$3 per night Resort Fee ??

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2005

We have just booked an extra couple of nights at Encores Tropical Palms Resort in Kissimmee, FL

On reaching the final booking stage, they refer to a "Resort Fee" of $3 per night.

The website explains this as "Resort fee is for All services that are provided within the resort, such as the use and maintenance of the amenity areas."

As our original 14 night booking makes no mention of this Fee, it seems they are now finding extra ways to boost their revenue doesn't it.

And I thought the Nightly Fee allowed you to use the amenities within the Resort - silly me !!

Anyone else come across sneeky ways of upping charges like this?



As wagonmasters we made reservations for 15 rigs in a campground in Apache Junction, AZ, just east of Mesa. we were quoted a price when we made the reservation, but the confirmation indicated that a $3/nite resort fee would be collected for each rig at check-in. An insidious way to raise the price without advertising it.
BernieD said:

As wagonmasters we made reservations for 15 rigs in a campground in Apache Junction, AZ, just east of Mesa. we were quoted a price when we made the reservation, but the confirmation indicated that a $3/nite resort fee would be collected for each rig at check-in. An insidious way to raise the price without advertising it.

It seems dumb to me. I think it just makes us mad and resentful. I know that Newmar for some reason decided to list the Spartan Chassis cost plus on next line a Spartan Chassis surcharge. It caused a lot of grief. If they had just added the two together a listed no one would have thought anything of the price. After all its the end purchase price not the components.
I'll make a point of not visiting these RV parks that resort to this sneaky practice.
A "resort fee" is becoming VERY common in hotels, especially the larger resort chains. Many charge a $10 "resort fee" above the quoted/reserved room rate that covers free WiFi, bottled water, newspaper, etc. I'm sorry to hear that campgrounds are picking up on this underhanded, secret upcharge.
BernieD said:

As wagonmasters we made reservations for 15 rigs in a campground in Apache Junction, AZ, just east of Mesa. we were quoted a price when we made the reservation, but the confirmation indicated that a $3/nite resort fee would be collected for each rig at check-in. An insidious way to raise the price without advertising it.

Please provide the name of the park so we don't recommend them or use them.
I would be very inclined to cancel reservations at such a resort or, if it's "Surprise" when you get there, give them a bigger surprise,  A good view of my tail lights and as for the early cancellation fee.  Sorry folks, you lied on your price quote, sue me for it. (And loose I might add, they are required to make FULL disclosure of all charges and taxes)  If any documents were mailed (US MAIL) and they did not put that new fee "up front" then you complain to the postmaster (or rather postal inspectors) as well. 
I wouldn't mind a two tier fee system, i.e. one charge for "overnight" and an add-on for use of the amenities (which we seldom use anyway).  But if I am not allowed to stay there without paying the "resort fee", that  seems like flat out lying about the daily rate. I guess I don't understand how that can be legal?  If they quote you a rate for an overnight stay, don't they have to honor it? ???

If it's like hotels, the quoted room rate is, well, the room rate. They charge extra, ie the "resort fee" for the "amenities" like WiFi, exercise room, etc. It's the same as if a campground charged add-ons for the amenities. I refused to pay it at one hotel and they had no problem removing it. However, at most of the hotels where I have come across it, the $10 resort fee was about the same as they had previously charged for WiFi access.

Again, I don't like it that hotels do it and I'm sorry that campgrounds have jumped on the "resort fee" bandwagon.
As a matter of practice, if I were to arrive at an overnight stop, and discover a "resort fee," I'd probably stay, anyway. I'd be too tired, to move for $3.00. If it is on the registration, when you sign it, you probably don't have  a legal objection to enforce.

I find these surprise costs very irritating and I would definitely help them "advertise" the sneaky business attitude. I would certainly give the name of the business and the irritating, underhanded charge, maximum advertising. Help them get the word out!

In Cheyenne, we phoned ahead to reserve at a KOA. We were tired, and the charge was not what we were quoted. The service was brusk, and that's the best I can say about it. In the morning, we overslept, showered, and it looked like we were going to push the check-out time. I asked for some leeway, and was told, that we would be charged for another day, if we overstayed. We left, quickly, on time with minutes to spare, and they were glad to see us go.

We will be saving them the trouble, in the future. It is not necessary that we continue to be a problem for them. That will go for any KOA, anywhere, with our best wishes. Oh, that and the wind were the only exception to a wonderful time in Wyoming! We'll be going back there. Hope they can do something about that wind!


