighbors after that, just do what you have to do, I'm through dealing with the cops and trying to keep peace.  They are all very unhappy about this too, they thought the son was going to step up and take care of his mother.  I'm sure this is much better for he and his wife, push the responsibility off on someone else.  Well not this time, I'm not stepping up.  All the sister and MIL do is sit and talk about how that "boy" is in their house all the time.  They have actually went to his house and told them their purses are gone.  I told MIL and the sister you have to quit doing that, you are accusing people of stealing when you are just misplacing things.  I told Tom I had no idea I was getting involved in something like that.  His mom is bad enough but I'm not adding the sister, I'm through there.  This is going to end badly I fear.  They have a new young couple in the neighborhood, I imagine they will target them next.  Since his mother wont' do anything willingly we will likely have to go to court and get a guardianship for her too and that will take time and money.  What a mess.  I told Tom if it didn't cost so much to be away and take care of that place I wouldn't even go back for a few months, I think by then it would take care of itself.  I'm limiting contact, believe me, for my sanity.  I don't think I'm very sane anyway after 44 years of Sue Anne!!  LOL!  What is wrong with people, pushing their problems and responsibilities off on others. 
We are enjoying ourselves though I for some reason am more tired this trip then usual.

Went to Disney Downtown, was a nightmare, got rained out last week right at the entrance of Universal and
don't want to go back.

I will take Sue Anne to the Magic Kingdom, but I am thinking of a wheelchair as my one foot is not doing well.  I have lost quite a bit of weight 23 pounds, want to do 16 more to get at the correct BMI but am stalled.  Not sure it will help, had xrays before I left to check it out. In fact thinking of taking a taxi there to reduce the amount of walking period.  I can do normal amounts.

Tomorrow night going to the Medieval show and dinner venue, we like that.  And she is wanting to go to the Al Capone dinner theatre, we just may.

I likely will leave the 7th though I'm considering staying another week, mainly because both pets are kenneled, next time will bring at least one.  Pretty durn expensive to leave them.

Beautiful weather here, would love to stay till Tom comes home on the 24th, but better get back I guess.
Anyone stayed around Clewiston, Florida?  I'm thinking of running down there this weekend and looking around at houses/lots?  Anything good or bad about the area?  Looks like I can fish at least. 

Are there other towns anyone would recommend around that area for winter.  We are starting to look for either a motorhome lot or small house somewhere in south Florida, suggestions.  May take awhile as I would prefer Tom go to look also.

Carolyn,  I'm sorry I haven't been on the boards lately but thought I would check in to see what is happening with you and Sue Anne.  Well it has been a while since you have last posted so I hope things are going well and you arrived safe and sound back home to what I hope would be good surroundings and you have disconnected from your MIL and her sister, what a mess is right.  I feel for you and I feel for Tom having to worry about all of you.  We have similar issues with our mother too she is 85 and just starting to have alzeimer's or dementia but only slightly but she had a heart attack last week she is on the mend and it was a mild one with no complications, changed her meds and she is back to herself.  She is still capable of doing most things on her own, my sister and nephew moved into her home so that she is not by herself so at least she is safe.  She too also shows signs of her thinking things go missing and it always them that took the missing articles it is hard for them but they take it as it is, thankfully she doesn't call the police - yet!!! LOL...I take her on weekends and we previously would take a journey to the US for shopping etc. but now her health insurance would not be valid in the US due to the pre-existing condition with her recent heart troubles so she is house bound...I wish she would go to an assisted living spot I thin it would bring so much life back to her with having people her age to chat with and tell their stories to each other (over and over and over again) :)  She isn't hearing any of that right now and none of us are brave enough to put her through that heart ache - she just isn't far enough along yet.  As long as my sister can cope with the situation as it is and as long as she is safe so far everything is working out.

I wish I had checked in sooner, would you believe we were in Orlando at the same time I was there from March 29 to April 3 and I would have loved to have met both you and Sue Anne and I would have found you at our park..too bad, maybe next time.  It was just myself and a good friend who flew from here in Ontario direct, my hubby had to stay home with the dog :) her hubby had to stay home with the children.  We went to Universal and Sea World, I 50 yrs old and I'm telling you I thought I was crippled from walking those parks with all of the people, they were jammed but I guess we should have expected that Easter Week.  My legs have not yet recovered I think it ruined me - so much for thinking I would be able to be twenty again - NOT...I don't know how you and Sue Anne do it, I thought I needed a wheelchair the first day at Universal but I kept plugging away and survived from 10:00 AM - 8:00pm walking and fighting the crowds, that was TOO much.  Won't do that again..

Did you get down to the Clewiston area?  There really isn't much down there is there, I know it's a small town but don't know much else about have only driven through it a few times.

Well I hope things are going well for you all.  Wishing you all the best....Dorothy
Hi Dorothy and all,

PatriotcStabilist, hasn't been on for about two months now. Makes you worry when people you see on here suddenly don't post for a long time. Wondering if anyone might have some insight on all of this and can tell us if Carolyn is O.K. or not?

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