Very Important question - COFFEE!

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I do filter my coffee water with a Brita pitcher when traveling, but use regular tap water at home in Raleigh, NC because I think it tastes pretty good.  I also use Eight-O:clock coffee when I can get it.  One of the reasons that I've intentionally NOT cultured a taste for a specific coffee, or a certain brewing method, is so I can enjoy a cup of coffee with any fellow camper who might offer one.  They may all taste different, but they all taste good. 

I do like an aromatic coffee, as I think that adds a great deal to the enjoyment.  Did you ever notice though, that after the first few sips, that you can no longer really smell it?
aka Porky said:
I do like an aromatic coffee, as I think that adds a great deal to the enjoyment.  Did you ever notice though, that after the first few sips, that you can no longer really smell it?
Oh yes.  In my opinion they only smell good while brewing actually.  And so I'm too cheap to spend the extra $ on them.  If I want more flavour I'll add a teaspoon of hot chocolate power.
Thank You, fellow coffee lovers!

We took our first Road Trip this weekend.  ( Just a six hour drive, camping in Grandpa's  Driveway, then six hours back ) .. We opted for the Keurig Style pot, sat it in the sink while driving.  Had an issue with the generator while on the move, ... 30 amp fuse kept blowing out.  So we could only make it while in the driveway .. but once that is resolved, I think it will work out well...

Sigh... now to address the generator and fuse issue.....

I think I'll make some coffee first! ;)
Marc L said:
Bailey's is my favorite flavouring agent.
:) But when you take a look at the price of Bailey's and the % of alcohol it's kinda pricey.    I'm a cheap err frugal person.
We're long time French Roast 'black' coffee drinkers - love the rich deep flavor of COFFEE without any additions! :eek:

Over the years, we've tried em' all when it comes to coffee makers - drip, french press, silex, filtered, unfiltered, electric powered, stove powered, espresso....the list goes on when you're seeking that 'perfect' cup of java... ;)

When a fellow forum member turned us onto the Aerobie coffee maker, I quickly ordered one...

We're going on our forth year using our Aerobie...we use it at home and on the road...we picked up an 8 inch square basket that's lined with cloth to carry our coffee maker, along with a small bean grinder and airtight container that holds enough grounds for a few days....

The Aerobie will give you a list of retailers, or Amazon or Yahoo online shops can supply them - for about $25 or less!

This coffee maker makes the most succulent 'shot' of espresso like elixir that you then add hot water to for a wonderful rich cup of Coffee American... ;)

With the basic 'shot', you can easily make cappuccino, etc., if that's your thing...we have a small battery powered 'froth maker' in our basket for those occasions... ;)

At home we use the microwave to heat the water - on the road, we use a small tea kettle on the stove...we have a small digital thermometer to 'test' the water - Aerobie suggests 175 degree water...

Give it a try if you're into this sort of rich tasting coffee - you won't be disappointed! 
Tony_Alberta said:
What would you recommend for a good home roaster?  What are good forums to ask such questions?  I'm not a coffee geek but would like to do some of the basics.  I picked up a small home roaster with a timer but it didn't have a temperature control.  It seemed to me that it made more of a dark roast than I prefer.    It also set off the smoke alarm so I never got back into it.

I once purchased a pound of roasted-that-day beans from somewhere in South America that had an exquisite taste.  Full of rich flavours.  It was like having a decent wine compared to koolaid (or those despised coolers).    So I'd like to get back in to all that.

Sorry, Tony... I was traveling and didn't see you question.  You can use something as simple as an air popcorn popper.  The Poppery and Poppery II from Westbend will do 1/2 cup of green coffee at a time (enough for a big pot) in about 10 minutes.  You can usually find them at Goodwill (or similar) for $1 - $2.  For a commercial roaster the Gene Cafe is a good choice. I have one that i use for small batches for testing samples and it works well.

As far as forums, the Green Coffee Buying Club is a good choice.  We buy green coffee in bulk and then split it between the members.  Also the Coffeegek forums are a good source of info. The Sweet Maria web site is also a good source for info and coffee and related items.
I have searched the forums and can't find anything on these coffee makers. I am redoing the kitchen and need to replace my Kitchen Aid Professional series, coffee maker. I grind my beans each day and like a hot, strong cup of coffee. I have narrowed my search down to the Techinvorm and a Bunn, but I'm not sure which is best. Does anyone have any information on this? Also, I know a thermal is preferred for keeping coffee fresh, but it does not make it hot enough. Any thoughts? Thank you!
You just revived a 10+ years old thread.

Out of those two you mentioned, Bunn coffee machines are cheaper, by quite a lot.

Go with glass carafe. Like you say, the thermal, insulated type keep the coffee fresh but not really at a hot enough temperature.
We have a regular sized Keurig, never has moved much going down the road, it we are on rough roads, wife gets up and sets it in the sink. No problem brewing while traveling as we always have the generator running while we are traveling.
Bunn makes both commercial brewers and home type
The commercial hold water at brewing temp. and either dispense a timed or metered amount when you push the button or when you pour in a pot full of water they push the hot out and heat the cold up....

Automatic drip is my first choice (higher brewing temp)

Keurig is my last choice though the smallest one is OK (you pour in only as much water as needed) or some of the knock offs (There are two reasons I don't like keurig. The one most important here is that save for the smallest model they hold water and have no way to drain 'em so if not used often.. Stagnant water)

For RV use, an old fashioned stove top percolator is a good choice because it does NOT need electricity (Though you can use it on a resistive burner) or a french Press (Heat water by any means).. I have one of those too. Even use it on occasion.

ALDI I believe has a nice french press just now. (Low cost)
I found a 60's traveling coffee pot set at a flea market. It is set up to use both 120 and 12v accessory (cigarette lighter for us oldies). It is a percolator style, came with both cords, 2 cups, sugar and coffee containers, coffee measuring scoop and best of all....a bracket to mount to the dashboard or some other spot in the vehicle so the pot stays put, nice and safe! All this was contained in its original carrying case. I use it to heat water since I drink a lot of hot tea and DH generally only has 1 cup of coffee in the a.m. I think I paid about $2 and it is a lovely shade of green ;)
Any particulars on this in case I want to go searching for one?
That post is from May 2011. Not sure if sew2bhappy is still active on the forum. The name doesn’t seem familiar to me.
Bunn makes both commercial brewers and home type
The commercial hold water at brewing temp. and either dispense a timed or metered amount when you push the button or when you pour in a pot full of water they push the hot out and heat the cold up....

Automatic drip is my first choice (higher brewing temp)

Keurig is my last choice though the smallest one is OK (you pour in only as much water as needed) or some of the knock offs (There are two reasons I don't like keurig. The one most important here is that save for the smallest model they hold water and have no way to drain 'em so if not used often.. Stagnant water)

For RV use, an old fashioned stove top percolator is a good choice because it does NOT need electricity (Though you can use it on a resistive burner) or a french Press (Heat water by any means).. I have one of those too. Even use it on occasion.

ALDI I believe has a nice french press just now. (Low cost)
All the full sized ones have detachable water reservoir. You just lift up on em to remove. You can dump out stale water, run it through the dishwasher or just take it to the sink to fill.

I like the K Cup as I can make a cup of what I like and rye DW can make a cup of what she likes.

I don’t like all the wasted plastic. We use a full size when we are on electric. I can start it before my shower and by the time I am dressed, it is cool enough to drink. We use a collapsible silicone tea kettle and a collapsible filter holder when boondocking.

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