Getting a domain

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Steve CDN

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
How does one go about getting a domain in order to have an email address based on that domain....such as  [email protected]

I don't want to operate a website, but I'd like to establish "permanent email addresses" which don't depend on an ISP and can access those  email addresses through any ISP.
You can register a domain with any of the registrars, I use GoDaddy for mine.  Then you have to host the domain at a hosting service.  That usually imples putting up a web site and you will get some number of email addresses with the web hosting.  However, some hosting services are now offering email only hosting (see for one such).  Your email WILL depend on an ISP,  the ISP that hosts your email.  The hosting ISP can be different from (and probably will be) your internet connection ISP. ISP means more than just connecting.  ISP stands for Internet Services Provider and covers web hosting, email, FTP hosting, blog hosting, and any other service related to the internet.

As Ned said, if you want addresses with a domain of your choice, you have to register the domain name and host that domain with someone, often two separate companies (the registrar and the hosting company). GoDaddy offers both services and is about as cheap as they come for what they offer. You could, of course, use GoDaddy as the registrar and host somewhere else, or register with someone else and host with GoDaddy.

I've never used GoDaddy, but have heard/read positives from folks who've used them.
Your email WILL depend on an ISP

I'd like to better understand this statement.

At present my ISP provides me with a certain number of email addresses, and I collect/send the email using my POP3 configured email client.

If I establish a domain, and use the services of an email only hosting service, would I configure my email client to retrieve my email from the email hosting company, or does the email forwarding company forward my email to the email services provided by my ISP?

I want to establish a permanent email address that does not depend on the mail service of any ISP.  If my present ISP goes out of business, it seems to me by having my own domain name and email hosting using my domain,  changing ISP would be invisible to my email correspondents?

Am I understanding the process correctly?
You can have several ISPs.  One ISP can furnish you internet access (AOL, CIS, Earthlink, etc.), another web hosting services, yet another email services.  If you register a domain (say and use, say, GoDaddy, for your email host, your email domain would be and the pop3 server perhaps  The SMTP server might be  Your internet access ISP neither knows or cares about your email domain.

You configure your email client to receive and send your email using your domain.

You are limiting your vision of ISP to the connection provider when that is just one type of ISP.  Remeber, ISP is Internet Services Provider and there are many kinds of internet services.

To make sure that I understand this correctly, and maybe to clarify for Steve, you need at least 1 ISP for email server services. If you are lucky enough to park next to you, Ron, or other Forumites opening their satellite access to your wi-fi, or if you have other "free" access available, that is all you need. If you do not have your own ability to connect to the internet, you will also need a second ISP to provide internet access. Changing the second would have no impact on the first.
....having my own domain name and email hosting using my domain,  changing ISP would be invisible to my email correspondents?

The simple answer is yes, because the email address would always be the same even if, for example, you registered the domain with GoDaddy, hosted with company X and later hosted with company Y. As Ned explained, where the domain is hosted is independent of where and how you retrieve the mail.
Yep, if you park next to me I'm your ISP for internet connectivity but you still get your email from your email ISP.  In your case, it's even though you're connecting through my router to DirecWay.

A good example of an email ISP is the Escapees.  You can access your email through any internet connection, and Escapees doesn't offer any connectivity at all.  Another is  It could be if you could get that domain name.
There was a Fast Break Cartoon recently which they were discussing what various domains said about the person who used that domain

I forget what the first was, but [email protected] meant you were interesting enough to be invited by Google

And [email protected] indicated vanity

And the other person theen asked "What does say abou them

The reply:  Old school... VERY OLD school
I guess a number of us here can be considered old school John. I've been a member since before they introduced forums.

Quite by coincidence, while having dinner at a restaurant in Harrisburg, OR a couple of weeks ago I was sitting next to a guy who claimed to have set all that stuff up for CS. He knew the history, the H&R Block debacle, etc. Wish I'd had time to talk to him at length, but there were others at the table and we left at first light the following morning..
I must be both interesting and vain then.  I have a Gmail account and also own the domain (and several others).
One of my friends pointed me to  where a domain can be registered and the service they call DNS Plus provided  the user 100 email addresses to their new domain.  The email addresses are simply forwarded to an existing email address such as the one provided by your ISP, or a Hotmail acct or any place you choose.

For people who use an ISP up north, say, then move to another ISP in the South they just reconfigure the forwarding.  Each address using the new domain can be forwarded to a different address, so members of a family could all have the same domain and get their mail at their favorite email service.

Anybody have experience with this type of service or with that particular provider?
You can get 100 email addresses from GoDaddy for $30/year, nearly half the price of the DNS Plus service and no forwarding is necessary.
I've been looking into Go Daddy about setting up a domain for the purpose of email.? One of the options is to make the domain private.

What is the significance of this it something I should consider?? The purpose of the domain is to set up a fixed email address so I can use different or various ISP's for internet connection.
It's like having your phone number unlisted Steve. In this case, your registration info (name, address and email address) are private. Actually, they substitute a proxy name and address instead of yours, but you pay extra for the privelege.
Go Daddy charges $8 a month for the service.  It seems to be worth the cost because personal information on the internet seems even more potentially dangerous than having a listing in the phone book.

Based on experience, would you recommend one making their information private?
Steve said:
Based on experience, would you recommend one making their information private?

I just don't keep mine up to date Steve. Saves the $8/month.

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