Facebook / Instagram, they spy, here is proof

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SeilerBird said:
I remember the good old days when the only thing a computer user had to worry about was a virus. Now no one even mentions them. :eek:
Technically the tactics have changed, it still could be considered a virus. Instead of crashing your pc they packet sniff or mirror your computer and everything you do on it. Mining your files byte by byte and a host of other stuff that can be done.

Sad thing is if you are on the internet, no matter what you do somebody is watching...
Never sit in front of your computer naked. You might just start getting ads for clothing optional campgrounds. Just saying. ;D

When planning  a camping  trip, I came across a  campground that would have been a halfway  point in our  travels while  looking at the  Virginia  Campground directory.  I  didn't read the ad, just the  address.

  I pulled up the  website and realized it was  a  nudist  campground.  I never knew  they had  such stuff, Shoo.

I busted  out laughing at the rules.  One rule said that you must  sit  on your OWN towel.  hahhahahaha

(Sit on your own towel whenever you are nude.)


No, we didn't go there.  There are not enough towels in the  world.  hahhahaha

I forgot all about  that place  till I read this thread.

Now I'm laughing AGAIN!
ziplock said:
When planning  a camping  trip, I came across a  campground that would have been a halfway  point in our  travels while  looking at the  Virginia  Campground directory.  I  didn't read the ad, just the  address.

  I pulled up the  website and realized it was  a  nudist  campground.  I never knew  they had  such stuff, Shoo.

I busted  out laughing at the rules.  One rule said that you must  sit  on your OWN towel.  hahhahahaha

(Sit on your own towel whenever you are nude.)


No, we didn't go there.  There are not enough towels in the  world.  hahhahaha

I forgot all about  that place  till I read this thread.

Now I'm laughing AGAIN!

No pictures of folks camping.  :eek:
Bill N said:
Gotta love the name of that nudist resort:  WHITE TAIL.................lol
They have a family dance! As a mom with 5 daughters, this makes me want to hurl. I don't care what adults do, but when you bring kids into the mix it's a whole different story.

Um, and they have a pickleball court. I can't even imagine, or should I say, I don't want to imagine! Lol
Any device that uses WiFi can be hacked. One of our neighbors is with the NSA and he tells my wife and I to cover our camera lenses with a piece of paper then tape. That way the lens does not get glue on it. He also said to be sure to password protect even your thermostat. If they get into your house through your thermostat they are in your WiFi system and can go anywhere. Also, your smart TV. If you ever connect to the internet to watch movies, youtube, etc, make sure you then turn off the WiFi to the TV. Sad isn't it.
My phone was once evidence for an FBI trial (long story) and I thought they needed to confiscate my phone. They said, no don't worry about it, that they'll get the information they need remotely. They just needed my phone number and cell carrier. From that, they could remotely get my text messages, including deleted messages, and anything else they needed without ever touching my phone physically.
That is the meaning of social media - someone is always spying on you. What is the difference between the software and your followers?
NON political comment
The present Congress changed the laws to allow your ISP and others to collect that data. There is not supposed to be identifiable info collected Hence the all traffic to you IP address is served the AD
What bill was this?
That is the meaning of social media - someone is always spying on you. What is the difference between the software and your followers?
You are using IG and FB, and you're complaining that someone's watching you. Isn't this the meaning of social media?
Probably worth a read:
Cookie Autodelete helps a lot. all cookies are deleted every time I close the tab. It ended the constant parade of ads for things I've looked at. I also use uBlock. Both are addons for Firefox but I'm sure there are equivalents for Chrome.

About a year ago I changed all my passwords. I took a little book and kept track of them all but I also gave every site a different password. If hackers get my password from one site that's all they get, it won't work anywhere else.

I don't do FB, instagram or any of the other big social medias. I am on a variety of forums like this one (cars, cigars, woodworking, FreeBSD Unix) but I don't think the forums collect and sell data.

My wife rolls her eyes at this but my cell phone doesn't have a data plan. so there is no way to track me or pinpoint my location by GPS. I can still do things with the phone but only when I have wifi, mostly I just use it to phone people.

No Alexa, no IOT appliances, old school alarm with only a phone line connection, no cameras.

I'm completely happy with no internet sitting in a lawn chair beside my trailer at the side of a river smoking a cigar and drinking a beer. Call me old-school.
You are using IG and FB, and you're complaining that someone's watching you. Isn't this the meaning of social media? They spy on you, only to show you ads later. Anyway, what difference does it make who looks at you? Some software or your followers? Many people buy followers and likes on sites like famoid.com because they don't consider themselves popular enough and don't get the necessary attention. My friends and I use this website because it provides real followers, making it look natural.
So, many of us trust the modern social media about zero. Just wanted to share this.

My wife has one of my college daughters Facebook and Instagram account on her iPad. (ps: Facebook owns Instagram, a social media website that people share pictures). The iPad connects via wifi to my house router. We just like to see her silliness and stay current with her friends and our families that she follows. She is cool with it.

We all know that these social media sites make their money off selling ads, and presenting them in your face.

What I want to share. I access this RV website, via my PC only, and is plugged into my router via via Ethernet cable. Well, lately, I have been searching for a new pair of sneakers, New Balance, kinda bland, old man shoe, black., etc on a website called Zappos (great place).

What is CREEPY, is, that an ad popped up on my daughters Instagram, for NewBalance, with the exact shoes I was looking at (and mind you nothing like a 21 year old college girl would ever look at)

I am floored, because THE only way that ad could be on her Instagram, is: Instagram / Facebook monitors Everything that goes through my Router, even by wifi, period. I'm not upset per say the shoes are on there, but does Instagram / Facebook watch my online banking, my online Amazon use, my online Brokerage accounts?

Who could I even complain to about this? Surely this is invasion of privacy.
I don't think that this is any kind of "proof" that IG or FB is spying on you and I don't see that if they were that they would be breaking any laws.
Many sites are ad supported. The most common way to do this is via Google Lead Services The advertisers sign up with Google. pay Google and Google pays the sites to run the ads

Google knows that ip (IP made up for this post) searched for New Balance, or Flo-Jet macerators, or _______ it does not, necessarly know the address of the computer on your LAN however or perhaps they just send to all devices using the router's address.

Some of the ad supported sites will not load if you run an ad blocker.
I got off facebook a year ago and do not use google. DuckDuckGo is my search engine and proton mail for email. Is my privacy still invaded? Yes, but to a much lesser extent. The ads i would get on a specific item after searching for the same item have all but gone away.
If you use a credit card your every purchase, location, time, balance, etc. is known or can be retrieved. It just is not worth it to worry about it. 50 yrs ago the bank could, if they wanted, see every check you wrote, to whom and if you filled it out the reason. Unless you pay cash without a receipt. Doesn't anyone remember how the JC whitney, and sweepstakes people would be sending you mail before anyone else when you moved. Your name address and phone number use to be listed in a book free to everyone. Now on the internet I have to pay to see my own phone number.
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