Where will you celebrate Thanksgiving?

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Jan 13, 2005
Will you celebrateThanksgiving at home, visiting family, or on the road? Will you be celebrating Thanksgiving in your RV, or travelling there by RV?

We have very little family in California and our kids in the mid west always have to work the holiday. So we're usually on our own, but we still celebrate the holiday every year. We've celebrated Thanksgiving in places as far away as Hong Kong, the UK and Maui. We've even celebrated the event on the water twice.

Where will you celebrate Thanksgiving this year?
Hi Tom,

Jodie and I are in Tucson, AZ, and will celebrate Thanksgiving with my sister and her husband at their winter home in Green Valley just south of here.  We are wintering in our RV at Far Horizons RV park and loving the weather.  Rode about ten miles on my bike and found a great coffee shop for lunch.


  --Steve, Jodie, and Posie Cat
Sounds like you have a good plan Steve. Thanks for sharing. Will you drive to your sister's by toad?
What a wonderful way to celebrateThanksgiving Ron, with other Framily members.
We have been very fortunate in that we have celebrated Thanksgiving with framily several years now.  Why I know a couple that even caught a flight from Tucson to Las Vegas to celebrate with framily.  Oh yes, Sam will be making pies again.
We will be with both sides of our family.  The location though has changed.  Right now I am typing this from our basement.  All of our furnature is moved out of the living room, dinning room and front hall.  The kitchen is full of furnature (piano, sterio speakers, hall cabinet, etc) and only has critcal walkways to refrig, sink and dishwasher. Our sun room (aka: computer room) is also full of "stuff".  It has all been cleared out because Joanne, the power that be,  that the carpets should be removed to expose the oak flooring in those three rooms.  Well, the floor finisher called yesterday that the flu is going around his crew.  Were supposed to start today and finish with two coats of varnish by Friday.  Now looks like earliest start date Monday!!!  So, we will be cooking for 15 using our church hall and kitchen.  We are blessed though.  Think of all thoughs people on the southern coast without their homes.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
The wife and I will be celebrating Tday with a large group of friends at Glamis (sand toy capital of the world). Been doing this with the group for 20 + years. Family Tday is this weekend at home.
We're going to Jacksonville, FL to celebrate T Day with our oldest son, his son ( Navy HAC) and their family including our newest great grand daughter (our 4th great grandkid), She was born just a couple of weeks ago and we're looking forward to seeing and holding her a lot. That will leave behind besides the other great grandkids, five children and a dozen grandkids but they understand this year is special.

We were thinking about going out to Hovenweep, where we spent last Thanksgiving in the new Winnebago. But now I'm thinking about waiting and hitting Pahrump for Christmas (Pah-rump-pa-pump-pump Days). Mike is looking for some place very, very warm. Of course, we have to be somewhere we can set up the satellite since the Broncos will be killing the Cowboys on Thanksgiving.


We'll be spending Thanksgiving with a Framily member who hasn't been on line for a while....Bill & Marlys Johnson. They have a nice home here at TGO.

Hope you have a great time. Isn't it good to be able to celebrate the holiday with Framily members. Maybe you can even convince the Johnsons to come visit the forum sometime.
We will be at the George and Pam Van Luchenes with a number of other Framily members.  Yes Tom it is always good to spend the holiday with other Framily members.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Have a great Thanksgiving Lorna and say hi to everyone for us.
    Shirley, her son and my daughter are driving over to a nieces home in Bossier City, LA for Thanksgiving.  Most of Shirley's family will be there.  Just making a day trip of it without the coach.

Jolene and I, along with my folks will head to my cousins house over towards Orlando.  About a 90 mile drive.  The park is having a members dinner, and on one hand would like to be there, but my cousin throws a heck of a dinner!  Plus, first T-day with folks in over 10 years.

Yes, it's great to have Framily almost everywhere we go. We had been asked by another friend here but they already had 22 people coming!! Since Bill & Marlys were going to be alone we felt this would be a better choice. She loves to cook but not just for her and Bill. :)
We shall camp out in the wilds of West Los Angeles.  We have reached the age where people come to us on Turkey Day.

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