toad braking system's

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Here is a real life scenerio for you. We were one of the early owners of the M&G system.  We've had it more than 10 years on two different MH & Tows.  On our previous, a gas Bounder towing a Ford Ranger pickup we had just left the rest area at Texas Canyon on I-10 heading into Benson, AZ.  The fuel pump quit, which in turn shut down all braking, power steering, everything!  Fred went white, but by pumping a few times on the brake he was able to get enough air in the line to the pick-up which in reality slowed the motorhome going down that long grade enough that he was able to manuever the mh to the breakdown lane.  This is about a 10 mile grade into the city of Benson.  Had we not had ANY auxillary braking system, we would not have been able to stop and goodness knows what damage we may have caused, not only to ourselves, but to those around us.  We will never again be without the M&G system or ANY auxillary braking system. 

Jeff Cousins said:

Most liability policies are not invalidated by failing to meet highway vehicle laws. Would you like your policy to not cover you if you ran a red light or were speeding  and had an accident? The terms of our policy define what is covered and not covered but no mention is made of towed vehicle braking.

Please do not misunderstand my feelings on toad brakes, we have them and think it is DUMB not to.

No misunderstanding, Jeff. However, I still believe that insurance companies today do look for any way possible to avoid paying claims. Another side of the coin is being involved in an accident where you are not at fault but don't have the required system. I can envision the lawyers making a case that you contributed to the accident because you were not in compliance with the law. I hate to be a sceptic but I just don't trust lawyers to be on my side. The same with insurance companies. We have to have them but they are not our friends. Bottom line is I will always have an auxiliary braking system.
KodiakRV said:
Here's a difference --
If your utility trailer breaks away, it will probably grind to a stop with its nose down pretty quickly and with a modest amount of damage.

If your Yaris breaks away, it will roll until it hits something at full speed and may be totaled.  If it veers into oncoming traffic and hits another vehicle head-on, your Yaris is not only totalled, but you are liable for the damage/injury/death that you cause others.

Auxiliary brakes could bring the Yaris to a relatively safe stop in a breakaway situation.

Lest you think this is an unrealistic example, check this recent towing accident.
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