Verizon 100GB Hotspot for $10/month

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Did other Verizon people here get that card? What's it about? I only took a very quick look at it.

I got an eMail today with a link in it. I hovered over the link and decided not to click it. It had a real dodgy looking resolve to it.

The eMail said that I had to fill in some information to join a class action suit. In my experience you never have to sign up for a class. The notices are usually if you want to opt out of the class (in case you want to sue them yourself and not settle with the class)

Your card may be different but I viewed the eMail I got as a phishing exercise.
I received the notice earlier this month. You can google the case name (Esposito et al. v. Cellco Partnership) or the docket no. (MID-L-6360-23) and see that it is a legitimate court case. Participants will receive up to $100 based on how long you have been a Verizon customer with a post-paid wireless plan.
Your card may be different but I viewed the eMail I got as a phishing exercise.
If you're a Verizon customer, I expect you will also receive the card very soon, perhaps today.

The card is legit, I never saw such an email, so I know nothing about that.

-Don- Auburn, CA
I received the notice earlier this month. You can google the case name (Esposito et al. v. Cellco Partnership) or the docket no. (MID-L-6360-23) and see that it is a legitimate court case. Participants will receive up to $100 based on how long you have been a Verizon customer with a post-paid wireless plan.
From that docker number you posted, I found this here:

"The settlement class is composed of current and former account holders in the United States who received postpaid wireless or data services from Verizon and made payments for an Administrative Charge and/or an Administrative and Telco Recovery Charge between Jan. 1, 2016, and Nov. 8, 2023.

The plaintiffs in the case allege that within the class period, Cellco Partnership, doing business as Verizon Wireless, unfairly charged fees to customers who purchased postpaid wireless service plans. A monthly administrative charge was added that was not originally part of the advertised service plan price."

-Don- Auburn, CA
How things change. When I first joined the forum the online chatter was about making cheaters for phone booths so you didn't need the audio cuffs.
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