Greetings, From The Land Of Lincoln

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Nov 17, 2012
Hi, My name is Charles Balija, but you can call me the "Chuckster" all my friends do. I am a Vet of the "Vietnam War" and former Marine. I have a 1997 Holiday Rambler Endeavor Le , DP, Cat engine, and travel with my wife and our 2 kids, the furry kind (goldens) patch and Gio. We are looking to retire and go full-time next year , so I am prepping the MH for full time living. I have a few questions I would generously appreciate some answers to , and since I noticed their are many HR owners maybe I can get them here. First one has to do with locating my grey water tank, I believe I found my FW and BW tank , they seemed to be enclosed, is there any way I can install tank heating pads and how do I go about doing this. Second Question, does anyone have a plumbing diagram. Thank You.
The gray water tank is very hard to access.  It's just in front of or over the rear axle and the only access I know of is through the small bay on the street side.  We've lived in our 1997 HR Endeavor for 15+ years and have not found the need for heating pads on the holding tanks.  There is a furnace duct that heats the utility bay and that has been sufficient in the really cold weather.

There is no plumbing diagram that I know of for your coach.  There is an excellent wiring diagram, however, that you should have, as well as a set of wiring diagrams for the chassis from Freightliner.

Welcome to the forum too :)
Hello, Very nice to meet you. Thank You, for your quick response. It's going to be near 60 today so I will check out the info you gave me. I have a Owners Manual I paid HR/Monoco 50 bucks for but it never mention a vent heating the utility bay. In fact it's very limited on it's info. I am so glad I found this forum , it sure looks like I came to the right place. "Love Your MH" :) We had ours for 3 yrs now and am very satisfied with it. Talk with you later.
The owner's manual is very generic, as you've found out.  There is some useful information such as bulb numbers but you are better served by getting manuals for all the individual appliances.  Most of those are available on line.

If you look in the utility bay you can see the heat duct sticking down from the upper left.
:) Hi Ned, You sure know your stuff....I found the heating vent in the utility bay, and I looked up in my driver's rear wheel well and I see a gray square box up there, is it safe to assume that may be my GW tank, it is directly in front of the BW. Also, did you ever experience your FW pump freezing? I don't plan on being in subzero weather often but sometimes it happens, especially at higher elevation...We have family in Colorado we visit.
That is probably the tank.  I've never had to look for it other than access to the front of the tank.

Never had the pump freeze, but when we spent a week in sub-freezing temperatures, I put a 60W drop light in that compartment.

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