Bread machine disaster

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I thought I was going to have a  bread disaster today.  It was raining (the first rainy day in over a month) so I got in the mood to bake.  I had leftover bananas from  our mini rally idea to have banana splits.  They were in that just ripe place where they needed to be used. In my ever  searching way to keep food healthy, I looked in the store for  whole wheat flour.  Not finding any I bought a bag of  buckwheat flour.  I followed the recipe to the letter and started baking .  Only then did I read on the label that buckwheat flour is best used 50/50 with regular flour to add a nutty taste and lots of protein.  The batter was very black. It did smell wonderful as it baked the required hour.  I let it cool a bit  then  sliced off a hunk for Terry ( who better to try it?) He reported it was wonderful and wanted another piece of it.  So it was not a disaster.  In fact I enjoyed a slice or two.  Tom's post here on bread gave me motivation to try a scratch recipe but I did use the convection oven in motorhome and not a machine. 

What a fun thread.  By the way, it stopped raining.

It's been an hour. Did you choke on the bread or are you busy eating the whole loaf? :D
Jeff said:

It's been an hour. Did you choke on the bread or are you busy eating the whole loaf? :D
Actually I was practicing bass guitar. I bought a toaster the other day and I am currently toasting an English Muffin, one of my all time favorite treats. The loaf of bread will last me three or four days. I have great self control. I have to have great self control or I would eat the whole loaf within the first hour. The EMs just popped up ;D

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