Tesla fails , and don't turn on your radio either

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Just for kicks and a lighter note, Tesla cars are attacking those fossil fuel operated tractor trailers and even police cars. :oops:

A Tesla on cruise control smashed into a tractor-trailer in New Jersey, ripping off half its roof. It's the latest Tesla crash regulators are investigating. It's the latest in a long line of NHTSA investigations into Tesla crashes: the regulator said in mid-March it had 23 active investigations into Tesla crashes.

Still an interesting conversation folks.

Glad to see the driver admit fault though. Half these morons drive to blame the accident on the car.
I have come a long ways in my driving years. I learned to drive with the three on the tree column where sometimes you had to open up the engine hood and dislodge the locked up shift from first to second gear. We used to joke that you could leave it running in the middle of New York and no one could steal it.

The auto pilot and semi auto pilot, like I like to call it is just that. I can remove my hands from the steering wheels for a break but you better keep an eye looking ahead. The worse feature is still the anti crash mechanism on two lane and curvy roads. The feature will detect an oncoming vehicle on a curvy road sometimes and will slam on brakes.
Some of the street legal electrics , a step above your traditional golf carts, include trucks for less than a used four seater automobile.
The 50 miles on a charge will work fine for most people in the USA where we drive on the average 29.2 miles per day. Myself, much less, being retired.

Yet we consistently hear about the poor range of EVs that only get ten times what the average American needs. If it were 100 times, the anti EV'ers will still find something to complain about with EVs.

-Don- Reno, NV
Glad to see the driver admit fault though. Half these morons drive to blame the accident on the car.
A lot of idiots turn off their anti-collision default and then they blame the car when there is an accident.

I too have heard of Teslas crashing into trucks in the middle of the day and then people blame the car. To me, it is obvious why it happened, and it is the fault of the nut behind the steering wheel.

But I also heard of a Tesla left at its defaults that automatically put on the brakes when a motorcycle, at night, that had no taillight or reflector and was not possible to see by human eyes.

It's obvious to me that some of these idiots turn off their anti-collision, which includes steering as well as automatic breaking in dangerous situations. Why they turn it off, I do not understand. Perhaps Tesla should not even allow it to be turned off. Too many idiots out there.

-Don- Reno, NV
I don’t get that they get told every time that the car needs constant supervision when on autopilot...and then they do stupid stuff and don’t watch the road. It’s a driving aid. Happens to Cadillac, BMW and Mercedes as well with their systems. They are all level 2.
I can remove my hands from the steering wheels for a break but you better keep an eye looking ahead.
Did Tesla change that back where you no longer have to keep a hand on the steering wheel? If so, I will consider pressing the button to get the feature.

I tried the other way and I would not even pay $20.00 for it. Having to keep your hands on the steering wheel defeats the entire reason to have it, IMO.

-Don- Reno, NV
Did Tesla change that back where you no longer have to keep a hand on the steering wheel? If so, I will consider pressing the button to get the feature.

I tried the other way and I would not even pay $20.00 for it. Having to keep your hands on the steering wheel defeats the entire reason to have it, IMO.

-Don- Reno, NV

Hands still have to be on the wheel although you can take them off for short periods of time before the nag starts to bing at you. Other than opening the coffee cup I keep my hands on the wheel as per the cars instructions every time you use it.
Did Tesla change that back where you no longer have to keep a hand on the steering wheel? If so, I will consider pressing the button to get the feature.

I tried the other way and I would not even pay $20.00 for it. Having to keep your hands on the steering wheel defeats the entire reason to have it, IMO.

-Don- Reno, NV
Sorry but I am not a Tesla owner. I am a hybrid owner with some drive assist features. And FWIW critical thinking and speaking out about some down sides for many of us to own a completely electric vehicle and if it works for us and me in particular is not HATE, which is thrown around here fairly frequently. Preaching that California in particular has the most ideal setup and it works for you does not represent the entire country and its residents in it. Thankfully California does not represent the entire U.S.
Yet we consistently hear about the poor range of EVs that only get ten times what the average American needs. If it were 100 times, the anti EV'ers will still find something to complain about with EVs.
Even a slightly negative comment apparently is taken as HATING EVs, or maybe ANTI EV. 'Taint so! It's not hate or ANTI to recognize that there are problems or drawbacks, and both EVs and ICEs have their problems.

You EV evangelists need to quit being so touchy when someone recognizes that not everything is perfect with your beloved Tesla, and you could also help matters by not being so unvaryingly evangelistic, ESPECIALLY when so many of us are not in the California HighEV populated area where the roads are virtually sprouting plug-ins for those vehicles every mile and a half.

Now I realize the above paragraph has some hyperbole in it, but sometimes that's the way it comes across to some of us in the hinterlands. AND many of us don't do the same kind of driving patterns that you do. Granted that you have given lip service to that thought, but it doesn't seem to be there in your evangelism.

ten times what the average American needs

I'm not an "average American" and when you have an average that just means that some are more and some are less.

