I no longer own a Workhorse, but I think some of you are over-reacting to the market effects of the brake problem. By no means think I am belittling the problem and WH' response to it, but the vast majority of WH owners are happy campers and perhaps even ignorant of the issues and history. Manufacturers are moving back to a Ford chassis because Ford has vastly improved their chassis and they are significantly less expensive than WH. Plus, Ford still has a strong gas engine, while WH no longer has the excellent GM 8.1L to offer.
In my opinion, the recall will be accomplished but it will take much longer than anyone could wish. This sad, sad, episode will finally be put to bed - assuming that Bosch has fixed the design problem once and for all. If I were buying a 2001-2005 gas chassis RV, I'd still be looking for a WH chassis. After that, Ford or WH would be a wash in my pinion.