$3 per night Resort Fee ??

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The $3/night may be a bed tax imposed by the city and/or county, like the $.50/night charge that Pima county, AZ, has had for years.  By showing it as a separate item, the campground is calling attention to the fact that it's not they that's charging it, but the government.

Bed taxes have been quite common in the hotel/motel business for a long time.  Just another way to insure the visitors leave some money behind.
I doubt that Ned since the Resort charge is poping up in different states.  Looks more to me like something the RV Park owners association or such.
Possibly, but until we have all the facts, I won't jump to any conclusions.  It may be that the cities/counties are just waking up to the fact that they CAN apply their bed taxes to campgrounds.  Has anyone asked a campground that charges the fee where it originates?
In the first post of this thread, it stated:  "Resort fee is for All services that are provided within the resort, such as the use and maintenance of the amenity areas."

That would seem to indicate that is imposed by the resort, not a state, county or city tax at least at that particular resort.
Ned said:
The $3/night may be a bed tax imposed by the city and/or county, like the $.50/night charge that Pima county, AZ, has had for years.  By showing it as a separate item, the campground is calling attention to the fact that it's not they that's charging it, but the government.


When we received our confirmation for our caravan, the clerk apologized for the additional fee. She said the owner added the extra for the availability and use of the resort facilities. Nothing about taxes.
Ok, I guess they don't get off the hook on this one.  Something else to watch for in the future.
I'm wondering if these parks have their fees for the year posted in travel guides and literature which can't be changed until the next printing, probably annually.  If they have to raise their fees, it's by a resort fee which can be varied.

They're probably just being sneaky.
Your re-quote of the original post got me to thinking (something new and strange to me ;D):
In the first post of this thread, it stated:  "Resort fee is for All services that are provided within the resort, such as the use and maintenance of the amenity areas."
Based on that wording, wouldn't you expect that wi-fi is part of the services/amenities and not an additional $15/wk?
It seems to me that if they are going to charge a resort fee in addition to the camping fee, it should cover each and every service offered by the park.  Otherwise, they should provide an ala carte menu which they publish so there are no surprises.

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