Sorry for being so "loud" but it just seems to match what I see from the evangelists. I'm NOT an EV hater, and it might be good to have one for some purposes, but meeting my (our, DW and me) needs and desires for a vehicle has not yet been done in an EV. From the various comments in this thread (and elsewhere) I suspect that MANY of us fall into that category -- the future may see EVs meet the needs -- but it's not there yet.
Even a slightly negative comment apparently is taken as HATING EVs, or maybe ANTI EV. 'Taint so! It's not hate or ANTI to recognize that there are problems or drawbacks, and both EVs and ICEs have their problems.

You EV evangelists need to quit being so touchy when someone recognizes that not everything is perfect with your beloved Tesla, and you could also help matters by not being so unvaryingly evangelistic, ESPECIALLY when so many of us are not in the California HighEV populated area where the roads are virtually sprouting plug-ins for those vehicles every mile and a half.

Now I realize the above paragraph has some hyperbole in it, but sometimes that's the way it comes across to some of us in the hinterlands. AND many of us don't do the same kind of driving patterns that you do. Granted that you have given lip service to that thought, but it doesn't seem to be there in your evangelism.

I'm not an "average American" and when you have an average that just means that some are more and some are less.

Sorry for being so "loud" but it just seems to match what I see from the evangelists. I'm NOT an EV hater, and it might be good to have one for some purposes, but meeting my (our, DW and me) needs and desires for a vehicle has not yet been done in an EV. From the various comments in this thread (and elsewhere) I suspect that MANY of us fall into that category -- the future may see EVs meet the needs -- but it's not there yet.

I have no problem with that. But most times I reply I just correct misinformation. No sense in giving false information. It’s common to see statements like, “them I have to go searching for a charger when I get there”...which of course is misinformation. And when an EVer corrects it I see visceral responses saying he (or she) is wrong. Whatever. But don’t expect an owner of any product to just go along with misinformation. In the case of EV’s, it’s rampant.
I have no problem with that. But most times I reply I just correct misinformation. No sense in giving false information. It’s common to see statements like, “them I have to go searching for a charger when I get there”...which of course is misinformation. And when an EVer corrects it I see visceral responses saying he (or she) is wrong. Whatever. But don’t expect an owner of any product to just go along with misinformation. In the case of EV’s, it’s rampant.
There was perhaps a time when most of the negatives we hear about EVs were true. But a lot of people don't understand there are improvements almost every week. I get an update to improve something almost every time I get in my Tesla.

And sometimes the updates cause a little confusion. For one example, I was looking for the mic on my Tesla screen to use the GPS and it was no longer there, I could not find it anywhere. I went in the Tesla Forum to discover they removed it off the screen to a much better location. It's now right on the steering wheel, same wheel & button to use the cruise control for coast and excel. Just press it in and you have the mic.

It was my mistake for not knowing. I didn't bother to read the screen that shows the last improvements. Now I know to look at it after every update.

-Don- Cold Springs Valley, NV
I have no problem with that. But most times I reply I just correct misinformation. No sense in giving false information. It’s common to see statements like, “them I have to go searching for a charger when I get there”...which of course is misinformation. And when an EVer corrects it I see visceral responses saying he (or she) is wrong. Whatever. But don’t expect an owner of any product to just go along with misinformation. In the case of EV’s, it’s rampant.
Yes EV owners are the only ones right. If you don't believe that, just ask them. According to J.D> Powers, EV owners and their related fan base and manufacturers are not doing a good sales job.
Larry did a pretty good job on pointing out one of the main reasons, and that is the religious nature of EV [ the evangelists] owners which are constantly brow beating people. That's not winning over fans, according to the third party independent study.

When looking outside of Tesla, customers said they might consider alternative brands for better performance, functionality, and purchase price. At about $35,000, Tesla's Model 3 is its cheapest car, but features a price tag that some car buyers might balk at. Elon Musk has said Tesla is aiming to have a $25,000 Tesla ready in "about three years." Chevrolet is readying a $33,995 EV, the 2022 Bolt , for a planned summer launch.
The J.D. Power study also found many customers are on the fence about buying any electric car at all. About 59% of surveyed new vehicle shoppers identified themselves as only somewhat likely or unlikely to buy an electric car.
"To avoid a potential ongoing inventory surplus, it behooves manufacturers and retailers to identify why shoppers in the middle ground aren't completely sold on the technology, and how to get them over the hump into the 'very likely' consideration camp," Stropp said in the release.

Author: Grace Kay Source: Business Insider USA

Tesla has thrived because of the tax credits provided by the government. But the emergence of the major auto industry on the scene is cutting into their sales.

  • Tesla's share of the US electric-car market fell from 81% to 69% in February.
So the EV evangelists need to fine tune your message just a bit.
I think Elon Musk and Tesla could not care less about any bad publicity. They do not advertise at all anywhere and they still sell as many cars as they can produce. And still sell more EVs than anybody else.

-Don- Cold Springs Valley, NV
Well Jayflight, do what ya gotta do and continue your bashing pilgrimage. It obviously checks a box for you in your life, and it’s probably why you started this thread. You come across as an angry misinformed...person, and hey, if that’s what you are going for. GOOD JOB. Lol. :).