Ray D.
UK-RV said:
...We have just booked an extra couple of nights at Encores Tropical Palms Resort in Kissimmee, FL
On reaching the final booking stage, they refer to a "Resort Fee" of $3 per night.
Anyone else come across sneeky ways of upping charges like this?

Please leave a review at rvparkreviews.com noting that.  It's a good way to get the word out.
Ray D said:
In Cheyenne, we phoned ahead to reserve at a KOA. We were tired, and the charge was not what we were quoted. The service was brusk, and that's the best I can say about it. In the morning, we overslept, showered, and it looked like we were going to push the check-out time. I asked for some leeway, and was told, that we would be charged for another day, if we overstayed. We left, quickly, on time with minutes to spare, and they were glad to see us go.

We will be saving them the trouble, in the future. It is not necessary that we continue to be a problem for them. That will go for any KOA, anywhere, with our best wishes. Oh, that and the wind were the only exception to a wonderful time in Wyoming! We'll be going back there. Hope they can do something about that wind!

I was born and raised in Wyoming and never notice any wind ;D ;D

As far as staying in Cheyenne the ONLY rv park I would recommend is the Terry Bison Ranch.  Yes just like the name implys they do have bison and not just a few but a herd of them.  I tend to avoid KOA whenever possible since I don't appreciate their extra Kost On Anything attitude.

Next time your in Cheyenne do try the Terry Bison Ranch.  I'm sure you will enjoy the experience.
Ron said:
I was born and raised in Wyoming and never notice any wind ;D ;D

Right and I was raised in Livingston and I don't notice wind either.  Pat tells me the wind is blowing and I suggest it is a nice breeze.  Somedaay I will get her to Livingston when a real wind is blowing.  VBG
Thanks. Next time we're in Cheyenne we'll try the Terry Bison Ranch. I'm sure we'll love it, and we do love Wyoming. If I didn't live in Idaho, I'd live in Wyoming, for sure.

Ray D

The park we are using for the caravan is Golden Sun RV Resort in Apache Junction. I guess putting the word "resort" in the name entitles them to the extra fee :-\

We also heartily endorse Terry Bison Ranch. When we stayed there, Marlene took a horseback ride covering 2 states in an hour.

I thought that KOA stood for Keep On Adding.
Years ago and maybe still to this day, hotels in the Chicago area charged a room tax. This was over and above the daily rate, but was a true tax paid to the city, and not benefiting the hotel. Can't see paying an amenities charge for services not rendered, no matter what they call themselves.
BernieD said:

The park we are using for the caravan is Golden Sun RV Resort in Apache Junction. I guess putting the word "resort" in the name entitles them to the extra fee :-\

Thanks we will make sure we never stay there or recommend it to anybody.

We also heartily endorse Terry Bison Ranch. When we stayed there, Marlene took a horseback ride covering 2 states in an hour.

We have been there several times and always enjoyed it.  See attached photo of the camels and bison.

I thought that KOA stood for Keep On Adding.

That fits too.


  • Camels & Buffalo (Medium).JPG
    Camels & Buffalo (Medium).JPG
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We checked into the Tropical Palms, only to find 95% of sites have no WiFi - despite being told when we reserved that my most sites were OK.

They suggested taking the laptop to the pool area - and paying $15 a week for access.

Ive little issue with paying a reasonable fee for access at my site, but think charging for access at the pool area is too much.

So, we called a couple of other CGs in the area, to see if they had any spaces over Christmas and New Year - yeah I know it was expecting a lot.  ;D

Anyway, due to a cancellation, we managed to get into the other Encore Resort at Sherwood Forest, 2 miles away.

We took our laptop and found excellent reception at our intended site and then found they had various special pricing offers available (even during the Holidays).

In the end, we are saving $220 for a 2 week stay ($23/night) compared to Tropical Palms ($39) - a bargain !!

WiFi is still $15/week and they also have that $3 Resort Fee, but we feel lucky to have got in at such short notice at this time of year.


Paul, it's nice to hear something is working out well for you :)  Enjoy the holidays.
This $3 Fee is entirely new to me.  I've never run across it, however I've done little RVing this year.  Not sure  I would pay if and would by pass the area if all CGs charged it.  I don't have to sponsor those areas  Too many great places in this country to see and stay without being gouged for crap like that and Wi Fi when it costs pitence for the Wifi  A Dollar a day would be more than enough to make quite a profit monthly.  Just the way I see it.

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