Had a nice Happy Hour this evening with delightful weather. Everyone introduced themselves including Paul and his brother Darryl, his other brother Darryl, and his third brother Darryl. Lots of first time attendees - hopefully not their last time !
If you enjoy the campfire, bring wood.
Morning walk. 10:00 a.m. 2 miles with short cut available.
Saturday Group Picture and Potluck: pic 2:30, eat 3:00
Luau date and time TBD - get to work on those lupus and practice the hula
That's it for now. Miss those who are 't here.
If you enjoy the campfire, bring wood.
Morning walk. 10:00 a.m. 2 miles with short cut available.
Saturday Group Picture and Potluck: pic 2:30, eat 3:00
Luau date and time TBD - get to work on those lupus and practice the hula
That's it for now. Miss those who are 't here.