Driver and Passenger side double pane window

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Mar 7, 2011
Both double pane windows have lost their seals and are clouded. It appears as though the entire window, not just the front portion has to be replaced. We have an estimate just for the window replacement (no shipping, no labor) of $1900 each. Has anyone experienced this problem? Is there another solution other than replacement?
There are places that can repair the window.  Do a search in this board for window or fog or some other search term - we have discussed this several times previously.  It is a relatively common problem.
Thanks for the response. However, in searching we have not found much of help to us. Can you be more specific as to the search categories. We are fairly new to this web site and never saw the previous posts.
It would be nice to know your coach info and your location. Might I suggest that you put this kind of information in your signature block (Profile on the menu above).

There are several locations that can do a good job of refurbishing such problems provided the glass has not become etched,  and at least one in central Florida.
Had two windows repaired this Winter at Suncoast Designers in Hudson, FL.  Great process, great people, good job and fair price.  Give them a call.

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