Who built the pyramids?

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2022
And all the other ancient structures with stones bigger than school buses, cut to perfect 90-degree angles and fitted flush? Opinions?
It's not just the who, but the how. No earth movers, graders, no mobile or tower cranes, no power saws to cut the block stone. The same is true of many English churches dating back a thousand years.
Nowadays you can't have someone use a hammer and chisel all day incase they sue for repetitive strain injury🤔
It's not just the who, but the how. No earth movers, graders, no mobile or tower cranes, no power saws to cut the block stone. The same is true of many English churches dating back a thousand years.
Nowadays you can't have someone use a hammer and chisel all day incase they sue for repetitive strain injury🤔
And all the other ancient structures with stones bigger than school buses, cut to perfect 90-degree angles and fitted flush? Opinions?
There have been a number of TV programs over the years that tested various theories regarding how the structures were built. Some were more successful than others, but the most common shortcoming was the lack of sufficient manpower. Then again, they didn't have thousand of slaves at their beck and call like the pharaohs, etc, did...
SB, I agree extraterrestrials aren't crossing visible space for the same reason you give, unless the wormhole theory is correct. But what about the other eight dimensions quantum theory -- or some math theory -- holds exist? Another set of dimensions could be right on top of us and we not be able to tell.
SB, I agree extraterrestrials aren't crossing visible space for the same reason you give, unless the wormhole theory is correct. But what about the other eight dimensions quantum theory -- or some math theory -- holds exist? Another set of dimensions could be right on top of us and we not be able to tell.
Pretty weak arguments. The people who make those claims are the ones who believe that Star Wars and Star Trek are both documentaries.
That is impossible. No extraterrestrials have ever visited this planet. Totally impossible. Alpha Centauri is the nearest star that could possibly have a planet with life and it is 4.3 light years away.
I disagree. My neighbor showed me the probe they used on him when he was abducted. It looked like something out of this world. And to this day he still walks funny. 😎
Hmmm . . . I wasn't aware of that. Source of information?
I don't know how old you are, but I'm 79 and clearly remember the fairly frequent reports of alien abductions of both humans and farm animals, body probes, crop circles, and various sightings, most found to be bogus or explained by science. Remember Project Blue Book? The Navy and other military UFO sightings do not necessarily mean alien activity of course, just phenomenon that has not been scientifically explained.
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