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LOL. Yeah, I know what you mean. Until Tom tells me otherwise, I kind of look at The Shade Tree as a place with a bit of leeway. As long as it doesn't get personal or vulgar, most Forum members seem to find it acceptable and enjoy it.

In "63" I was being introduced to military training at Fort Dix, NJ. At 17 there wasn't much they could make me do physically that I couldn't handle. The worst part was listening to others tell stories about what they had just gone through that I had yet to experience. It always sounded much worse than the actual training itself.
JackL said:
Born in 1936 for me.

If we could only get rid of the TV news media, (ABC, NBC, CNN and the rest of them) we would be in a lot better shape !

Jack L

We agree Jack L !

FWIW ? We are not Dem or Rep. We are just... Only... American Citizens.

WE have quit watching any Main Stream National News, GMA and the like, and quit our local Paper... about 2 months ago.

Since then, Our Quality Of Life.. seems to be a lot less complicated, less stressful, by not having to figure out what is FACT, what is FAKE, Twisted, Bias, or Sensationalized.

It been quite an Eye Opener.

Life Is Good(er)  :) ;) ;) :D
JackL said:
Born in 1936 for me.

I remember it all, but I still like today better than yesterday.

If we could only get rid of the TV news media, (ABC, NBC, CNN and the rest of them) we would be in a lot better shape !

Jack L

We just need an unbiased media, one that isn't for or against any party. You know, an entity that would only bring us facts and truth yet how can that happen when ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations. Because I feel I have found a very friendly RV site I wasn't going to touch on anything controversial but I do believe all of this stuff ties together and we are in for big trouble.  Very big trouble.
The news often makes me angry.  Every time I spend time angry I loose a little of the remaining time that I was saving to be happy.

So I am severely cutting back on The News I watch. It's mostly what they are calling "sponsered news" anyway.

The BBC newscast does a pretty good job of filtering out some of the BS.
The rise of news to a 24/7 state is a reason for much of the overkill we see.  In many cases just flat out lies or sensationalism based on anonymous sources.  I have always believed that any worthwhile news organization will only print or put on the air stories that have a factual basis meaning no "unnamed sources" or "anonymous sources".  Of course this would reduce the news to about 15 minutes per day on TV and 3 pages in print.  I tend to try and concentrate on the nonpolitical stuff (i.e., Las Vegas) but even that is turned into political haggling in short order.

Bill N said:
The rise of news to a 24/7 state is a reason for much of the overkill we see.  In many cases just flat out lies or sensationalism based on anonymous sources.  I have always believed that any worthwhile news organization will only print or put on the air stories that have a factual basis meaning no "unnamed sources" or "anonymous sources".  Of course this would reduce the news to about 15 minutes per day on TV and 3 pages in print.  I tend to try and concentrate on the nonpolitical stuff (i.e., Las Vegas) but even that is turned into political haggling in short order.


Yep, never have watched Fox and never will.
Having a leader of our country that regularly claims that even verifiable news stories that denigrate his actions are "fake news" doesn't help any. His tweets make great fodder for the nation's comedians though, so I guess they do serve a useful purpose in that respect.
NY_Dutch said:
Having a leader of our country that regularly claims that even verifiable news stories that denigrate his actions are "fake news" doesn't help any. His tweets make great fodder for the nation's comedians though, so I guess they do serve a useful purpose in that respect.

Hate to see you turn it political (again) NY Dutch but if you remove the blinders you will see that a great deal of it IS fake news. Just look for the sources and you will see "unnamed sources" or "anonymous sources".  You may choose to accept this kind of source but not me. 
They are being refuted daily.  His tweets are his only way to actually communicate with the public because he will never be heard from people who buy ink by the barrel.  That is my opinion.

Bill N said:
Hate to see you turn it political (again) NY Dutch but if you remove the blinders you will see that a great deal of it IS fake news. Just look for the sources and you will see "unnamed sources" or "anonymous sources".  You may choose to accept this kind of source but not me. 
They are being refuted daily.  His tweets are his only way to actually communicate with the public because he will never be heard from people who buy ink by the barrel.  That is my opinion.


I feel so bad for the POTUS. He is so misunderstood.
Bill N said:
Hate to see you turn it political (again) NY Dutch but if you remove the blinders you will see that a great deal of it IS fake news. Just look for the sources and you will see "unnamed sources" or "anonymous sources".  You may choose to accept this kind of source but not me. 
They are being refuted daily.  His tweets are his only way to actually communicate with the public because he will never be heard from people who buy ink by the barrel.  That is my opinion.


No blinders here, Bill. I did say "verifiable" news. And that has nothing to do with the man's political affiliation, just his mental status...
Bill N said:
Hate to see you turn it political (again) NY Dutch but if you remove the blinders you will see that a great deal of it IS fake news. Just look for the sources and you will see "unnamed sources" or "anonymous sources". 


Reporters live on anonymous sources meaning they know who the source is, but dont tell the public who the source is.  Remember it was an anonymous source, "Deep Throat", that helped bring to light Richard Nixon's shenanigans.
Yep, never have watched Fox and never will.
The fact that you didn't mention any other news outlets says a lot.

Reporters live on anonymous sources meaning they know who the source is, but dont tell the public who the source is.  Remember it was an anonymous source, "Deep Throat", that helped bring to light Richard Nixon's shenanigans.
Which pales in comparison to today.
Dragginourbedaround said:
The fact that you didn't mention any other news outlets says a lot.

Just means I have character. I get free cable TV. The two cable news channels I get are Fox and CNN. I refuse to watch Fox. There is absolutely nothing newsworthy on that network. I watch a couple hours of CNN (Chris Cuomo) in the mornings and if I am up at night a little of Don Lemon. The reason I like those two is they usually do not let guests get away with not answering questions.

I remember growing up there was 30 minutes local news and 30 minutes national news. Walter Cronkite and Huntley & Brinkley. Any other news was gleaned from the newspapers. I remember when all the channels (we had three) went off the air at midnight. I do like that I can get up anytime of the night and watch TV. We have Netflix and Amazon. Some good shows on there.

In 1963 I was 12 years old. That was the year President Kennedy was shot. I remember I was in junior high school. I think 6th grade. Sad time.
Back to the Silent Generation...
My big sister got a TV in 1950 and we really had a ball watching it.  :)
This is the Shade Tree and needent be about RVs,,so,, I very firmly believe this countries constitution should REQUIRE a minimum service to the country from all able bodied persons as Israel does,,to instill a sense of duty, respect, discipline, pride, responsibility for ones actions, and service.....It seems many problems in Israel are created by those that are EXEMPT from this requirement and expect others to do all the work.  As our country ages and the population gets younger,, the problems are coming from this younger
segment of society that have NO SENSE of responsibility to anyone or anything and those that support that position as FREEDOM FROM ANY REQUIREMENT TO EARN IT because they also have never had to earn it.>>>Dan
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