Crafts on the road

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2005
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I had hoped there would be more discussion here.  I am in the process of figuring out how to continue decorative painting while on the road.  I usually cut my own wood pieces and paint them.  Hubby says we could take my scroll saw along and set up at camp site, but think I would rather just cut out several pieces at home and then paint them as time permits.  I mostly paint for myself and as gifts for friends, but next weekend my neighbor and I are setting up a booth at a local streetfair.  Should be fun to see if any of our items sell. With all the pictures taken on the road, there must be some scrapbookers in the group.  Also, hope to hear from some of the jewelry makers--something I would like to learn to do.  So nice to finally have time to do the fun stuff and enjoy the beautiful outdoors too!  Life is good.  Kay
RREngr said:
I had hoped there would be more discussion here.

Kay, FWIW I just opened this message board a couple of hours ago, so it's not surprising there isn't a lot of discussion here yet.
RREngr said:
I had hoped there would be more discussion here.? I am in the process of figuring out how to continue decorative painting while on the road.? ? Kay

I? paint rocks.? I have a bin with all of my tole paints that travel with me.? I used to do? wood but now If I want to do this I? just purchase pieces from a craft store.? While I am so busy I don't have much time for the paints, I would feel naked without those supplies.? I tried scrap booking but it made too much of a long term mess in my RV and? I was not willing to clean it up at the end of each day so now my pictures are on the computer.?
Rocks do have the danger of overloading the rig so beware.
Sam quilts and always has several quilt projects in different stages of completion.  She is very talented and has even given instruction in quilting.  Sam also does the scrapbook thing from time to time. While in Las Vegas we bought a new Genealogy computer program and Sam has renewed her interest in Genealogy.  Ardra has the same program and was a great help in getting Sam started.

Care to attach a few photos of Sam's wonderful quilt projects?

Ron said:
Sam has renewed her interest in Genealogy. Ardra has the same program and was a great help in getting Sam started.

Which Genealogy software does Sam use?
Tom said:

Care to attach a few photos of Sam's wonderful quilt projects?
I will try to dig some out and post them.

Which Genealogy software does Sam use?

We bought Family Tree Maker at Fry's. With all the rebates total cost was the sales tax. She use to use a different program but we can't recall the name of that one.? Sam really likes this new program.
Hi Ron and Betty and Tom,  I think I saw one of the quilts that had been posted.  It was blue and white pitchers and very beautiful.  Was that one made by your wife Ron?  Betty, do you just collect interesting shaped rocks while traveling then paint on them?  I have seen books where they painted animals or houses on rocks.  Not sure I am good enough for all the detail those had.  I have stenciled some rocks for my backyard.  Just stenciled a design and words, but they look cute in the flower beds.  We have a lot of pictures on the computer too, but I still like to see them printed out sometimes too.  Easier to show to other people that way. I took one scrapbooking class, but really haven't gotten into it too much.  Just so many choices and so many things to buy--not quite ready to invest in another hobby yet I guess.  I have been trying to learn One Stroke painting by Donna Dewberry.  I loved watching her paint, especially the roses, so bought a book and video and have been practicing lots.  I love it, it is so fun and relaxing.  I found a bag that I plan to fill with paints and patterns and supplies so I can take them along and paint while we are out with the motor home. We are ready for our second outing, have a three day, two night local trip planned for next week.  Thought we had better do several short trips so we get experience before we set out to go to our family reunion next summer! Have fun.  Kay
I think I saw one of the quilts that had been posted.  It was blue and white pitchers and very beautiful.  Was that one made by your wife Ron?

Yes that quilt won a Blue ribbon, A Best of Show Ribbon and a Best of show ribbon awarded by a manufacturer of Quilt batting in the Fergus County Fair last July in Lewistown, Montana.
Here are a couple photos of quilts that Sam completed within the last year.



  • Grand mothers flower garden (Medium).JPG
    Grand mothers flower garden (Medium).JPG
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  • Flower Quilt (Small).JPG
    Flower Quilt (Small).JPG
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Ron said:
Here are a couple photos of quilts that Sam completed within the last year.

Oh, how beautiful those quilts are. Sam is so-o-o gifted. Thanks for posting those photos.  :D  :D

Thanks Liz.  Sam has a lot of quilt projects all lined up for the next several months.  I'm not sure how many quilt tops she put together while we were at Sam's Camp.  Her and Ardra visited the quilt shops while we were in Vegas too.

Ron,  I just signed on and saw the photos.  Sam's quilts are so beautiful.  Many hours of work for sure.  Love all the colors she uses. Having a hobby is so good for us--keeps us thinking about new projects and figuring out how we want to do them.  (Usually involves shopping too!)  Ha ha  Kay
That is what Rich, my husband, says about me and craft shops and craft fairs.  His thing is electronics, especially computer things.  Will give us both things to look for when on the road.  I also enjoy swap meets and flea markets, so have to watch for those too.  Kay
RREngr said:
That is what Rich, my husband, says about me and craft shops and craft fairs.  I also enjoy swap meets and flea markets, so have to watch for those too.

Kay, you sound like my other half. When we took our first trip across country in our new coach Chris gradually filled the Suburban about as full as it could be, after she'd filled up all the other spaces in the coach and the basement. So beware - when shopping, you need somewhere to put the stuff.
Since we are just ready for our second outing with the MH, we haven't filled up the storage compartments yet!  Lots of room for goodies.  I know that won't last--we need chairs and maybe table for outside--and I am sure our list of take along supplies will grow since we only have bare basics now.  Hey, that means I had better hurry and shop while I can!  Ha ha  Found a bag that should hold several painting supplies and books--now just need to cut some wood pieces to work on while we "camp".  Hope we can make it to the rally in January.  Would be fun to meet all of you and the spouses----I am enjoying chatting on this forum too!  Kay

A must-have for crafters is a good light. We saw the one that Sam uses and Chris found an almost identical one in a store. It's a fluorescent floor-standing task light which gives off a very white light. I'm thinking of getting a desk-mount version of the same light to use when I do my fly tying.

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