Dilling Holes in Tom's Roof

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 29, 2005
Home is where we park it
Well it happend today.  Yep Terry got to drill holes in Tom's roof to mount Tom's roof mount.  After Terry had drilled several holes Tom either thought Terry wasn't fast enough or he just couldn't resist getting to the program and next thing I knew Tom had got all caught up in the action and had taken the drill in hand and started drilling himself.

The first photo shows Terry drilling the first hole.  The second Tom is caught getting into the action and started drilling.  Third photo is shot of the crew showing the old and the new.  Tomorrow will bring drilling another hole to route the cables through.

Congratulations Tom.


  • Terry Drilling first hole.JPG
    Terry Drilling first hole.JPG
    83.5 KB · Views: 98
  • Tom getting into the action.JPG
    Tom getting into the action.JPG
    76.1 KB · Views: 68
  • Roof Mount installed.JPG
    Roof Mount installed.JPG
    73.8 KB · Views: 68
The first hole is the hardest, after that it's easy :)
Ned said:
The first hole is the hardest, after that it's easy :)

Terry didn't even hesitate when it came to drilling that first hole.  If I recall he even had a big smile when he started. ;D ;D
LOL thanks for the photos Ron and a BIG thanks to you and Terry for all the help.

BTW who was that other guy in the photo? Was he someone who wandered in from the desert? One question - what do I do about the screws that are sticking down through my ceiling?
Ned said:
The first hole is the hardest, after that it's easy :)

Yeah, just like drilling the first hole in your boat.
Tom said:
Yeah, just like drilling the first hole in your boat.

I remember that day well :)? After that, it was easy.? We started to call the boat "Plugboard" after a few years.
Actually it was an enjoyable day.  Glad to help. 

For the screws in your ceiling no problem. Chris is a decorator so I am sure she can come up with something unique. ;D

Was the other guy the Charles Shaw delivery boy? Now I understand why those 2 on the roof had so much fun and it took them the whole day to drill a few holes :D :D
LOL Jeff, almost painless.

BTW do you recall exactly where the Satellite Relay store is in Yuma? I need to get one of those cover plates you got to seal the coax cable entry.

Tom what time are you going to the Satellite Relay store?  I know where it is and go with you just let me know what time.  What time are we going to route the coax?


We leave for Algadones at 7.45am and I was planning to visit Satellite Relay on the way back. But I have no idea what time that would be - depends on when the Docs are done with Chris.

I checked the Yuma Chamber of Commerce web site and found the following address for SR: 4475 E. Hwy 80. Does this address look right? If so, I can plug it into the GPS. Unfortunately, the web site they list for them is not accessible or doesn't exist so I couldn't verify if that address was correct.
Will do Ron, thanks.

BTW after searching the ground around the coach 30 or more times, including a couple of times with a flashlight after dark, I found the missing spacer; It was in my pocket  :-[
Hwy 80 or 8B?  8B is business 8 and is also 32nd ave.  4475 would be between aves. 4E and 5E.  Also, I believe that 32nd ave. was once hwy. 80.
Tom said:
Will do Ron, thanks.

BTW after searching the ground around the coach 30 or more times, including a couple of times with a flashlight after dark, I found the missing spacer; It was in my pocket? :-[

Hmmmm, and I am quite sure I heard comments from the onlookers about checking pockets and response to the effect the pockets had been checked.  Probably just jump in while you were looking you suppose ??? ??? ???

I was really making sure I wouldn't forget to make a replacement too. :D
Thanks for the clarification Ned. The CoC web site definitely says hwy 80, but that's probably the original address the business had. I guess I should have opened my mapping software while I was  looking at that last night.
LOL Ron, I know I checked my pockets several times. I wonder if someone slipped it in my pocket when I wasn't looking  ???
Mail sent to Country Roads used to require the Hwy. 80 address, even though the name and signs had been changed for quite some time.  They now accept mail addressed to 32nd Ave :)

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