I’m out of this thread. Lol. Y’all have a nice day.
I think Elon Musk and Tesla could not care less about any bad publicity. They do not advertise at all anywhere and they still sell as many cars as they can produce. And still sell more EVs than anybody else.

-Don- Cold Springs Valley, NV
You are correct about sales, which is currently limited to small areas of the U.S. in particular. But the objective J.D. Powers did not report that it takes heavenly beings to own a Tesla or an EV in any brand. (y) As the EV manufacturers expand and do not have offsite facilities to quickly charge their vehicles, people are not going to buy their product. Now believe that or not, but Tesla is proving that out now with only small pockets of vehicles in limited areas of the country ., no matter how many are being sold. Oh and I am not interested in hoping on top of Elon's rockets right now either.:p
he J.D. Power study also found many customers are on the fence about buying any electric car at all. About 59% of surveyed new vehicle shoppers identified themselves as only somewhat likely or unlikely to buy an electric car.
"To avoid a potential ongoing inventory surplus, it behooves manufacturers and retailers to identify why shoppers in the middle ground aren't completely sold on the technology, and how to get them over the hump into the 'very likely' consideration camp," Stropp said in the releas
As the EV manufacturers expand and do not have offsite facilities to quickly charge their vehicles,
If every charge took me ten hours, I would still buy my Tesla and still be saving time compared to going to gas stations. It takes me no more than 30 seconds to start the charge when I am done using the car for the day, if not for the entire week or longer. In CA I have mine to start charging at 0100 hrs no matter when I plug in. No hurry. It can be set to charge at different times for different locations automatically after once set. It uses the GPS for everything possible.

They could remove the entire fast charge network and it would make little difference to me. The two times in three years that I used a Tesla Supercharger, I could have used an ice motorcycle instead. I actually took the Tesla just so I would be sure to know how the Supercharger network really works. A lot easier than I expected. Just press the button on the charge head to open the vehicle charge door, plug in and walk away. Then on the Tesla App I can watch the charging from anywhere. The billing is automatic to my Tesla account. The charger reads my VIN number and knows who I am. But I wasn't billed at all the first time, as I had six months of free Supercharging and used it one time during that six months when it was free. The other time cost me $12.00 to add around 230 miles of freeway range. That is the most expensive way to charge a Tesla. Here at Reno it costs 11.7 cents per KWH. My battery is 75KWH. Not counting some loss in heat, that means from totally discharged to full the cost is $8.77 for ~330 freeway miles (at 65 MPH).

More than 80% of all BEV charging is done at home. Figure another ten % is what is called "opportunity charging" at a restaurant, shopping mall or some other place they were going to anyway. And then those who charge at work. Some do not charge at home at all, if they have free charging where they work.

With many, it has been 100% at home as some have never used a charger on the road, yet have owned an BEV for years.

For those who never heard the term "BEV" it means Battery (only) EV. IOW, not a hybrid.

-Don- Reno, NV
I figured it would be a matter of time. Don't dare challenge Tesla owners.

Tesla owner with Mustang Mach-E reports threats on social media from Tesla fans​

Rodriguez said he was especially alarmed by comments on the Tesla Owners Worldwide private Facebook page, which listed 87,500 members on Saturday. A member had posted a story about his favorable Mach-E reviews and it unleashed a torrent of what he perceived to be disturbing attacks.
Tesla owner with Mustang Mach-E reports threats on social media from Tesla fans . Some Tesla owners are fanatics of the brand and of Elon Musk," said veteran analyst John McElroy, "Autoline After Hours" host. "In their minds, they're on a messianic mission to save the planet. Anyone who is not with them is against them
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"Some Tesla owners are fanatics of the brand and of Elon Musk,"

That could be. I can't speak for others. I will only say my Tesla is the best car I have owned in my life and none of the others can come close. But that doesn't mean it's perfect for all uses. Ground clearance is very low. I have ICE Jeeps for such.

And I have already let a few people drive my Tesla. All those who could afford to buy one, did, right after that. In fact, I just looked a a buddy's new model Y today. He ordered just after I let him drive mine for 30 minutes. And I was answering a lot of his questions. He was very impressed and you probably would be as well.

IMO, you need to drive a Tesla for a while. You will probably buy one too. You may find it very hard to resist.

BTW, the same happened to me after a test drive. No other cars compare, IMO. In fact, none can even come close.

So why don't you schedule yourself a test drive in a newer Tesla? And then report back here. You will probably buy one first!

-Don- Reno, NV
I find it funny Viajeros can only comment or start a thread about EVs on an RV forum must work for Greenpeace or something he did have another name here John and Angela -tree huggers.
For the record i have a Tesla X 2020 loaded but i live in and older Condo built in the 80s cant plug it in. So it sits and sits and sits didnt cost me anything i inherited it the thing has no soul yeah it fast but boring as hell. Its for sale if want. Only has 3500kms on it.
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