Don't want to pay for a data plan

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2005
Tempe, AZ
My cell phone just died and I need to replace it.  We currently have a Verizon plan and I am able to update to a I-phone 4 for free ( with 2-year extension).  But then I would have to buy a data plan also which would cost us a minimun of $30/mo.  The only non smart phone that Verizon had in their store would cost me in the neighborhood of $100 or more.  Every phone I look at seems to require a data plan. So I am looking for a non smart phone with a QWERTY keyboard that I can get and use with my existing Verizon plan.  Any ideas? I'm hoping to get something for under $35.
switch to  It uses the Verizon network.  It is prepaid, no contract, service.  You can go straight voice or voice & data.  If you pick up a Motorola Droid phone you can have a hotspot for your computer.  Prices are excellent.  I just switched from Verizon to it.  My son has been on PagePlus for 3 years now and no problems.  He is a full time fire department emergency services and uses his phone on the job.
Or a peson could switch to Sprint. Unlimited text and data as part of the package. We have been very happy with their customer service because they all speak Engrish and aint located in Bangladesh. ATT has the crappiest service i ever seen. If  you get mad at Sprint and call up nagging and acting hysterical they will usually knock some off the bill. Works for the Warden Best deal in town.  Tell em I sent you and I get a hundred seems like. Let me know..thanks.
I think we are obligated to stay with Verizon until May on my wife's phone.  I will look at the other plans.
You really need to research plans and figure out your needs.  We have two phones that cost us under $10 a month combined, both prepaid.  It works for us however we don't spend much time on the phone so this works for our usage patterns.
Try this link,
Verizon has basic phones. (FREE)
Both AT&T and verizon sell basic phones.  Choose one you like.  DW has one of Samsung rugged iced phones and it is pretty basic but does get you a rugged rubberized case.  And it is pretty cheap.
Thanks all.  The free basic phones at Verizon do not have a QWERTY keyboard.  The least expensive one that has a QWERTY keyboard is $79 with a 2 year contract extension.  So I found one of my old deactivated cell phones that still works, went into Verizon and just had them reactivate my old one.  They were able to save my contact list from the broken phone. All in all, it didn't cost me anything.  Of course, I didn't get my QWERTY keyboard but this will buy me some time until I figure out what I want to do long term.
You need to check out "StraightTalk". Uses Verizon towers exclusively, $35/mo. 1000 min. or (what I have) $45/mo. unlimited phone and internet. This is my third year. Why pay Verizon prices when you can have their the same service for less than 1/2 price. My Phone is a Samsung slider with full keyboard, now over 2-1/2 years old WITH THE SAME BATTERY, go ahead... try and find a better deal! ( I paid $89 for the phone up front) Also note that on my landline I pay Verizon $7/mo. for "Call Forwarding" that sends all calls to my cell, never miss a call, no matter where I am! (I reduced my landline service to the Basic plus the Forwarding - didn't want to lose my longtime phone number)
Just wanted to clarify... although, it is not a "smart phone". Pay by the month, quarter, or year (your choice). No contract.

We have kids with cell phones and we don't have a data plan. It is getting harder to find phones that don't require data. When our kids break a phone and we need to find a replacement, we usually check on Craigslist for a used one. Just bought an LG Rumor that has a qwerty keyboard for $50. We have Sprint, but I'm sure you could find a Verizon phone as well.
Michael Holden said:
Just wanted to clarify... although, it is not a "smart phone". Pay by the month, quarter, or year (your choice). No contract.
You can get 'smart' phones on the straight talk plan...  Just make sure you check all the details, the industry is very good at keeping things as confusing as possible to make it as hard as possible to compare apples to apples with plans. 
Ebay and craigs list are full of use phones - most any brand & model you like. If you want to avoid a smart phone, you might want to buy up a couple basic or "feature" phones now - there probably won't be many left after a couple years.
Gary RV Roamer said:
a couple basic or "feature" phones now - there probably won't be many left after a couple years.

I'm sure you are right Gary.  Perhaps competion will drive down the cost of smart phones and data plans in the future too.  Remember what we paid for our first computers?
We have Sprint unlimited and I can't wait for my contract to run out in spring so I can switch to something like Straight Talk. ST is about half the cost for almost the same features. I might have to do a little less web surfing, but I can live with that for the price difference.
Michael Holden said:
You need to check out "StraightTalk". Uses Verizon towers exclusively, $35/mo. 1000 min. or (what I have) $45/mo. unlimited phone and internet. This is my third year. Why pay Verizon prices when you can have their the same service for less than 1/2 price. My Phone is a Samsung slider with full keyboard, now over 2-1/2 years old WITH THE SAME BATTERY, go ahead... try and find a better deal! ( I paid $89 for the phone up front) Also note that on my landline I pay Verizon $7/mo. for "Call Forwarding" that sends all calls to my cell, never miss a call, no matter where I am! (I reduced my landline service to the Basic plus the Forwarding - didn't want to lose my longtime phone number)

According to a review I just read, that "unlimited" internet shuts off around 2GB.
A couple of years ago when I accidently gave my brand phone a bath, I went to Wallgreens and picked up what the CSI shows call a "Burner" phone. (pre-paid) which happened to be compatable with my choice of provider (T-Mobile)  I do not know if there are any Pre-paid plans for Verizon.

It cost me fifteen bucks

I transferred the SIM and used it for over 2 years.

Last Sept I upgraded to a Smart Phone with data plan.. Turns out the pay-when needed data plan that I had (Virgin Mobile) actually cost me as much as the T-Mobile plan, The T-Mobile plan is "larger" and at least one place I parked it works when V-M would not.

But the moral of this post is check out the Pre-paid phones, find one that works with your service and you can transfer your identity module to and you are good.

Alas, i also do not know if Verizon phones can do that.
A little off the subject, but when you buy a used phone is it just plug (the cards in) and play?  I have a Verizon Blackberry 9630 Tour that has some problems. If I bought a used Verizon compatible phone, same model, could I just switch the two cards and start using it, or does it need to somehow be enabled by Verizon?
Not all phones/carriers use SIM cards. Our dumb T-mobile phones have SIM cards and, and when we went to the UK for a vacation, I was able to obtain (free) SIM cards shipped there ahead of time. Just topped up at local supermarkets or gas stations. Didn't need any smart phone features while we were there, although I could have had a USB "mobile web card" shipped there too.

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