Think You Had a Bad Day?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks demoon, that definitely proves it was not a Photoshop job. Lou you are correct as always, I just didn't think about it like that but you are right.

The tow truck driver is Jim Baker and he had this to say about the accident:

"The compartment doors had some damage on the bottom plus a little fiberglass damage from the brick columns that it hit before going off it,s parking area. Light damage for what had happened."
docj said:
This picture has been circulating on Facebook and there are quite a few people who believe it has been Photoshopped.  Notice that there is no damage to cargo bay doors or the tail end, both of which would have had to have contacted the wall it supposedly drove through.  Furthermore, if someone had been backing it, why didn't he/she stop after the rear of the MH struck the wall, long before the wheels went over the edge?
UH- Never Mind :-[
Actually, Jim Baker is the guy who owns the tow truck company.  Click on the Next button on the Facebook page above to see another successful job, this time rescuing a 5th wheel that slipped down a highway embankment.
Well, there is but one explanation:  OOPS!

Seriously.. I have seen that 2 or 3 times now.. Notice the damage to the lower rear where it hit the ground... Isn't any is there.. Staged shot or likely a photoshop job.
John From Detroit said:
Well, there is but one explanation:  OOPS!

Seriously.. I have seen that 2 or 3 times now.. Notice the damage to the lower rear where it hit the ground... Isn't any is there.. Staged shot or likely a photoshop job.
John you should read the entire thread before commenting. It has already been proven that it is not a Photoshop job.
Yes.. A break is needed.....
Gonna post pics of my amphibious motorhome puttering across lake pontchartrain.
You see, I want to save the three dollar toll........ :)
Does anyone seriously think this was a phoney or staged incident?  I think that is what Carson meant by "gimme a break".
These are then same people who photoshopped the moon landing.  Good job......

I just want to know how the heck did he roll off the parking slab? Did he have someone backing him?

Info to learn from other's mistakes. 

What can we learn from this so it does not happen to us?

Tin man said:
What can we learn from this so it does not happen to us?
Watch where you are going and use your parking brake...and maybe wheel chocks.  Other than that, try to avoid well-to-do homes with RV parking areas. :)  Of course, that's assuming adult beverages weren't involved.  But, if that's the case, then what needs to be learned is to use a designated driver or ice tea. ;D

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