Bread machine disaster

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I thought that was a high price so I checked out amazon and walmart for Krusteaz also....Darn that mix is is more than amazon and krusteaz is higher than Hodskins.......I think we should make up some mixers in zip-lock bags and ship them to you ;D
SeilerBird said:
UPS just arrived with a six pack of Hodgson Mill white bread mix. I have one started and I am anxiously awaiting the outcome. This stuff is expensive, about $4 a loaf after shipping. I sure wish I could find it locally.


If you are near a Rosaurers store, Pacific Northwest area, they have both Hodgson Mill and Krusteaz mixes and maybe some others too.
SeilerBird said:
I would except I haven't been able to find any bread mix in any grocery store.

I find the Krusteaz mixes in grocery store in the aisle with the flour.  I look for  the cornbread mixes and  the  bread mixes are usually in that same area.  Some stores carry a large selection of flavors, some only carry one or  two.  Like Wendy,  I use Krusteaz with good results. The Hodgins Mill is also good and  is likely more available than Krusteaz mix.  At least in the markets I frequent.
The price of the bread on Amazon is not particularly high, but once you add on shipping it is high. Bread mix weighs a lot.

Jim - There are no Rosaurers in northern California. The closest one is in Hood River.
Tom, try Safeway or Albertson's.  Not sure if Smiths/Kroger is near where you are now, but all of them tend to carry Krusteaz in the baking aisle.  As Betty said near the cornbread and other mixes.

ArdraF said:
Tom, try Safeway or Albertson's.  Not sure if Smiths/Kroger is near where you are now, but all of them tend to carry Krusteaz in the baking aisle.  As Betty said near the cornbread and other mixes.
Ardra - I am in a very small town and there isn't a lot of grocery stores. I am assuming that when I return to civilization there will be stores that actually carry bread mix. Meanwhile I just got a 6 pack so I am set for a while. Thanks for the tips!
You're welcome!  We just want you to have your good fresh bread!!!  ;D ;D

By this time, so are the rest of us!  Sure hope it's good she says wistfully....

This whole bread conversation is making me salivate. I'm sure that freshly baked bread is zero Weight Watchers points.....isn't it?
Heglmeier said:
I had a pastor tell me once, "If you pray over it right, it's all fat free."  Pray and enjoy!  ;)

God bless you Heglmeier ! I'm off to toss ingredients in the bread machine :)
I should like to point out the the smell of the bread baking was wonderful and it actually came out great. The taste was delicious. That makes five loafs in a row since my initial disaster. I am getting good at making bread. ;D
SeilerBird said:
I should like to point out the the smell of the bread baking was wonderful and it actually came out great. The taste was delicious. That makes five loafs in a row since my initial disaster. I am getting good at making bread. ;D
Way to go, Tom, way to go! Our bread machine has now migrated from the shed back into the 5th wheel. Haven't loaded it up yet, but it's only a matter of time.  ;D


Margi, I'm looking forward to fresh bread next week.
Ned said:
Margi, I'm looking forward to fresh bread next week.

Ha Ha .. Who knows?  Maybe you'll get lucky and Lorna will bake you a loaf.  Looking forward to seeing you.  ;D


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