2 Clarifying Questions

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Well-known member
May 11, 2005
Riverton (SLC) Ut
First, thanks to everyone for all your support and feedback.

Now before I embark on my travels this afternoon, I had a few questions I wanted to run by the experts.

1- I've read on this forum that it is probably more economical to run your generator and roof air going down the road, then it would be to  use the dash air? I know the dash air takes power from the motor, but is there any problem in running the generator down the road?

2 - OD pulling a trailer. Historically I've always use 3rd gear when towing my trailer,mainly because there was no power for OD. (Sorry, it is a 454 TBI on a c30 chasis hope that helps)  Recently I've tuned the MH up by replacing plugs, wires, rotar, etc.  In addition I installed the Banks Stinger exhaust. On our first trip we weren't pulling a trailer, and the coach ran like a champ. I actually enjoyed driving it.  Now that I'm going to put the trailer on, (12 ft utility with 2 quads and misc probably 1500-2000 lbs.) is it better to continue running it in 3rd gear, or would it hurt the tranny at all to run it in OD as long as it doesn't keep shifting up and down?

I hope I've given enough info for a reasonable response.  Thanks in advance for your help.
is there any problem in running the generator down the road?

None at all. In fact, its good for it - much better than having it sit idle for long periods.

s it better to continue running it in 3rd gear, or would it hurt the tranny at all to run it in OD as long as it doesn't keep shifting up and down?

Use overdrive unless it has trouble keeping to one gear, i.e. shifts up/down a lot on its own.  In most cases,  the tranny will choose the appropriate gear on its own and leaving the selector in Drive with OD engaged is the way to go. That's why they call them "automatic" .  ;)  But once in awhile the power demand hovers on the border between two gears and the tranny has trouble deciding. In that case, downshifting manually is advised.
is there any problem in running the generator down the road?

In fact some people run the generator to cook while travelling.  A slow cooker crock pot placed in the sink for stability can cook your dinner while you travel for a hot meal when you arrive at your destination.
Gary and Steve,

Thanks for the quick feed back.

I had heard both pro and con to running the Gen down the road, but you all do this all the time and would know better than anyone.

As for the Transmission, I was really hopig someone would say that. I hate to keep it running in 3rd gear. First because I don't think it is good to work the engine that hard and at that high RPMs.  Secondly, it tends to increase the motor noise in the coach. So I'm glad I asked. I'll run er in OD unless, as you said Gary, it starts to shift up and down alot. I meant to ask the guy when I had my tranny serviced, but the sticker shock made me loose my train of thought.

Thanks again.
I can think of one reason against running a generator when you are in motion, however it's kind of far fetched (120 volts is more dangerous than 12volts should you get in a serious crash)  Odds are very slim of there being a problem however and if there is odds are safety equipment (Circuit breakers) will react and take care of it quickly. (heck, the breakers on my onan will shut off just beacuse they feel like it, I mean 100 WATT load and off they go if the generator shakes just right)
The only negative I can think of is the noise.  One of the things I like the most about my Diesel pusher coach is how quiet it is going down the road.  With my gen on there is a little more noise comming from the front.  My gen is pretty quiet but not as quiet as it is when off.  However, my wife makes MUCH more noise than the gen. when its hot in the back and the kids are getting restless. ;)

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