Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. If you haven't already guessed, I know that SkyKing fellow. Hi Kim! Marsha, despite Kim's insinuation of Red Bay, my experience there is mostly good. And it is an interesting place for about a week. Once you are there past the week mark it starts to get a little tiring. I'm a big fan of their service. I went there before my 1 year warranty ran out, and not only did they fix all the items in my punch list, they found and fixed items I didn't have on the list. One thing is true, that if you go to Red Bay, you want to go either with an appointment, or at least go at a time when the snowbirds are not advancing on the Red Bay perch. It is kind of fun when you first get to Red Bay and see a sea of Tiffins. Now I have had some of the more common serious problems others have had, like slide floor delamination, top rails spider cracks, etc. but those issues were all fixed at Red Bay with their expertise at no cost to me other than the cost of fuel to get there (yes it is significant these days).
Cheers, Larry