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New member
May 30, 2005
The DW and I are from Woodstock Ga. We just joined the group to exchange ideas, information, and solutions.  We have been RVing for 30+ years graduating from Tent, pop-up,Class C, and Class A.  Our latest being a 2005 Itasca Horizon 40AD purchased 2 weeks ago.  Safe and Happy travels to all
Welcome aboard!  You will be able to get good ideas exchanged here.  IMO this is the top RV forum on the net.  Where abouts are you located or are you fulltiming?
We are recently retired and our home base is Woodstock, Ga.  Cannot convince the DW to Full time as yet.  We do plan to spend several days on the road.
wjerrit said:
The DW and I are from Woodstock Ga. We just joined the group to exchange ideas, information, and solutions.? We have been RVing for 30+ years graduating from Tent, pop-up,Class C, and Class A.? Our latest being a 2005 Itasca Horizon 40AD purchased 2 weeks ago.? Safe and Happy travels to all

Welcome to the RV Forum. ?Glad you found us. ?Congratulations on the new Itasca Horizon. ?I'm sure you will have many enjoyable travels in it, ?Any chance you will be able to join in one or more of the RV Forum rallies? ?Dates of events are posted in the calender.


Convincing the wife to fulltime may take awhile.  It took me three years before my Admiral saw the light.  Now she is very very excited.  One thing that really helped was taking trips that lasted longer than a week.  Easy to do when retired.  :D

Another seller was what I call the 70 degree line.  She is a warm weather creature but does not like the Maryland humidity.  She became intrigued with the idea of a home on wheels that would stay in the 70 to 80 range 12 months a year.  If she needs snow, we can always schedule a trip for it

A third seller was that she has friends and relatives all over the USA.  Flying to visit all of them every year was not practical.  But circling around in our MH, and visiting them when the temperature is in the 70s, is very doable.

Now she can't wait!!

Enjoy the forum.  Lots of good stuff here.

That message could form the basis of a good how-to (convince the other half to go along).
LOL Tom!? ?:D

Well it worked for me, but likely each couple is unique.?

One thing for certain, the other half has to make their own decision in their own time.? Lots of variables at work.
wjerrit said:
We are recently retired and our home base is Woodstock, Ga.  Cannot convince the DW to Full time as yet.  We do plan to spend several days on the road.


Congradulations on the retirement!

We're in Cartersville and have good friends up in your neck of the woods.

The thing that got Camille to buy into rv'ing was the people.  After the first couple of rallies she was all for it.  But not full timing.  She likes her house & digging in the dirt too much.

I highly recommend attending one of the rallies.  The SE Fall Ralley is early Nov in south GA. Click here for details.

That is a VERY good point on the people.  Sharon hates computers, but she has me read threads and sometimes even looks over my shoulder.  It is the people here who are drawing here to the forum.  She is looking forward to meeting everyone.

It's the great folks here that make this the place it is. When you meet Framily members in person, you'll have a whole new perspective on the group. Check out this message.

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